• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Newbie's Log

These are the first plants I have ever planted. They were planted on May 7th. I tried the plastic bag method but the results were disappointing. I got the seeds mixed up when planting so they could be a number of different types of peppers. I am just using a cheap bag of Miracle Grow Garden soil. The second pic is my makeshift plant rack for now. Just like the first batch, I will let them soak a little sunlight for a few hours every day. I am sure I am doing something wrong, but this is all new to me. 

Good luck with the Miracle Gro. Where's Lakeland?

I guess you know you won't want to fertilize for quite some time, especially using MG. What about lighting?
Thanks, I've got a way to go. As far as the lighting, well that's a good question. I am still reading about adequate exposure to the sun. For the seedlings, I just placed them in the window and brought them outside for 4-5 hours a day; they sprouted 7 days later. On my patio, the tall fences you see are located on the Eastern and Western sides. Lakeland is nearly an equal drive between Tampa and Orlando off of I4.
Hey everyone who reads this glog. This is my very good friend Logan. I have been teaching him what I can and I am sending him a bunch of seeds.

Just go easy on the poor fella.
PLV said:
Hey Vincent, I take it that everyone hates Miracle Grow on here, haha.
I started mine in some fancy stuff: they stalled out for months.  Transferred to Miracle Grow Moisture Control, and they took off. Not everyone hates Miracle Grow  :P
PLV said:
Thanks, I've got a way to go. As far as the lighting, well that's a good question. I am still reading about adequate exposure to the sun. For the seedlings, I just placed them in the window and brought them outside for 4-5 hours a day; they sprouted 7 days later. On my patio, the tall fences you see are located on the Eastern and Western sides. Lakeland is nearly an equal drive between Tampa and Orlando off of I4.
Im pretty close to your neck of the woods, Im out in Bradenton. We're in the same boat as far as 1st timers so Im sure it's gonna be an experience for the both of us. I sewed my seeds in MG seed starting mix and went MG orchid 1/2 and mg organic potting soil for the other half of my solo cup transfers so Im in the MG crowd too. Mine are about 1 month and change old and are doing well and ftmp hardened off. I'm gonna move away from MG for my final pot out and go promix/garden soil/worm castings/mushroom compost/xtra perlite as Ive seen a bunch of ppl running similar mixes. Good luck! Now I dont feel so alone lol!
I am glad I am not alone. I have been meaning to get out to Bradenton for the last three years to see the big NMRA race.
PLV said:
Hey Vincent, I take it that everyone hates Miracle Grow on here, haha.
People that grow organic tend not to like the MG but if that's all you have then that's all you have. I've used it plenty of times and gotten nice plants. I didn't invest that much into soil starting out just for one reason, I didn't know if I'd be good at growing anything