No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

My habanero, lemon drops and serrano are all producing pods like mad in over 85F heat. My 2 Super Chiles are producing more than i can even use quickly......My Early jalapenos and Big Jims though.......very little.
The last couple of years the Goliath and Mammoth jalapenos were crazy producers so im baffled.
Here is a study that shows the effect of heat on pollen germination on pepper plants under greenhouse conditions ( ) which shows that the pollen germination % drops from around 65% @ 77 degrees to around 8% @ 100 degrees -- So no it does not drop to ZERO but the chances of successful pollination does drop substantially at those temps.
No need to dispute any facet of that study - even though there are plenty of points to take issue with. It suffices to say that we now both agree that peppers CAN AND WILL set pods at temps above 85 degrees. So you can be my backup next time this subject arises. ;)

My habanero, lemon drops and serrano are all producing pods like mad in over 85F heat. My 2 Super Chiles are producing more than i can even use quickly......My Early jalapenos and Big Jims though.......very little.
The last couple of years the Goliath and Mammoth jalapenos were crazy producers so im baffled.
Big Jims are loving my 90+ temps. The plant never got very big, but damn that little guy is bearing a burden right now.
So I didn't want to make a new thread and clog the forums up, but I had a question about drainage.  My 5 gallon pots, I just put like 1/4" holes in the bottom, probably about 15, but now am reading that people recommend WAY larger holes (I put a lot of small holes to avoid soil loss)

Thinking about putting some 1/4-1/2" holes near the base of the container on the sides, and maybe even adding some holes going up the sides of the containers, to aid in getting air to the roots, and allow the lower portion of the soil to not stay as moist.  Would that be a good move?  

I monitor my watering regularly, I deep water them everytime the top 1-1.5" or so of soil is mostly dry, but I feel the deep soil is staying saturated.
My 5 gal buckets have around 10 - 1/4"holes each, and I haven't had any problems so far. Of course, it hasn't rained like a bitch here, since I planted them.
You don't need a lot of holes, and they don't need to be huge.

All container media have a Perched Water Table - and as long as you have at least one drain hole that never clogs, your container will drain, once that perched water table has been exceeded. (and it won't drain one bit until then, provided your media isn't hydrophobic)

So, you can put one hole in the bottom, or you can riddle it full of bullet holes. What you put in the container is far more important than the quantity or geometry of, the holes that you create.
Thank you for the responses.  If I was "able" to put a large hole in the bottom (my tools are 40 miles away) without disturbing the roots in those heavy containers, I would.  

I think I'll put a few "Bullet holes" in the sides of my two separate 5 gallon pepper plants with the lack of tools I have at my house, need to get off my butt anyways and build a half trellis/net system anyways for my watermelons that are over running my porch lol

I try to do anything I can to improve my ghetto porch grow, I feel like looking at the plants 20 times a day helps them, I need to move my bedroom flat screen out there in the evening so they can watch tv, do you think they'd like the home and garden channel?  Maybe put my stereo out there so they can listen to Mozart in the evening, or do you think they would prefer listening to Slip Knot?  

Do my plants judge me for staring out the window at them?   :P  :P  :P  
Myxlplyk said:
My 5 gal buckets have around 10 - 1/4"holes each, and I haven't had any problems so far. Of course, it hasn't rained like a bitch here, since I planted them.
Mine are hand watered, covered with a roof over the porch, other than the fact the roof limits my light, I prefer to be able to water on my schedule and not have to worry about weather :)
Towlieee said:
Mine are hand watered, covered with a roof over the porch, other than the fact the roof limits my light, I prefer to be able to water on my schedule and not have to worry about weather :)
How often and how much do you water them?
Myxlplyk said:
How often and how much do you water them?
I'd say I water them too much, but it has been mid-high 90's lately, I also think I give them too much nutes, but they are growing like weeds and look great, so I haven't changed much until recently, slightly cut back on watering.  During high heat I deep water every 2 days, and somewhat deep water daily.  I've been hitting them with 10-15-10 nutes once a week (the box says every 1-2 weeks) and sometimes half strength halfway through the week lol

i've been working on not over molesting them

This was the plant 11 days ago, with a side by side comparison from the day I added supplemental lighting and started feeding nutes regularly.  Only about 1.5 months since I bought it as a tiny transplant from walmart lol

I do think I overdo watering and nutes, and that might be part of my problem, but im ok with it becoming more of a bush, just want fruits sometime!

Oh yeah in 11 days its grown much more, it's 2 foot tall now and looks strong as an ox.  I want it to be a bush, but a bush that fruits well =P 
Im in so cal to be specific in the inland empire and my temps are 94+ every day. My inground plants are setting pods like crazy, but it because i have shadecloth overgead and mesh vinyl on the sides. If i didnt have it they would not ve podding up in the full sun at this time of year.
Lovepeppers said:
Im in so cal to be specific in the inland empire and my temps are 94+ every day. My inground plants are setting pods like crazy, but it because i have shadecloth overgead and mesh vinyl on the sides. If i didnt have it they would not ve podding up in the full sun at this time of year.
Yeah from my "research" i hear that using shade in high heat is the best, it's hard to find good info, as everyone lives in different regions, uses different growing mediums, some are above ground some are in ground, different light amounts etc etc.  My only problem is my direct sunlight starts at the hottest hour of the day, around 3 or 3:15 to around 7:30-7:45ish, and its not much direct sunlight.

I started late in the season, my melons are doing great, my pepper plants look great and grow like weeds, so I'm sure it'll just a little more time!  
Myxlplyk said:
When we had low to mid 90s for near a week straight, that's when my plants took off.
My plants are growing fast, the leaves look great, they look healthy as can be!  Just no pepper set on the jalapenos yet 

About to be mid-high 80's for the next 2 weeks

My Jalapeno plant grew 3 inches in 3 days!  My baby bell's are growing great laso and producing fruit, the Jalapeno is almost as tall as the bells, it caught up fast!  
found 2 tiny little Jalapenos today!  YEAH!  Now I hope it explodes with growth  :dance: 

From the pics I've seen online, there are lots of scraggly plants that aren't near as stout/thick/bushy/tall as mine that have a rediculous amount of fruits, so hoping mine will take off like crazy!

edit:  well to be fair, its exploding with growth, but I want it to explode with fruit haha.  In 8 hours over night it branched out in all directions at least 3/4-1", I haven't measured the height growth will wait a few days.  
Every morning I have to move my lights before turning them back on, that's how I know it explodes, the lights are always about 1/2"-1" away, every morning the leaves all pressed against the lights :)
Well my Jalapeno plant is still exploding with growth, it's becoming a giant in such a short time!  At least once a day I shake it vigorously to pollinate, lately I have started to brush against the (stigma I think?) and also flick the flowers themselves, I see pollen dropping out, just started doing this 3 days ago.  There are a good 35-40 flowers, so I'm sure it should start producing many soon!  So far only 3 fruits that I see.   

From starting from a $4 walmart straggly transplant to this in just a hair over 2 months I think is pretty good! 