• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Next to My Chair

Been thinking about it.. pretty sure I'm growing peppers because I'm bored.  Like, deeply, existentially bored.  Plus, a little harmless pain never hurt anybody, right?  Hell, it's probably even good for you.  We'll see if those are good enough reasons, I guess.  I bought me some "Scotch Bonnet Orange" seeds from Amazon before I found you fine folk, lurked around here for a while, then planted them anyway along with other, infinitely less suspect seeds I ordered from far flung places around the globe(!) as recommended by the very venerable Vendor Vault.  I've got them growing here by my chair.  I sit here and read. (The wall to my right as I took this picture is lined with bookshelves I'm slowing filling as I try to forget the world each afternoon.  Mostly scifi the last few years.)  It would be distracting to have a big boxy tent looming over me, so I've just got them sitting there on a cardboard box.  I hope to replace the box with a little table here soon.
My rig consists of something like a quarter of the full Amazon Indoor Garden of Tomorrow-orrow-orrow-orrow ®.  This LED light I got is something else, man.  It's REALLY bright!  Paper towel germination, used a few Jiffy pellets, stuck some seeds straight in some old Miracle Grow I had, kept them in the Jiffy box there until they sprouted.  I'm glad to be rid of that Jiffy dome now; it was a pain in the ass.  Ahh.. let's see.. I'm mixing CNS17 Grow into RO/DI water, testing and adjusting up with GH pH kit, pouring it over my little darlings there in about 3:1 coco:perlite.  Just culled and potted up today to 3.5 inches.  All seems to be going well except for some slight canoeing of leaves, which I'm ready to blame on the 24% humidity (We wake up half mummified in the winter.  I know - grow tent.) and a few early spills on my rug.  Trying to keep it simple and not drive myself crazier futzing with dozens of parameters here, so I'm not going to sweat it unless things turn worse.  I'm not!  Worry verges on religion with me, so this will either be therapeutic or turn out to have been a bad idea.. 
Any and all comments or criticisms are very welcome and I thank you all most warmly for having me and schooling me and reading my noodlings! 
At what point does it stop being just a pepper plant and start becoming a tree.......Doesn't surprise me to see that peter has done so, his stuff is just so fantastic.
Unless he mentions it in his videos maybe ask him about the sun beating on it...wondering if one were to paint it white if that would also help it as well? This is assuming it is even an issue anyways eh
stettoman said:
Hey Unc, thanks for stopping in on my grow....you certainly have some neat things going on. A 32 gallon grow bin sounds pretty ambitious, can't wait to see how yours turn out...
Yeah!  Interested in all your rocotos.  I enjoyed reading through and catching up on your glog.
Just groping my way along here, really, lol.  I'm excited about the big cans. Three weeks or so to go. 
DWB said:
Dang skull, awesome greenhouse! After final harvest do you burn the wood from those trees in the wood stove?
Thanks, by the way that is the large Harbor Freight greenhouse that many on this forum have trash talked. Yet, after 5 years mine is still doing the job. Maybe I should try some of that PEPPER WOOD in the smoker?
skullbiker said:
Thanks, by the way that is the large Harbor Freight greenhouse that many on this forum have trash talked. Yet, after 5 years mine is still doing the job. Maybe I should try some of that PEPPER WOOD in the smoker?

I would take that any day over the portable hoop house that I have......Personally I think it looks great and if it can hold up to the harder winters then who cares what others think aboot it, especially if it does the job you need it to do which is all that matters.
I am really blown away by the super huge Kratky rigs and how damn big those plants have gotten....Are you doing them again this year SB?? or did any of those bad boys get OW'd?
Hey Uncie, i just want to say Im not trying to hijack your thread, I just wanted to show you whats possible with Kratky in the garbage can. And to CDN, Have not figured out how to overwinter garbage can Kratkys without using up a huge space.
Uncle_Eccoli said:
Nah, you're fine. Thanks for posting the picture! Which varieties are those?
On the right side was a Red Moruga Scorpion and behind that was a Brain Strain. On the left side was a Butch T Yellow and behind that was a Devils Brain and behind that in the corner hidden away is a Biker Billy Jalapeno. Straight ahead at the back is a Pretty In Pink Tomato plant that got close to ten feet tall. Yay Kratky.
Here is the Biker Billy.
DWB said:
All I can do is decide if it's better to continue giving my plants the very acidic water or give them the neutralized 7.6 pH water for the house that doesn't eat our copper pipes. There's no in between.
I agree with Devv -pH down solution and a pH meter.
Then it's not a problem.
Uncle_Eccoli said:
Friday again.
How long does it take for pods to ripen?  Some of these have been on here for what seems like a while.
Edit:  Oh. It's only been three weeks. 
Some pods take a coon's age to ripen, Uncle E.
Others above have given you good advice about
patience  :rofl:
Uncle_Eccoli said:
Aw, shucks. Thanks, guys.

Is this leaf spot? Should I ditch this plant? The other one of these was showing this, too. I thanked it about a week ago; it was performing poorly.
You know, E., when I have the odd leaf looking wonky,
I just cut it off. Also damaged leaves, especially with
breaks where fungus, virus and bacteria can enter
the plant vascular structure. Just to be safe.
Your grow is really steaming along, buddy! Good
work so far. Should be a great summer for you!
Thanks, Paul!

That plant may not have BLS, but it sure isn't right. The leaves look fine and healthy for a while, then go spotty, then yellow, then drop. I'll stick him in the ground in a couple weeks if he makes it that far, see what happens.