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NO.... Thrips invasion

I had posted earlier about one of my Purple Jalapenos with upright growing pods, and in the background were some Jalapenos M's that had a little yellowing of the leaves. At first I thought it was because they were recently moved and were still adjusting to the new light levels.

Well they were starting to look a little worse, and upon further inspection I found a thrips outbreak. These little buggers are through out my overwinter basement peppers. Not good, I had a small battle with a few whiteflies, but they are all gone. These thrips are hard to see, and they are everywhere, I don't know but these seem worse then aphids (which I don't have any this year). I do have a few ladybugs mowing down on these things, but I don't know if they are really going to make a big enough impact. What is the best way to destroy these things before they start turning my peppers into little sticks. I'd hate to have to scrap all these plants and start over again.