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News! Teen uses homemade pepper spray on another teen

They were proud.....worked in LE for many years. Never seen anybody break a set of cuffs. Seen a few pair slipped but never broken.
In '76 I worked at the railroad swinging a sledge 8 to 14 hours a day.23 years old. 6'2-250 with a 36 inch waist.Crazy as a badger on cocaine. Great times that my body now seriously regrets.Now I'm almost 60 and have to wet a seed packet to tear it open.
thats awesome. only problem is now there will be a 3 day waiting period for jalapenos,lol.

10 Day waiting period here in California. You know you have to show ID to buy cough syrup... I'm clearly not a 12yr old.... and even if I was. It's cough syrup... whats the big deal... You can buy weed here easier than you can cold medicine.

A judge is only very effective at close distance anyway.
Only the first one in the pipe would be pepper.

That would be the "warning shot".

IMO no such thing as a warning shot. That's the shot that gets you arrested. If you had to "warn" them you where not in enough danger worthy of judicious use force.
10 Day waiting period here in California. You know you have to show ID to buy cough syrup... I'm clearly not a 12yr old.... and even if I was. It's cough syrup... whats the big deal... You can buy weed here easier than you can cold medicine.

IMO no such thing as a warning shot. That's the shot that gets you arrested. If you had to "warn" them you where not in enough danger worthy of judicious use force.

Then call it the "first shot is non lethal defense".

Of course, I would only use it in a "nanny state", because here "my side of the property line" requires no so called equal force law or non lethal deterrants.
Or as our sheriff said "from your house to your fence is yours, the rest is ours."
Other situations are stickier, such as muggings and carjackings.
Whitnesses are a good thing.