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Next to My Chair

Been thinking about it.. pretty sure I'm growing peppers because I'm bored.  Like, deeply, existentially bored.  Plus, a little harmless pain never hurt anybody, right?  Hell, it's probably even good for you.  We'll see if those are good enough reasons, I guess.  I bought me some "Scotch Bonnet Orange" seeds from Amazon before I found you fine folk, lurked around here for a while, then planted them anyway along with other, infinitely less suspect seeds I ordered from far flung places around the globe(!) as recommended by the very venerable Vendor Vault.  I've got them growing here by my chair.  I sit here and read. (The wall to my right as I took this picture is lined with bookshelves I'm slowing filling as I try to forget the world each afternoon.  Mostly scifi the last few years.)  It would be distracting to have a big boxy tent looming over me, so I've just got them sitting there on a cardboard box.  I hope to replace the box with a little table here soon.
My rig consists of something like a quarter of the full Amazon Indoor Garden of Tomorrow-orrow-orrow-orrow ®.  This LED light I got is something else, man.  It's REALLY bright!  Paper towel germination, used a few Jiffy pellets, stuck some seeds straight in some old Miracle Grow I had, kept them in the Jiffy box there until they sprouted.  I'm glad to be rid of that Jiffy dome now; it was a pain in the ass.  Ahh.. let's see.. I'm mixing CNS17 Grow into RO/DI water, testing and adjusting up with GH pH kit, pouring it over my little darlings there in about 3:1 coco:perlite.  Just culled and potted up today to 3.5 inches.  All seems to be going well except for some slight canoeing of leaves, which I'm ready to blame on the 24% humidity (We wake up half mummified in the winter.  I know - grow tent.) and a few early spills on my rug.  Trying to keep it simple and not drive myself crazier futzing with dozens of parameters here, so I'm not going to sweat it unless things turn worse.  I'm not!  Worry verges on religion with me, so this will either be therapeutic or turn out to have been a bad idea.. 
Any and all comments or criticisms are very welcome and I thank you all most warmly for having me and schooling me and reading my noodlings! 

I think the coco is my problem.  I should have rinsed it well before using it.  I'm going to flush a few of the three-inch pots with water, then pot them up with some thoroughly rinsed coco and see what happens.
Uncle_Eccoli said:
Thinking about trying one of these. Figure the cost is comparable to what I'd spend on tulle bought locally plus some PVC for framework, but this is already sewn shut, built to collapse and spring open, and has zip flaps. Bothers me a little that I can't know how fine the mesh is before I buy it, though..  I'm not wild about the blue trim, either, but the one I found with white trim costs ten dollars more.  It can be blue for ten dollars.  Maybe I can cut off the lace..
Been thinking about this some more.  Suppose this would actually keep out pests?  I just read something that looked fairly authoritative claiming you need an awfully small hole to exclude whiteflies - down under 0.2mm².  Go ahead with it to keep out whatever it will?  What do we think?
Also, cayenne pods are proliferating.  How big do they get?  One of the Amazon orange plants I've still got in a 3in pot in a windowsill's got a tiny baby pod on it, too.  Hoping it will manage in the 3in pot until I can plant it in the ground in a few weeks.
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The Twilights seems to be recovering after being flushed through really well a couple weeks ago.  Both are fruiting.  One's got at least ten little pods growing.  See if I can remember to get a photo this afternoon.
I don't know how much that tent will stop the insect pests, but it would probably do a great job protecting against birds, squirrels, chili-head rats, rabbits, and neighbors' cats and such.  I was screwed over by rabbits worse than anything else last season and they can do all the damage in a single night.
Sounds like lots of pods happening in your wold right now!
CaneDog said:
I don't know how much that tent will stop the insect pests, but it would probably do a great job protecting against birds, squirrels, chili-head rats, rabbits, and neighbors' cats and such.  I was screwed over by rabbits worse than anything else last season and they can do all the damage in a single night.
There's a warren of rabbits nearby.  My dogs are always taking off after them in the evenings.  Tent it is, then.
CaneDog said:
Sounds like lots of pods happening in your world right now!
Relatively speaking, lol.  Lots of cayennes, several Twilights, and one baby mystery pod.  All immature, of course.  I'm fairly well convinced the coco was screwing me up.  I've got no meter for it, but I bet my EC was way up there.  Everything still in coco has been flushed well and things seem to be looking up.