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No Buds?

I have a variety of peppers growing, red yellow and chocolate bhuts, pumpkin habs, butch t, and some others, all plants seem to be growing good, but the only one that has any buds is the yellow bhut it has about 5 none of the others even have flowers, is there something i am doing wrong for the plants to grow but not flower?

What is the weather like there ? -- Here pretty much all of my pepper plants shut down for the summer during late June - August since it is over 100 most of the time - you still get decent growth out of the plant but pod production comes to a literal stand still - so we have to either start very early to get pods set before June or let the plants develop with no pods until it starts to cool back down (Luckily we also get a very late Frost so there is still time for good production late in the season)
Weather here is pretty hot, mid to high 90's in the day, maybe back down into the high 70's at night if it gets that low, I did get a late start on growing so I tried to buy a little time by buying some 6-8 inch plants around May, I am going to try and over winter the small ones that I started as seeds late. My cyannes and japalenos are going good but the habs and the super hots are what seem to be lagging, the yellow bhut had a flower when i got it in May and just now has grown to size just waiting for it to ripen now, with the addition of 3 to 4 more small peppers starting on it those are the only exotics that are showing anything but leaves. Real pretty plants but im itchin to get some peppers off em.
Just be patient and keep them healthy and you should still get some good yield later as it starts to cool off a bit - the chinense varieties seem to be more prone to flower drop off than most others - I've got a couple Thai hot ornamentals that are putting out pods like crazy and a couple Jalapenos with a few pods but the 2 Bhuts are not even having flowers at this point (the flower bud starts to develop as the stem grows but you almost need a magnifying glass to see it and then a day or 2 later it has dried up and dropped off) in talking to another grower nearby he had the same last year during the summer heat but got a good harvest once things cooled down. So just be patient and do what your doing to keep them healthy and it should work out well.