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no fruit :(

Hi everyone :) i have some ,moruga, ghost naga, butch t's caynnes ,flowering but ive been waiting really really patiantly and there not fruiting ive been polinating them just with my finger there plants are just for personal use so i havnt got them segragated or anything ..one plant (ghost naga) is reaching up to almost 2 metres and i havnt seen a single fruit ..what might be there problem here? thanks in advance..oh ive cut back on watering alittle because i think i was babying them abit much and got gnats which ive since gotten rid of last week..
theve droped a few buds some arnt opening before they do and the rest fall off but the buds are litrally covering the plants im hoping the decrese in watering will help ..i use urea and blood and bone mix and also ive just started to use detergent chilli and viniger mix spray for the leaves as a bug deterent its hard to know what to say because the flowers stay for awhile if they open but act un-pollinated when i know they are.. they plants are actully some of the best ive seen because ive misted them 3 times a day since they were seedlings and i live near the rainforest so its humid ,they are all lush green very vibrant..oh and phil they are on a balcony they get about half day sun wich is all i can offer but they seem to love it.
Hi everyone :) i have some ,moruga, ghost naga, butch t's caynnes ,flowering but ive been waiting really really patiantly and there not fruiting ive been polinating them just with my finger there plants are just for personal use so i havnt got them segragated or anything ..one plant (ghost naga) is reaching up to almost 2 metres and i havnt seen a single fruit ..what might be there problem here? thanks in advance..oh ive cut back on watering alittle because i think i was babying them abit much and got gnats which ive since gotten rid of last week..

Do you have any photos of the plants? Are there any issues (yellowing, curling, burning, etc) reflected in the leaves of the plants?

Are they growing in full sun, full shade or partial shade?

The minimum temperatures of Townsville plus the humidity going by the Townsville, Queensland February 2013 Daily Weather Observations seem high.

theve droped a few buds some arnt opening before they do and the rest fall off but the buds are litrally covering the plants im hoping the decrese in watering will help ..i use urea and blood and bone mix and also ive just started to use detergent chilli and viniger mix spray for the leaves as a bug deterent its hard to know what to say because the flowers stay for awhile if they open but act un-pollinated when i know they are.. they plants are actully some of the best ive seen because ive misted them 3 times a day since they were seedlings and i live near the rainforest so its humid ,they are all lush green very vibrant..oh and phil they are on a balcony they get about half day sun wich is all i can offer but they seem to love it.

What exactly are you referring to when you say detergent?

Have you considered not misting them given that plus the high humidity may encourage fungal growth?
To be honest, I wouldn't spray them with anything unless bugs have been showing up. In that case, a mineral oil spray would do just fine. It's available at your local garden center. Not sure if gnats are a problem, but are you sure they were gnats? Could've been white flies, which seemed to really LOVE my plants. Mineral oil took care of them. Also, if your plants are young, I've been told to expect some flower drop until the plants are mature enough to support fruiting. It might take a couple of flower cycles before the fruit shows up. Perfectly normal. Just keep feeding them.

As long as your leaves aren't yellowing, and they seem to have healthy growth, then they should be just fine. Yellowing and dropping leaves would be a sign of overwatering, BTW.... water once a week or so. Only when necessary. It stresses the plant and makes hotter fruit. Too much water will make bitter fruit

to post pictures, you need to upload them to a site like photobucket, flickr, or someplace like that. Copy the HTML code for the picture from that site.... From there, you click the little photo thingy below the smiley to the left on the message box and paste the html code in there
yeah thanks guys i cant get any to upload currently i thought my webcam could reach them and the wife took my camera away with her..but anyway il cut back on the water give them the harsh treatment abit see how it turns out perhaps theve just had to much of the good life nothing cares to much about reproducing when lifes just to good look at celebraties for example haha,anyway il keep u posted in the next few weeks thanks.