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nigeria/africa chiles

I have a connection through someone thats friends with a guy thats going home to nigeria for awhile (vacation, then coming back here to usa)
I talked to him & he said he'd find me some local chiles :party:

I did some searching as to what kind of chiles they might have where hes going, & found this list.
this list is from CCN which comes with a discription

african pequin
pilli pilli
safi red
zimbabwe bird


this list comes from the chileman & chilewoman, not much for discriptions

african devil
ata barukono
ata ijosi
habanero big sun
ose utoro


does anyone know something about any of these types (except the fatalli I know that one) as for taste/growing/etc...
or would know of some other chiles they might have in nigeria that I didnt list.

next question is would those chiles be called the same in nigeria as to what we chileheads call them or that are labeled on websites ?

I wouldnt want to get some seeds of chiles I dont want, like basic habanero seeds (since some say they grow habaneros there to sell elsewhere)
or would prefer to not get any listed from CCN, but I'd still gladly accept them. you know what I'm saying, rather get some chile seeds that are not so easily to get unless you actually go there.

I suppose their method of drying pods is open air/outside ?
then most likely the seeds should be good from any dried pod from the market.

I want to give him a list of some chiles to look for, if its not an inconvenience for him to find those chiles.
African Pequin, Pilli Pilli and African Devil are all the same, or the very least PRACTICALLY IDENTICAL. VERY similar to the African Birdseye as well.
If its Nigeria Ata Barunko,Ose Utoro (CGN 22142) and Jkom would be the ones to get as my good friend says to many peri peri,African Devils,Piri Piri and there all the alike in taste and looks :)
Yep. they taste like sh*t to me, too. BUT! when dried you get pure heat and no flavor. excellent for cooking! I use them a lot.
both of you, thanks for the info.
& if anyone else has more info please share.

other than that, some of those chiles I also was questioning if I'd really want them (birdseye types) but some listed are different & why not try them.
also was hoping there was other types of chiles that grew there, but doing some research (just a little) it does seem like most of the chiles from the location seem to be birdseye type.

another question I thought of is, could it be to far fetched to think that maybe some other types of chiles from other locations in africa may be sold there ? even if not naturally grown there or considered "from" that location.

I know africa is not as developed as usa in the regards as transportation of produce. well kinda like they might not care as much to ship a certain type of chile from say south africa to nigeria when they can grow another chile thats hot enough locally.
unlike more developed countries would ship produce from whereever & people would buy it because its different & they'd want to try other stuff.
I just dont know anything about their business practices with produce.
It depends on where you are I guess. You won't find imported pods in a small village I guess, but are likely to get them in bigger cities. The only problem I think is that just because some chilis originate from there, they're not necessarily on sale there or commercially grown and if they are they're probably just sold as "chilis". I asked several people to bring me seeds from their holiday or business trip and most of them found one or two varieties all over the place that no one could name. I'll grow them anyway and just name them "Turkish chili #1", "#2" and so on. I hope you'll be more lucky though!
Yes. you need to know the chiles first, or find yourself a local expert. this friend of yours can't help you much if he doesn't know what he's looking for.
Its a good point a friend just came back from Turkey and bought back 3/4 types but there Cayenne Types and low heat..He was bitterly Disappointed :)