• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

NM 2015 - From green to red glog!

Figure it would be good to become more of an active member on these forums and start my own glog. For the following reasons
1. Something to look back and reflect on for my accomplishments.
2. Get expert advice (from all you wise ones, and some of the pretenders :) on what I am doing wrong.
3. To make some new friends and possible trade some seeds and plants in the future!
I am going to start by first thanking chocolatescotchbonnet for the seeds and all the help you have given so far, definitely got the ball rolling for me!
So to start out this is my first time ever growing super hots. I found this site a while back but missed the grow time. Check in from time to time but now decided to jump in, make some friends and give it a shot.
Typically I go to the local nursery here and pick up some plants and then get them ready for the weather gradually. Mainly a vegetable garden but also NM (Hatch) Green Chile which I don't even know the actual name of the plant or the scientific name. Last few years we have planted about 50-75 plants and had some pretty decent yields. For those who havn't been to this side of the country (specifically NM, some CO, AZ and some parts of TX but they wont admit it) green (and red) chile are found on everything here. I will add some pictures of the uses of these chiles to make some of you all jealous!
ANYWAY back to the glog. I got some seeds (Bhut, Orange HB, Fatalii, Tabasco, Moruga Scorpian, Devils Tongue and... cant remember the last one off the top of my head). I have tried to grow from seeds in the past using the little Jiffy greenhouses. They always grow really good, but I think I leave the lid on to long and it never fails they tend to die. I had already started some vegetable seeds and started the germination process for these. So I threw in some of the super hots (about 4 days after the vegetables) into some zip loc bags and a paper towel. I think some of these were a little to wet and I rushed to get these into the containers so they were not fully germinated (first mistake). Either way I couldn't wait because the vegetables had germinated.
Mistake #2- Decided to use some potting soil (before i started reading through here and learning... Watered it and put the lid on. Mistake 3 - Over watered (more on that later). So after smartening up and reading here picked up another Jiffy container and some peat (starter for seeds). Planted and watered, but not overly so... Put them on the kitchen counter (which my wife has been threatening me to get it cleaned off...) and let them rest, check on them daily yadda yadda yadda.
So I noticed in the first of the two Jiffy containts (over watered) had sprouted three seedlings (watermelons) but nothing else. They were getting big so took off the top and transplanted.. just for giggles I checked the soil in a couple of the other slots, and i noticed the seeds had rotted (ugh!) so checked more, sure enough they all showed no growth. But its ok, transplanted the few watermelon seeds and emptied out the dirt, filled with the seed starter mix. Getting dark outside (Mistake #4, drum roll please).. Quick need to plant some more seeds, all super hots this time!! Have my son help me cause he is exited to grow some ghost peppers to make a potion... yikes! So we get the baggies of seeds, start planting, next bag, plant.. and so on... cover them up, water and realize... We didnt make a fancy chart of what we planted where. ah! (so as this glog evolves we will be playing a fun game of guess the plant!).
On to some pictures and relief from this novel!!
Jiffy container (about a week ago)

Side view of the first couple of seedlings

Container lid off and starting to grow and spread

Plants again, a little streched I think (before getting light)

Bought a little plant light (a grow light from Home Depot, probably not the correct one but got it in a pinch) First attempt at a light, but have a new set up will add some pictures of that when I get home. I think this one was a little to far from the plants.

If I can get these to survive a few more weeks and get a little bigger I will be happy. This is the furthest I have gotten seeds to grow. will be planting the rest of my other plants this weekend. Thats the goal anyway but my father just dropped of 1600 sq ft of sod so that might be my entire weekend...
Either way, sorry for the lengthy post. But definitely would like feedback and anything you guys can provide that will help this grow succeed!!!
It looks to me as though your seedlings are stretching quite bit.
What type and quantity of lights are you going to use?
Personally, I keep my lights within two to four inches from the plant tops until they have at least four or five sets of true leaves. However, it depends on the type of lights you use. See my glog for some pics.
Good luck!
alkhall said:
It looks to me as though your seedlings are stretching quite bit.
What type and quantity of lights are you going to use?
Personally, I keep my lights within two to four inches from the plant tops until they have at least four or five sets of true leaves. However, it depends on the type of lights you use. See my glog for some pics.
Good luck!
Yes yours are lower. I moved mine closer a few days ago, hope its not to late. Since it was my first time I figured the lights would burn and kill the plants. I also see a lot of you using the silver metallic film (what is it exactly?). I think I might add a few of that and maybe another light or two.
This is how I have it now, but I like your idea ill have to pick up some supplies this weekend. 

Another pic, like you said they are stretched. I read you can plant them a little deeper but what other issues might there be?

Tilled the garden today, going to take some pictures of that tomorrow and plant the rest of my green chile.
A few of the seedlings are starting to get their first set of true leaves! Some of the newer seedlings are not as stretched as some of the others. Probably because i put the lights a little closer and added a little more to get some more reflection.

Was able to do some planting, and of course it was crazy windy over night. Luckily the plants weren't affected, nice to have a wall right by the plants. I may have planted these a little to high, what do you all think?

Looking good, but aren't those tomatoes a little close to the peppers?  I like to give my tomatoes lots of room. Maybe that is why I don't grow many - more room for peppers!
midwestchilehead said:
Looking good, but aren't those tomatoes a little close to the peppers?  I like to give my tomatoes lots of room. Maybe that is why I don't grow many - more room for peppers!
Yeah I think your right. I may move at least the one pepper plant away from the tomatoes. I wanted them on that side so they dont soak up the sun but might want to re-think how close it is... thanks!
So the little dudes are getting bigger. Debating if I should transplant them or not. A little worried, I pulled one of the smaller ones out and only have one main root, so not sure if they are ready yet or not. 
What do you guys think?
They look ready for transplant in my eyes. They look about the same size as mine when I did my first transplant. Most of them only had one visible main root at that time but that didn't matter. They really took off when they got more space.
Ohjay said:
They look ready for transplant in my eyes. They look about the same size as mine when I did my first transplant. Most of them only had one visible main root at that time but that didn't matter. They really took off when they got more space.
Did you transplant directly into the ground or into solo cups or larger?
I am noticing the stems are not strong, need to get a small fan on them
Had a little run in with some Aphids on my seed starter kit. Reduced from 42 plants to about 24. Got them some new shoes and cleaned them off one by one as I transplanted them. Checking every morning, found one baby aphid but pretty clean otherwise. 



Been a few weeks thought I would post an update. First the plants outside in the ground are having some serious issues. Had some issues with aphids that weakened them, but still having some issues that I am trying to figure out. Pictures show the issues I am having, its funny you dont see anything when looking at the plants then when you look at some of the pictures your see weird bugs, spider webs (Say it ain't mites!) and just nastyness. 
Plants in the house are doing good, should start hardening a few outside but seeing how sick my other plants are makes me think twice.
This one seems to be coming back ok, but still ants crawling like crazy over everything so picking up some ant poison today.

Cant tell if I have a deficiency, not watering enough (feel like I am over watering) or if its just the aphids caused some damage and waiting for them to come back.


This one is pretty bad as well. feel like a bad parent.

This bug has been seen quite a few, need to get a better picture to get an ID on it. 

I have been pulling flowers to promote growth, completely missed this one til my son pointed it out.

Now for the baby super hots. Good news is they are doing ok, bad news is I didnt label properly (see my opening post) so should be fun to see what they are as they start to flower and put out some pods.






I am a beginner at this stuff so any input is really appreciated. Good job they look good! Dude never grow another plant again! or whatever, something!
santis00 said:
I am a beginner at this stuff so any input is really appreciated. Good job they look good! Dude never grow another plant again! or whatever, something!
Good job dude! I'm also a beginner, and I messed up my labelling too. Also, keep growing! I think once you get rid of the ants the aphids won't be as much of a problem, I understand that they go hand in hand. 
Trying to harden off some of these super hots. Want to get them outside in the ground but having the hardest time. Put them out an hour a few times this week, in partial shade/sun. Leaves keep going limp on me, get better when I put them inside. I just know they will die if I put them out for 2 hours. Or maybe I'm just being to cautious.

