No flowers, 5 months old plant

I potted a few seeds sold to me as Assam Bhut Jolokia and Butch T, however after 5 months they haven't produced any flowers. They are pretty big and developed, about 6 foot. I used 10-10-10 for 6 weeks when they were still young, but cut down on all ferts since then. Are these not peppers, or am I doing something wrong? Temps during the day are 90 to 95, and they get plenty of sun.
Those are def pepper plants.  I have no clue as to why they wouldn't be producing flowers.  Temps are a bit high which may cause that.  Over time they will develop flowers.  
where did you get the seeds?
what kind of soil do you have? is i heavy in nitrogen?
what kind of light? window light? outside? hps? ect.
what kind of 10-10-10 fert was it? miracle grow? ect.
what are the temps at night?
95+ day temps plants sometimes shut down cause its too hot, if thats your cause once it cools down it will go nuts
usually at that old you should have little buds, leaves and stems look like a pepper plant to me, looks tall and lanky though which id assume its in window light and you used a synthetic fert.. id suggest there was too much nitrogen like 10-10-10 plus already in soil no need to flush since you said you stopped awhile ago, but try getting a bloom fert nothing high in nitrogen lower the better, but high in your K and P value.. the more P the better in my opinion... even a 10-30-20 would work, there are some blooms like 0-30-30 also...
thats just what i think im not an expert in anyway but thats what id do.
yeah  upgrade to a fertiliser with second and 23rd number higher than the first one...
ip ersonally use tomato ferts with oligo element (10-20-20)   or 6 - 12 -12
I thought my plants were massive, yours are immense! If you pinch/prune off the top where it hits the ceiling it might help things along too. On the plus side, when that bhut does flower, you're going to get a massive harvest because it's so big.