No flowers

Bought a few boonie pepper plants from cross country nursery. Replanted in various areas to find their preferred location The one doing the best is about 3 feet tall, nice green leaves, strong stems but no flowers, actually none of tr plants have flowers. Anyone know if boonies are late bloomers? All other pepper plants have flowered and producing peppers. (jalapeño, Serrano and others I don't know their names.)
Are you using ferts and at what ratio? If your fert has the first number higher than the second switch that up, reduce the nitrogen and increase the Phosphorus. Could be something else too.
Agree with shoVel, in that what you are feeding them is important. Although boonies are listed as "Very Late Season" by CCN, you should likely have some blooms by now - or at a very minimum, some buds, given the region you are in. I'm in NE Ohio (ie - the weather here isn't as good as yours), and have buds or blooms on almost all of my "Extremely Late Season" plants ordered from CCN (and boonies don't have the "extremely" part on them.) Of course, the fact that you've moved them multiple times is likely influencing them, too. Plants do go through a recovery period after being moved.