This year has been a full and exciting one for us at Ol Man Stillmanz boutique Chilli sauce, we have gone through a label change and we have finally launched our Special edition range and our Superhot signiture line.
At last count we had moved just under 2000 bottle of hot sauce this year to date. MAy not seem alot to the larger sauce guys on this forum but is massive for a small scale guy like myself who makes it at our cafe all in small batches (nothing over 20 litres lol) and sell the bulk over the counter.This year we are setting up a small nursery in the Brisbane Valley to keep me in supply of Nagas Fatalii, devils tongues and my new aquisition a large, heavy producing pubescens species of unknown origin.*....that is all to come in the next few months, but at this moment I would like to take the time to officially release our newest edition to the rangeOL Man Stillmanz Devils Tongue Jerk Sauce.Many of you might already have had the opportunity to taste this one now here it is label on.
and some reviews
Anyhow I have not got this product for sale anywere else on the net other than thehotpepper it will, in the next few day go up on ebay.150 ml bottle will sell for $15 Aus plus postage.
(something to watch out for)
I will be entering My Devils Tongue Jerk Sauce in the Hot Pepper awards under two catagories 1 Pepper(other than habanero)
2 Fruit so I'll keep you posted.
cheers and contact me if your interested in getting yourself a bottle.
either pm me here or
At last count we had moved just under 2000 bottle of hot sauce this year to date. MAy not seem alot to the larger sauce guys on this forum but is massive for a small scale guy like myself who makes it at our cafe all in small batches (nothing over 20 litres lol) and sell the bulk over the counter.This year we are setting up a small nursery in the Brisbane Valley to keep me in supply of Nagas Fatalii, devils tongues and my new aquisition a large, heavy producing pubescens species of unknown origin.*....that is all to come in the next few months, but at this moment I would like to take the time to officially release our newest edition to the rangeOL Man Stillmanz Devils Tongue Jerk Sauce.Many of you might already have had the opportunity to taste this one now here it is label on.

and some reviews
Anyhow I have not got this product for sale anywere else on the net other than thehotpepper it will, in the next few day go up on ebay.150 ml bottle will sell for $15 Aus plus postage.
(something to watch out for)
I will be entering My Devils Tongue Jerk Sauce in the Hot Pepper awards under two catagories 1 Pepper(other than habanero)
2 Fruit so I'll keep you posted.
cheers and contact me if your interested in getting yourself a bottle.
either pm me here or