water Night Watering

 I usually water at night. But, recently I was reading about how night watering can lead bacterial problems with leaves ect. due to the lack of sunlight. The east coast has been very wet this year in general. I was wonderng about peoples thoughts on night vs. morning watering, if it really makes any kind of difference.
water in the morning.  Let the plants soak up the water vs sitting in it.

unless its raining or going to rain.  It doesn't rain here so i water in the early late morning or afternoon.  Today was hot so i watered at both times.
i water at night all the time and never had a single issue, one thing for sure my worms love me for it!!
i think it may all depend upon temperature and thus rate of evaporation, im sure that it could be a problem if nights are cool for an extended period of time
this is to say if the water is sitting on the leaves too long and not evaporating, i have noticed that with how hot its been the water doent stick around long, the heat off the grownd prolly has much to do with that
also if you already have a large amount of the bacteria in the soil it could compound the issue, however i think its quite remote
if you have an issue deal with it accordingly thats how i do things
thanks your friend Joe
In the east here it has been raining alot. Virginia in the summer has hot and humid days with thundershowers late in the evening. But, on the days without rain my peppers (especially in pots) are very wilted and very dry. So I usually end up watering in the evening.
I water at night probably 98% of the time and have never had a problem. I usually water well after the sun is down.
I water at night after the sun goes down.... it it easier for me to spend the extra time then since I'm always checking for pests at night than to wake up that much earlier and water them before going to work....

And its eaiser on everyone if I wake my son up at 9pm, if hes even asleep then, than if I woke him up accidentally at 5am....
i always water at night. the weather right now is hot and humid, so if i come home from work and they look thirsty, i give them a drink.

I need to think of a way to water better though. the sunlight is intense right now!
I always water and foliar feed at night, but I don't think there in much of a chance of moisture related bacterial problems here. The plants probably appreciate having a few hours of pseudo humidity.
I water at night but try to keep it off the leaves. I've had problems with downy mildew on cucumbers is why I make sure to water from the bottom.
I water in the evening in spring/summer and in the morning in fall cause wet+cold is really bad.
Works great so far.
Single digit humidity and windy.
Auto sprinkler, a little in the evening, a little pre-dawn.
Though getting water twice a day, they still get a bit of stress in the high desert climate most every mid afternoon.
Will prolly change it to a good soak every few days next season, when I can get them on their own leg of the water timer.