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Nice little article about Ed Currie

Well after having read the Pepper X thread, and hearing the opinions which some people with more experience than I hold on Mr Currie, it doesn't surprise me that nobody has been commenting on this post.
Whether he really is a con man, an idiot - which I doubt, because his business acumen lends the lie to that particular theory - or just someone who enjoys getting under peoples' skin, I still think he deserves a big thumbs up for employing predominantly recovering junkies and alcoholics... assuming there is actually any truth in that part of the article 😅.
Agree with you. While several don't care for him - I have enjoyed the Carolina Reaper and had pretty good success growing. He does seem a little odd (but who amongst us isn't that? :) ) I too can appreciate that he's built quite an empire and has quite a setup in South Carolina. I've read about his past before and that article matches all I had heard before. Again, if a con man - he must have smart people working for him. Those he is seen with in video's seem to appreciate him and don't act as there is something odd going on. Everyone can have their opinions. I'll just keep enjoying my Hot peppers ;)
Agree with you. While several don't care for him - I have enjoyed the Carolina Reaper and had pretty good success growing. He does seem a little odd (but who amongst us isn't that? :) ) I too can appreciate that he's built quite an empire and has quite a setup in South Carolina. I've read about his past before and that article matches all I had heard before. Again, if a con man - he must have smart people working for him. Those he is seen with in video's seem to appreciate him and don't act as there is something odd going on. Everyone can have their opinions. I'll just keep enjoying my Hot peppers ;)
I'm with you, bud. Live and let live, I say - the guy has certainly never done me any harm.
I only started growing from seed this year in spring, and the wife got me a packet of Reaper seeds amongst others once she realised I was getting serious about it, so I still have that pleasure (hopefully) ahead of me. I bought a little Naga Morich plant with fruit already on it about a month ago, and to tell you the truth, just a small piece of the flesh without any membrane was enough to make me go "WTF?" 😨 . I'm still in nappies - diapers to you guys - compared to a lot of you pros on here, but at least I can now take a good bite of one of my orange Habaneros without having to throw a quart of vanilla ice cream down after it 😅.
Can't go wrong with Orange Habanero's. I've had abundance of those the last couple years (around 5 gallon bags in freezer currently from '23) :) Course might be because I have around 80 Habanero Plants. It makes one of my favorite Jelly's. Lather that on some chicken to caramelize on the grill at the end of cooking - OMG. Totally agree on the flesh of some of the superhots - doesn't take much. And make sure you clean those hands well :) I picked a Gallon bag of the Carolina Reapers this weekend (also White Trinidad Scorpion too). I'll have to post a picture later
Not the picture I wanted to post - but can't seem to find the other one :) Here are couple weekends ago - just Carolina Reapers (ripening - will go full RED in basket) along with White Trinidad Scorpions and few Apocalypse Scorpions. I have better pictures - will find - and do better sharing.


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Course might be because I have around 80 Habanero Plants.
And here I thought I was doing well, managing to keep 20 odd plants alive 😁. Wish I had a garden instead of just a small back yard. Well I suppose I'm still luckier than some.
Here are couple weekends ago - just Carolina Reapers (ripening - will go full RED in basket) along with White Trinidad Scorpions and few Apocalypse Scorpions.
Never seen peppers being ripened off in a basket before. I thought you had to hang them up to finish ripening. Shows how much I still have to learn 🤔. Will this work with any kind of chili, or only with super hots?
To be honest, I don't see a difference to taking them off when they first show signs of color... (Especially true in Tomatoes as well) The plant can focus on getting the next flowers popping and producing more. Of course some here might disagree with me as I would never say I know it all. I've done it this way for years and have never noticed a difference between one that ripened off of the plant vs one that stayed another week plus (in some cases) to fully go ripe. The thought here is that the pepper showing color (it's beginning the ripening process) it is mature - just hasn't completely finished. They will go fully red in that basket. Perhaps I should take picture of that when they do :)

I guess I looked at it as if it is not changing flavor and heat of pepper - and the plant starts pushing new peppers/flowers within days of picking - I'm going to get more out of that plant. Training the plant to produce more vs get in habit of waiting. If that makes even the slightest bit of sense.
I can certainly follow your line of reasoning, JAB. I just took partially ripe peppers off four of my plants and marked some pods still on the plants at a similar stage so I can see whether they all ripen at more or less the same rate. It's not exactly pure science, but if none of the plucked ones lag significantly behind, I reckon that would be a pretty fair indication that it works. Would certainly be one easy way to increase the harvest next year, should that really be the case 😉. Thanks for the tip, bud.
You got it. I personally believe a pepper showing color change (mature to maturing) ripen faster off the plant than on it. I saw this with Tomato's years ago and have been doing it this way for peppers since. I'm very curious what your test finds. I picked around 16k peppers last year off of 500 pepper plants in garden and the 45 superhots in buckets on deck. I at least THINK it helps :)
Not the picture I wanted to post - but can't seem to find the other one :) Here are couple weekends ago - just Carolina Reapers (ripening - will go full RED in basket) along with White Trinidad Scorpions and few Apocalypse Scorpions. I have better pictures - will find - and do better sharing.

no idea what the pepper x is like other than pure pain, but those apocalypse scorpions are no joke.
pod vs pod from the ones I have had, they hit me harder than regular scorpions or Reapers.
Just a little lol at a thread about Ed Currie is now discussing how to ripen pods...
Apologies, m'Lady 😊. The thread had taken on the feeling of a PM, and I had temporarily lost my bearings 😄 .

... in a paper bag...
Ahem, in a basket, if you please 😉.

no idea what the pepper x is like other than pure pain, but those apocalypse scorpions are no joke.
pod vs pod from the ones I have had, they hit me harder than regular scorpions or Reapers.
Some of you guys here are a special kind of crazy :fireball:. I'm still trying to work my way up to a whole Habanero :confused:.
Peppers and tomatoes release ethylene as they ripen, and that also aids the ripening. A paper bag keeps it contained. As it's heavier than air, a bowl or bucket will do the same. A basket will keep it more contained than leaving it open but will contain some of it, depending on how open the weave is. But the airflow might help in keeping them from going bad in the process. (don't know that for sure)

Peppers are among the only fruit that will ripen from green if exposed to ethylene. Supposedly, even if exposed (i.e. kept in a bowl/bag with ripe ones), unripe green tomatoes WON'T ripen, but peppers will. I've seen that with my own tests.

@JAB Farms I might be interested in a good quantity of orange habaneros if you are willing to part with them. All mine this year were red. DM if you want to talk.
Apologies, m'Lady 😊. The thread had taken on the feeling of a PM, and I had temporarily lost my bearings 😄 .

Ahem, in a basket, if you please 😉.

Some of you guys here are a special kind of crazy :fireball:. I'm still trying to work my way up to a whole Habanero :confused:.

I don't eat whole superhot pods as a rule.

but fresh pieces, slices, dried flake or powder or in a sauce is more than enough to compare for subjective comparison.

apocalypse hit me around the same as 7pot lava chocolate but frankly the taste isn't as nice.

the only thing subjectively hotter to me I have had is a peachy pod Brandon (BSH) grew about 6yrs back . all the yellow and whatlooks like bubbles on the interior is just exuded cap oils.

I don't think the scorps or Reapers I have grown got to optimal heat levels like people who grow south of here.

not enough sun or hot weather but they are still tops for flavour for me of pods that get about the 1mil mark.

scotch bonnet and wiri wiri are a dead heat(maybe a little intended 😉) for my favourite based on taste .
no idea what the pepper x is like other than pure pain, but those apocalypse scorpions are no joke.
pod vs pod from the ones I have had, they hit me harder than regular scorpions or Reapers.
Certainly can't argue with that. I made myself some "HOT" Bread and Butter pickles... using about 16 Apocalypse Scorpions (batch made 10 quarts) and they are amazing. I wanted a hot pickle for hamburgers or sandwiches that isn't washed out by all the other flavors... I got it :)
Peppers and tomatoes release ethylene as they ripen, and that also aids the ripening. A paper bag keeps it contained. As it's heavier than air, a bowl or bucket will do the same. A basket will keep it more contained than leaving it open but will contain some of it, depending on how open the weave is. But the airflow might help in keeping them from going bad in the process. (don't know that for sure)

Peppers are among the only fruit that will ripen from green if exposed to ethylene. Supposedly, even if exposed (i.e. kept in a bowl/bag with ripe ones), unripe green tomatoes WON'T ripen, but peppers will. I've seen that with my own tests.

@JAB Farms I might be interested in a good quantity of orange habaneros if you are willing to part with them. All mine this year were red. DM if you want to talk.
I just froze another gallon bag I had and made another Habanero Pepper Jelly with others. Temperature has dropped way faster this year than usual... not sure how many I will get going forward - but if I do get a bunch more I will reach out. If not, remember next year as I always have tons. I had somewhere between 60 and 70 habanero plants this year and I'll have at least that next year.
I don't eat whole superhot pods as a rule.

but fresh pieces, slices, dried flake or powder or in a sauce is more than enough to compare for subjective comparison.

apocalypse hit me around the same as 7pot lava chocolate but frankly the taste isn't as nice.

the only thing subjectively hotter to me I have had is a peachy pod Brandon (BSH) grew about 6yrs back . all the yellow and whatlooks like bubbles on the interior is just exuded cap oils.

I don't think the scorps or Reapers I have grown got to optimal heat levels like people who grow south of here.

not enough sun or hot weather but they are still tops for flavour for me of pods that get about the 1mil mark.

scotch bonnet and wiri wiri are a dead heat(maybe a little intended 😉) for my favourite based on taste .
Could be the Apocalypse Scorpion seeds you had. ? I thought mine had a decent taste to them - but agree they are potent and the heat kicks in fast. Those were extreme producers until about a couple weeks ago. My Carolina Reapers are by far the hottest (16 of them in my 5 gallon buckets on my deck). The Trinidad Scorpions, White Trinidad Scorpions have done pretty well too. Moruga's did ok, but no where near last year's production. Definitely growing the White Trinidad Scorpions again... I've never seen a plant with that many pods on it. 40 or more at once (one 5 different plants - all same). Was crazy.

If I had to choose just one to grow for flavor/heat. It would be between the Trinidad Moruga and Carolina Reaper. I do try a different one each year as well. Might have to try the 7 pot lava chocolate. I tried a 7 pot last year that didn't produce much and flavor was ok (hence why i didn't grow this year)
Apologies, m'Lady 😊. The thread had taken on the feeling of a PM, and I had temporarily lost my bearings 😄 .

Ahem, in a basket, if you please 😉.

Some of you guys here are a special kind of crazy :fireball:. I'm still trying to work my way up to a whole Habanero :confused:.
It's all good Fin~ It's been known to happen around here from time to time. I may or may not have been involved in more than one thread train wreck.... :halo: :whistle:
  • Haha
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