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pests Newcomer pest question

My mother has been growing chili peppers every year for use in day to day cooking.

Being aware of that, a friend who had been on a coast to coast trip in august 2007 brought back a small envelope of seeds of unspecified "mexican chili pepper" that he bought in a tourist shop in the desert ghost town of Calico, CA.

So this april (too late?) we gave them a try and planted them.

Not having any special expertise, we probably made mistakes. Anyway the plants have been growing fine in their flowerpots.

:shocked: But now, for just about a week, these strange creepy white lines have started to appear on some leaves.

Does anyone know what kind of disease or pest that is? Is there any cure?
Will the peppers be eatable? (if they ever were to start with, since I don't really know what kind of variety I'm dealing with)

I have been skimming some FAQs and googled, but I have not found mention of something like that, yet.

Any help will be appreciated.


Diatomaceous Earth is available from many sources and will control any insects that are in larval stage coming into or out of the soil as leaf miner larva do.

It is safe to humans and pets and will cause tiny cuts on any soft bodied insect that will cause it to dehydrate and die.

The stuff works great, is not a chemical and is very cost effective.

Just dust a very light layer of it on top of your soil around each plant.

If you have a heavy infestation, you may need use a pest control spray in the entire area of your plants. It's not practical to try to cover a yard with the Diatomaceous Earth.

Good luck to you!
