• Please post pictures and as much information as possible.

Newbie looking for help

Hey there aficcionados.
Im new on the forum so here goes. As posted in my welcom message, last year I bought a few seeds off e-bay. I know now that that wasnt the best idea but hey. not all is lost. I was supposed to get, Tabasco, Orange Habanero, 7Pot, Douglah, bhut jolokia, Butch T and Moruga Scorpion in my inventory. So far the "Tabasco" and "Habaneros" have fruit, the 7 Pot and Scorpions have small pods.
Unfortunately, the Tabasco and Habanero are actually, from the research I have done, Purple Cayenne and Satans Kiss. I have tasted the Purple Cayene and they just seem to have a regular chilli pepper taste and nothing close to cayenne. I havent done a taste test on the Satans Kiss as I am not even sure they're a pepper or Satans Kiss at all.
Could anyone help me Identify what I have giving fruit at the moment?
As I said. Im a complete newb in the growing peppers area so I have alot of questions to add to my ongoing research.
Supposedly Tabasco which I suspect to be Purple Cayenne.


Supposedly Habanero which is obviously not. I suspect from my research it is Satans Kiss. If it isnt. Is it at least safe for consumption? Once again excuse my ignorance.


Kaiser said:
Thanks guys. I guess I wont be buying from ebay again....
There's more than a few decent Ebay seed vendors but, until you know who they are, it would be wise to stay away.
Sorry that your plants didn't turn out as suspected.
I actually like what you got instead of what you were supposed to get.
Purple cayenne- Cool novelty factor
Bacio de satana (satans kiss)- Why grow habs when you have something not too common?
So are all the rest what you wanted them to be?
PepperDaddler said:
I actually like what you got instead of what you were supposed to get.
Purple cayenne- Cool novelty factor
Bacio de satana (satans kiss)- Why grow habs when you have something not too common?
So are all the rest what you wanted them to be?
The moruga scorpions are a rip off too. or so it seems. the pods are not as Ive seen online. Another one bites the dust. I guess im going to have to post some more images to see if I can get each plant identified and filtered out so I can categorize them properly
Just did a taste test on what was supposed to be Moruga Scorpion. They taste like a Habanero and look like a Numex or even a Cyklon, only smaller and with a little stinger at the tapered end. Ill post pics later. Not all is lost though. They taste great and have a nice heat factor.
Edit: I suspect they could be Red Fatalii. Thats an ok bonus.
Kaiser said:
Just did a taste test on what was supposed to be Moruga Scorpion. They taste like a Habanero and look like a Numex or even a Cyklon, only smaller and with a little stinger at the tapered end. Ill post pics later. Not all is lost though. They taste great and have a nice heat factor.
Edit: I suspect they could be Red Fatalii. Thats an ok bonus.
Update: I informed the seller that he could have made a mistake and I just recieved his answer.
Apparently they are pure strain and I probably dont have enough experience to grow peppers. He continued to inform me that the tail, heat factor  and bumpy appearance are all achieved by underwatering the plant in a high humidity greenhouse. ....  :rolleyes:
This is where I give up and move along...
Underwatered TMS

Overwatered TMS
Growing conditions should not have that type of effect on pod shape. Underwatering well-established pepper plants is commonly encouraged to produce hotter pods, but is not necessary to ensure the desired shape. Whatever type of pods your seeds were predetermined to produce, they would have produced regardless of how much you watered the plants. I've had plants produce smaller or misshapen pods due to excess heat here and there, but never has my Brain Strain plant yielded Ghost pods because I didn't water it properly. Don't give up on growing because an eBay seller is feeding you misinformation to avoid refunding the money you're clearly owed. I assure you it's not as involved as he/she will have you believe. If I can do it, anybody can.
PM me your address and I'll send you some proper seeds - unfortunately I don't think I have Red Moruga, but I've got plenty of 7 Pots, Bhuts, Habs, and others. Take another crack at it and you won't buy from eBay again.
Scarlet Fire said:
Growing conditions should not have that type of effect on pod shape. Underwatering well-established pepper plants is commonly encouraged to produce hotter pods, but is not necessary to ensure the desired shape. Whatever type of pods your seeds were predetermined to produce, they would have produced regardless of how much you watered the plants. I've had plants produce smaller or misshapen pods due to excess heat here and there, but never has my Brain Strain plant yielded Ghost pods because I didn't water it properly. Don't give up on growing because an eBay seller is feeding you misinformation to avoid refunding the money you're clearly owed. I assure you it's not as involved as he/she will have you believe. If I can do it, anybody can.
PM me your address and I'll send you some proper seeds - unfortunately I don't think I have Red Moruga, but I've got plenty of 7 Pots, Bhuts, Habs, and others. Take another crack at it and you won't buy from eBay again.
I gathered as much, however I wasnt even looking for a refund, just pointing out to him to take better care next time. He took offence so, move on I say. I didnt go without letting him know on what foot we stand at least because this was now more a question of morals than an actual mistake. But hey. win some lose some. The seeds that did come however werent so bad so I wasnt at a complete loss.
Thanks for the kind gesture but I wouldnt feel comfortable yet without anything to trade first. I will build up a little before I send you a PM, but thanks nonetheless. The thought is dearly appreciated. 