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Nick's 2011- Year of the pepper

About 5 days ago I nabbed some seeds from the local market to practice sprouting and warm up for those on the way.

I set them up in a sterilite with 4" vents, a heat mat, thermostat, and a light on timer (6500K lamp I have used to get good compact growth).
Decided to use the sterilite to add another "layer" of control, also just in case the starter tray held too much humidity (which I think it did but to no visible ill effect).
The light is a security light, so it automatically turns on with ambient light at around 9am, thought this would be suitable.
Heat mat is just diy radiant floor material I had laying around.
Thermostat is one I used on my old dart frog terrarium, CA brand.
They popped pretty quick and I will cull those that look weak or are stunted. Looks like a jammed multiples in a couple of them, oops.

Oh yeah, this is a random mix labled "Hot" from our local market, thought that would be fun. I'm thinking about lining the front of the house with them as Ild like to keep em seperate from the "known" species.......man I just realized I am planning my season around peppers. :lol:

The box

Promising ling, compact and sprouted 2 days before the others.

Fingers crossed that the nice peppers Im going to pop soon have the same germination rate. Out of 15 all have sprouted though only 5 have true leaves (they dried out for a a day and one night as I was....um....havin fun). Just added some water, not always standing like that in the recesses.

On a side note I got my roomie to eat half a hab (seeds removed) and have had 3 texts about the aftermath...... :hell: Can't wait to get some real heat going in the kitchen!
good germination rate! they germinate quite quickly! not like the super hots which takes 2-4weeks.

nice setup you have there..
Is this your first time?

I like your ingenuity that you incorporated into the propagation/grow box. Success clearly indicates that you're doing something right!!

Sounds like you have pepper fever…well you're at the right place!!

Best of luck, Jack
good germination rate! they germinate quite quickly! not like the super hots which takes 2-4weeks.

nice setup you have there..

Thanks! Yeah, I was suprised but that makes sense as far as the germination time.

Is this your first time?

I like your ingenuity that you incorporated into the propagation/grow box. Success clearly indicates that you're doing something right!!

Sounds like you have pepper fever…well you're at the right place!!

Best of luck, Jack

Right on, For peppers yeas. I grew and experimented with my terrarium plants for a while (still have one up)

Good Job, it's addicting.

I feel it coming!!!! Cant wait to see my side yard in afew months.
As LC said..very addicting. Its hard to not keep getting bigger and more more more :)

Well looks like the chamber is good to go. My germination rate approached 100% (including seeds I pulled from those fresno peppers). Had a major disaster though bout 3 days ago...stumbled into my bathroom and totally punted the chamber, the light crushed some of the plants. Here's a pic post disaster.


I did cram a couple with doubles for some odd reason, which I found to seem pretty silly (had had more than a few when I planted... :beer:

I have a 4 bulb T-5 and some others I'll toss a couple of these under, was not planning on growing them out, rather was a test. So far the varieties I'm keeping are the Fresno (from some I bought in the store) Poblano, some Jalapeno, and a red Hab (again from one I ate). They seem to be on the small side but were not on a timer, I just turned on and off manually. I figure on a schedule with more control the nice strains I'm getting will fair well. Oh yeah, and not corwding would work wonders I suppose :lol:
Well got my seeds in, happened to come in all today though from different sellers.... :dance:

I wont's be able to grow all of them this season but am looking forward to some heat later!

Trinidad Scorpion
Wiri Wiri (the small and large versions)
Explosive ignite
Medusa (a buddy wanted this one)
An unknown white Hab
Bhut Jolokia
Sweet Habenaro
Rattle Snake Anaheim
Non Aji omni color
Aji omni
Purple Jalapeno
Aji "Bolsa De Dulce"
A wild Brazil variety
One from Equidor
An unconfirmed variety from Guatemala

Man, going to make my decision on my day off tomarrow as what to pop. Going to start them under T-5's and may decide to do some indoor on a flood drain table. Man, looking forward to a yard full of peppers!! :woohoo:
So, I've decided on my list for this season.

Aji ..De Dulce

Trinidad Scoprion

Unconfirmed variety allegedly from Guatemala

Red Bhut Jolokia

Sweet Habanero


Wiri Wiri with the larger fruit

Aji omni-color

Looks like it will be a busy season :)

A new debate has formed with me...thinking about trying some of them on a flood drain again.
Okay! So since I got the random test seedlings in the chamber Ive decided that is my preferred method for seedlings.

I am running a test, I germinated a batch with the cup method (near 100% germination in a 8 days!) and one in coco coir.

The "chamber batch" is sitting a bath regulated by an aquarium heater, keeping steady @ 83*. Just transferred them from the condiment cups to dixies (plastic with holes) Decided I needed a larger chamber. A 2x 18 watt power compact fixture will go on the under side of the lid once I get true leaves.



The batch in coir from seed is in the furnace room, on a small germ matt.


I gave the test peppers to a buddy as Im now sitting on about 100 potential plants...... :woohoo:

Biggest grow Ive done of anysort was about 200 plants to maturity, so well see how it goes.

Going to run them in coir until the roots get established, then transferring to a 20/60/10/10 mix of Fox farms ocean blend, coir, peat, sand.

Also decided to throw some more Jolokia and TS's on papertowels as a freind from work would like a go at em.

Due to the weather here Im going to be utting my strongest growers into 10 gallon pots and the rest in beds.

Also just nabbed another grow light from craigs list. 400 watt with 20ft of cord, hood, and ballast for $90 = ). Going to use my favorite bulb to get em ready for real sun, the Master color conversion metal halide. It runs a rediculously broad spectrum that fills gaps that normal MH and HPS fall short of.

Also decided to shy away from teh flood drain for now, my utilities are going to be high enough as it is this year...

Looks like most of my veggies will be getting a side spot this year :lol: Time for a beer run :beer:
(EDIT: sorry for the huge pics, not sure why they aren't resizing...)

Finally got some action, woot. Peppers are officially eating photons :cool:

Looks like the Jolokia is taking the lead, surprisingly enough.


Also have some oddballs;

A three leafer


A one leafer


Changed the lights as the ballast on my PC fixture seemed to of been bad, was getting incredibly hot so I tossed it (brought the chamber up to 98 in like 30 minutes and its only 65 in the house).


I resurrected my old fixture idea (I'm sure others have used them or came up with the idea before I did but I love it....extremely economical and very productive.
