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No heat Habenero type

No heat Habanero type

Hi all,
What would recommend for best flavour Habs with little or no heat?
I would also like one that is very productive.

What about these anyone tried them?
Aji Dulce
Trinidad Perfume


I like the extreme heat but sometimes I just don't want a major butt burn the next morning :sick:
imaguitargod said:
Habanero's with little or no heat? This concept is forign to me....

Hey when you eat 3-4 dry hab from Potawie and chug down a few beers on a Sunday......Monday morning is very painful!

So I think I should start growing some with less heat you know for the wife of course :sick:
imaguitargod said:
Habanero's with little or no heat? This concept is forign to me....
Not me... I bought some at my supermarket that tasted like bell peppers.
I've got Rocotillos and Chupetinhas growing but have never tried them. I think I'd like to try the trinidad perfume too.
thehotpepper.com said:
Not me... I bought some at my supermarket that tasted like bell peppers.
That's funny. I just went to Mayfair Market and bought one of their orange habaneros. I diced it and put it on my hamburger.....sandly, I've had Jalapenos out of my garden that had more heat....

Just another reason why I grow my own peppers. I can ensure they are hot...and with no pesticides and growth chemicals....that's important.
habman said:
Hi all,
What would recommend for best flavour Habs with little or no heat?
I would also like one that is very productive.

What about these anyone tried them?
Aji Dulce
Trinidad Perfume


I like the extreme heat but sometimes I just don't want a major butt burn the next morning :)

Go with the Tobago. It has no heat and all the hab flavor. Hint to you sauce guys...I've always thought of making a sauce with more Tobago and a few Red Scotch's...Think about it...You could give it more flavor while controlling the heat some while making it more marketable for the food industry.. How many times have you go some SO CALLED hab product and it just doesn't have the taste. hmmm Just a thought.

imaguitargod said:
That's funny. I just went to Mayfair Market and bought one of their orange habaneros. I diced it and put it on my hamburger.....sandly, I've had Jalapenos out of my garden that had more heat....

Just another reason why I grow my own peppers. I can ensure they are hot...and with no pesticides and growth chemicals....that's important.

The one's I bought were old, some were green, some were pale orange. None were bright orange or red. I was just surprised to see them there so I bought them. They were labeled "Jamaican Peppers". They were horrible.
same here, sometimes I dont like to have the insane heat EX when I wake up.
I knew there was alot of different chile peppers, but once I found chileplants.com :) I didnt know theres was that many different kinds, heck I was like a kid in a candy store looking at them all & deciding which ones I want to buy

& I went through each one, TWICE to make sure which ones I wanted to get
I guess its somewhere to start(buying small plants), so you'll have seeds to grow for next season, yea I know you can buy seeds but I dont have the greenest thumb, so buying 10 seeds could be a waste for me.

granted I havent ate any of those that you've mentioned, but going off buy what they say about the pepper. the only thing I can do to help you is give you some info that I've found out, which isnt much but I guess its a starting point.
these are habanero flavor with little heat

Aji Dulce 1 - prolific grower
Aji Dulce 2 - prolific grower
Aji Dulce 3
Grenada Seasoning
Trinidad Perfume

(theres another plant each for Grenada & Trinidad plants, I forget the names but I think they're mild flavor also ?)
I cant wait to try these peppers out, I order the aji dulce 1 & trinidad perfume
Thanks for all the info.
I think I'll get all 3 (Aji Dulce,Rocotillo,Trinidad Perfume).
They are all available from tomatogrowers.com and I need a few more tomato seeds.
I'll keep an eye out for Tobago and Chupetinhas for next year.
Trinidad Perfume looks amazing I hope it tastes good.
Hey habman,
I've got some rocotillos and chupetinas if you want to swap for Perfume or Aji Dulce. What kinds of tomatoes do you grow? I'm always up for a trade, Pm me. I'm real happy with the look of the chupetina (or Pimenta de Bico), very compact(under natural & flourescent lights). I'm already starting to get peppers, small but potentially numerous. I'll try to get some pics up soon. I grew the rocotillo last year but started them too late and only got runts so no comments yet.
habman said:
Hi all,
What would recommend for best flavour Habs with little or no heat?
I would also like one that is very productive.

What about these anyone tried them?
Aji Dulce
Trinidad Perfume


I like the extreme heat but sometimes I just don't want a major butt burn the next morning :)

Forgot...In case you do not know..there are two versions of the Rocotillo. One is Chinese, and one is Annum..The one that looks like a upside down flower is Annum (which I have.)
