Newbies or old salts, show off your pods

Not wanting to break any unwriten protocals I have been reluctant to post images just anywhere. and being a 1st year super hot grower, everytime I see a new pod start to take shape, I get excited. maybe not a big deal to vet growers but this to me is a new COOL!
So lets see em.
Butch T Trinidad
My first grow started a bit late in the season. I was picking up a new basil plant after my out of state move and saw a Thai Dragon and Centennial Rainbow plant.
I snatched the young plants up as I had been wanting to try growing peppers.
This site has helped me a ton BTW so THANK YOU to everyone on here. I am building my indoor winter setup right now for a good 2nd year from seed this time.
Very Happy Centennial Rainbow



Thai Dragon (I broke one of the 3 top limbs off with a little too rough handling once)


I can tell you what the packet said. I have been told a lot of what I am growing is not what they are labled. the top one is a carolina reaper and looks to be so. the bottom one is supposed to be naga viper.