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Noah Yates' Peppers Tomatoes and Melons 2017

Woooooooot!!!!    I am all set to sow my first wave of pepper seeds  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:
Peppers:                      (to be sown Jan 1)
Hot and Super-Hot:

7 pot bubblegum (MJ)
7 pot bubblegum chocolate (FFF)
7 pot bubblegum yellow (WH)
7 pot bubblegum x naga (WH)
7 pot bubblegum x peach ghost jami (MJ)
7 pot bubblegum large x (pdn x bhut) (GIP)
7 pot chaguanas (BE)
7 pot douglah x  bhutlah (96)
7 pot douglah x  butch t (cp115) (PB)
7 pot jonah (PL)
7 pot jonah x butch T trinidad scorpion (JR)
7 pot jonah x pimenta de neyde (WH)
7 pot lucy (96)
7 pot primo x choco hab (MJ)
7 pot primo (DB)
7 pot primo (PL)
7 pot primo (RF)
7 pot primo (WH)
7 pot primo caramel (FFF)
7 pot primo chocolate (FFF)
7 pot primo yellow (RF)
7 pot sr strain (S)
apocalypse chocolate (S)
apocalypse scorpion (RF)
bahamian goat (RF/BE)
bbm x reaper (96)
bbm 1 (96)
bbm 2 (96)
bbm 2 special (96)
bbm freak (96)
bmm (96)
bhut jolokia brown (PL)
bhut jolokia mustard (cp 118) (PB)
bhut jolokia orange copenhagen (96)
bhut jolokia orange copenhagen (RF)
bhut jolokia white (jw)
bhut jolokia yellow (BE)
bhutlah x bbm (96)
bhutlah red og (RF)
bhutlah bubblegum 7 (RF)
big black mama (MJ)
big caramel mama (WH)
big mustard mama (MJ)
big red mama premium (FFF)
big yellow mama (WH)
biquinho (J)
black bhutlah (96)
black bhutlah slp (cp288) (PB)
black naga (FFF)
black panther orange (WH)
boc x jpgs (MJ)
borg 9 bleeding (96)
borg 9 chocolate (RF)
borg 9 reaper (MJ)
brainstrain scorpion (MJ)
brazilian moruga (BT)
brown bhutlah slp (RF)
butch t  trinidad scorpion (PL)
butcht x 7 pot primo (JR)
california reaper (R)
carolina reaper (BE)
carolina reaper (BT)
carolina reaper (DB)
carolina reaper (MJ)
carolina reaper (PB)
carolina reaper  (PJ)
carolina reaper (RF)
carolina reaper (R)
carolina reaper (PL/PB)
carolina reaper (S)
carolina reaper (TW)
carolina reaper (WH)
carolina reaper (UK)
carolina reaper x jay's peach ghost scorpion (WH)
chocolate bhutlah (PJ)
chocolate bhutlah (WH)
chocolate brainstrain (MJ)
chocolate moruga brains (RF)
chocolate nagabrain (MJ)
chocolate nagabrain 2 (WH)
chocolate primo/reaper (BT)
chocolate primo/reaper (DB)
chocolate reaper (RF)
cpp naga x 7 pot yellow (MJ)
cumari do para (J)
cumari pollux (WR)
datil (RS)
devil's horn (WH)
devil nagabrain (MJ)
fatalli gourmet jigsaw (WH)
fruxim (GIP)
gator jigsaw (96)
ghengis kahns brain (RF)
habanero black (RF)
habalokia brown (BE)
habanero mustard (PJ)
habanero mustard (S)
habanero orange (TW)
habanero paper lantern (J)
habanero roatan pumpkin (HSC)
habanero white (UK)
i scream scorpion (BE)
i scream scorpion (BT)
jay's ghost scorpion chocolate (WH)
jays peach ghost scorpion (RF) 
jay's peach ghost scorpion x primo (WH)
jays red ghost scorpion (RF)
jays red ghost scorpion (WH)
jay's red ghost scorpion x bbg7  (GIP)
jigsaw (RF)
jobito x bubblegum 7 yellow (WH)
jonah's yellow brain (PL)
king naga (RF)
kraken scorpion (RF)
lava chocolate (RF)
lava scorpion (RF)
leopard (96)
ma wartyx variant (RF)
madballz 7 (96)
madballz 7 Special (96)
major pain (MJ)
major pain x yaki blue (MJ)
manzano amarillo (PL)
moruga scorpion uv (UK)
moruga scorpion uv chocolate (WH)
mustard moruga brains (WH)
naga bubblegum orange (RF)
naga bubblegum yellow (RF)
nagabrain jigsaw (MJ)
nagalah (PB)
nagalah beast (RF)
nagalah x moruga (MJ)
niel s scorpion (HSC)
orange ghost jami (MJ)
orangegum tiger mamp (GIP)
pineapple rocoto (GIP)
pink tiger x bg7 bleeding calyx (MJ)
primotalii (MJ)
reaper/scorpion (96)
redgumtiger x chocolate nagabrain (MJ)
scotch brain (J) 
scotch brain (WH)
scotch brain 7 pot pheno (WH)
scotch bonnet 7 jonah (RF)
scotch bonnet moa (S)
scotch bonnet moa WHP (WH)
scotch bonnet pappa joe's (WH)
scotch bonnet tfm (JR)
shabu shabu (MJ)
srtsls (BE)
the superhot beast (S)
trinidad x strain (WH)
unreaper (96)
wreckingball 7 x 7 pot brown (RF)
yellow bhutlah (WH)
yellow scorpion (RF)

From Saved Seed:
borg9 reaper (F2)
bhut jolokia mustard (cp 118)  (F2)
big black mama (F2)
big mustard mama (F2)
butch t (F2)
butch t yellow (F2)
butch t x 7 pot primo (F2)
carolina reaper (F3* JI)
carolina reaper (F3* NI)
carolina reaper (F2)
carolina reaper off pheno (F2)
chocolate bhutlah (F2)
chocolate nagabrain (F2)
chocolate primo/reaper (F2)
mustard habanero (F2)
i scream scorpion (F2)
jays peach ghost scorpion (F2)
orangegumtiger mamp (F2)
scotch bonnet 7 jonah (F2)
pink tiger x bg7 bleeding calyx (F2) BG7
pink tiger x bg7 bleeding calyx (F2) PT
Sweet & Mild Peppers:                           
aji amarillo (RF)
aji blanco christal (WR)
aji lemon drop (TW)
aji panca (PL)
aji pineapple (RF)
albanian red hot (PL)
bangalore whippets tail (HSC)
bell of göllü (PL)
black finger (FFF)
bob's pickling (PL)
cedrino (FFF)
chocolate bell (R)
comet's tail (HSC)
corbaci (TGS)
cow horn (PJ)
cserko (TT)
corno di toro(R)
cumra cherry (PL)
doe hill (TT)
farmer's jalapeno (PL)
fushimi (HSC)
goliath goldrush(R)
hungarian hot wax (PJ)
indian jwala (FFF)
jalapeños “cracked” (PL)
jalapeno tajin (R)
jalapeno purple (RF)
jimmy nardello (TT)
joe's long red cayenne (RS)
keystone bell (FFF)
hot apple, alma paprika (TW)
liebesapfel (TT)
maule's red hot (RS)
miniature sweet bell(Chocolate) (R)
miniature sweet bell (Red)(R)
miniature sweet bell (Yellow)(R)
orange king (R)
orange lunchbox (JSS)
orange starfish (PL)
Pacific Bell(R)
pasilla bajio (PL)
pasilla holy mole (PS)
pimento bola (DH)
piquante (S)
poblano (BP)
princess faten (PL)
red cheese pepper (TW)
red sweet footlong (GIP)
sheepnose pimento(R)
shumenski rotund (DH)
super red pimento(R)
tali sus biber (PL)
tennessee cheese(R)
thunder mountain long horn (DP)
tomato pepper (GIP)
trinidad perfume (PL)
trinidad scorpion sweet (PL)
turkish cayenne (TT)
turkish snake (HSC)
urfa biber (BE)
yellow lunchbox (JSS)
Tomatoes:                        (to be sown April 1)
Open Pollinated Slicers:
100 Pudov (renaissance farm)
1884 (tomatofest)
1884 Purple(tomatofest)
Abe Lincoln (amishlandseeds)
Abe Lincoln (delectationoftomatoes,etc)*
African Queen (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Aker's West Virginia (tatiana's tomatoes)
Albenga Oxheart (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Amana Pink (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Amazon Chocolate (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Americke Pyramidni (tatiana's tomatoes)
Amish Potato Leaf (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Ananas Noire (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Andizhanskie  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Andrew Raharts Jumbo Red (totallytomatoes)
Anna Russian (reimers)
Arbuznyi (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Arkansas Traveler (reimers)
Aunt Gertie's Gold (Fiogga)
Aunt Ginny's Purple (tatiana's tomatoes)
Aunt Lou's Underground Railroad (Amishlandseeds)
Aunt Ruby's German Green (reimers)
Australian Oxheart (victoryseeds)
Azoychka (tomatofest)
Babushka Byka (tatiana's tomatoes)
Barlow Jap (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Bear Creek  (HeritageSeeds)
Beauty King (Fiogga)
Beleive It or Not (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Belmonte (heritageseeds)
Berg (tatiana's tomatoes)
Berkeley Tie-Dye Green (territorialseedco)
Berkeley Tie-Dye Pink (Fiogga)
Bezrazmernyi (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Big Ben No.1 (tatiana'stomatoes)
Big Cheef (secret seed cartel)
Big Cheef Pink Potato Leaf (tatiana'stomatoes)
Big McHenry  (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Big Rainbow (tatiana'stomatoes)
Big Red Stripes Inside (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Big Zac OP  (6.16 Foss Line)  (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Big Zac OP  (MacCoy Line) (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Bill Bean (seedtreasures)
BKX (bunnyhopseeds)
Black from Tula (reimers)
Black Krim (rare seeds)
Black Mountain Pink (amishlandseeds)
Black Sea Man (reimers)
Blue Ridge Black (tatiana'stomatoes)
Blue Ridge Mountain (tatiana's tomatoes)
Bolgarskoe Chudo  (tatiana's tomatoes)
Bordovyi (tatiana's tomatoes)
Boxcar Willie (totallytomatoes)
Brad's Black Heart (bunnyhopseeds)        
Brad's Giant Black Oxheart (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Brandywine Black (tradwindsfruit)
Brandywine Pink (reimers)
Brandywine (Brandyberry's Pink) (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Brandywine (Croatian) (Fiogga)
Brandywine (Cowlick)(Tatianastomatoes)
Brandywine (Glick's) (Amishlandseeds)
Brandywine(Landis Valley Strain) (reimers)
Brandywine OTV (tomatofest)
Brandywine  (Quisenberry Strain) (reimers)
Brandywine Red (victory seeds)
Brandywine (Sudduth's) (seed saver exchange)
Brandywine Yellow (reimers)
Brandywine Yellow (platfoot)(tatiana'stomatoes)
Brazilskiy Velikan (Tatianastomatoes)
Brutus Magnum  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Buckeye State (VictorySeeds)
Budenovka (double helix farms)
Budenovka, Pink(delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Bulgarian, Big Red Round (Tatianastomatoes)
Bulgarian Old Sort (No Name)  '15  (HeritageSeeds)
Bulgarian Old Sort (No Name) '16   (HeritageSeeds)
Bulgarian Triumph (totallytomatoes)
Bulgarishe Rosa Riese (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Bull's Heart Orange (renaissance farm)
Butler Skinner (amishlandseeds)
Bychye Serdtse Abakanskoe (tatiana's tomatoes)
Bychye Serdtse Khilenko (tatiana's tomatoes)
Bychye Serdtse Vystavochnoe (tatiana's tomatoes)
Camalay (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Captain Lucky (Fiogga)
Carbon (tomatogrowersupply)
Casey's Pure Yellow (Fiogga)
Caspian Pink (victory seeds)
Catapano (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Chapman (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Cherokee Chocolate (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Cherokee Green (thesampleseedshop)
Cherokee Purple (Bill Best)
Cherokee Purple (reimers)
Chillo della Garfagnana (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Chocolate Stripes (Fiogga)
Chudo Sada (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Claude Brown’s Yellow Giant (Bill Best)
Cleota Pink  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Copper River (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Cosmonaut Volkov (rare seeds)
Cosner (VictorySeeds)
Costoluto Genovese (thesampleseedshop)
Couilles de Taureau (tomatofest)
Crnkovic Yugoslavian (seed saver exchange)
Cuor Di Bue(delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Cuore de Boeuf de Nice (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Coeur de Boeuf Jerusalem (secret seed cartel)
Cuore De Toro  (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Curry (VictorySeeds)
Curtis Cheek (renaissance farm)
Czarnogotowki (tatiana'stomatoes)
DaChilo  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Dana's Dusky Rose (double helix farms)
Daniel Burson (bunnyhop seeds)
Danko (Fiogga)
Dark Queen (wildboarfarms)
Debbie (tatiana'stomatoes)
Delicious (Graham Line) (delectationoftomatoes,etc) 
Depp's Pink Firefly (tatiana'stomatoes)
Dester (rareseeds)
Dikaya Rosa (delectationoftomatoes,etc) 
Dinner Plate (VictorySeeds)
Dixiewine  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Domingo (delectationoftomatoes,etc) 
Don Camillo (double helix farms)
Donskoi (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Dorodnyi (tatiana'stomatoes)
Dr Lyle (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Dr. Wyche's Yellow (tomatofest)
Druzba (tatiana'stomatoes)
Dutka's Pink (tatiana's tomatoes)
Dwarf Crimson Sockeye (tatiana'stomatoes)
Dwarf Purple Heart (tatiana'stomatoes)
Dwarf Wild Fred (Heritageseeds)
Eagle Fork Big Red (Bill Best)
Eastern Kentucky Pink (Bill Best)
Eastham Pink (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Earl's Faux (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Earl's Faux (tomatogrowersupply)
Eh Lim (tatiana'stomatoes)
Eli (double helix farms)
Epstein's Potato Leaf (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Erdie Family Oxheart  (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Erica d'Australie (tatiana'stomatoes)
Eva Purple Ball (totallytomatoes)
Ferris Wheel (VictorySeeds)
FFA Pineapple Mix (amishlandseeds)
Filipino #2 (double helix farms)
First Love (double helix farms)
Fishlake Oxheart (Fiogga)
Frank's Large Red (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Fred Limbaugh's Potato Top (tomatofest)
Fresa (renaissance farm)
Gary O Sena (double helix farms)
Geante de Hutt (double helix farms)
George Detsikas Italian Red  (renaissance farm)
German Black  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
German Breault (delectationoftomatoes,etc) 
German Head (delectationoftomatoes,etc) 
German Hege (amishlandseeds)
German Hege (Bunnyhopseeds)
German Johnson (white oak valley farms)
German Johnson (Benton Strain) (heritageseeds)
German Pink (rareseeds)
German Queen(tomatofest)
German Red Strawberry  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Geswein's Purple  (tatiana'stomatoes)
Giallo De Summer (totally tomatoes)
Giant Heart Climber (Victory Seeds)
Giant Belgium  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Giant Belgium (tatiana'stomatoes)
Giant Oxheart (reimers)
Gigant Purelesa (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Gildo Pietroboni (Fiogga)
Girl Girl's Weird Thing (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Gold Medal (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Gold Medal (gratefulseedsaver)
Goliath (tatiana'stomatoes)
Grandfather Ashlock(tomatofest)
Grandma Baker's (tatiana'stomatoes)
Granny Cantrell's (toallytomatoes)
Grant County Pink (Bill Best)
Great Divide (double helix farms)
Grightmire's Pride (tomatofest)
Guido (double helix farms)
Guker's Special (tatiana's tomatoes)
Hay's (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Heatherington Pink (tatiana's tomatoes)
Helen's German (tatiana's tomatoes)
Herzegovac Oxheart  (renaissance farm)
Hillbilly (territorial seed co)
Honey Giant (double helix farms)
Hoy (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Huge Black  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Humph (thesampleseedshop)
Hungarian Giant (tatiana's tomatoes)
Hungarian Heart (reimers) 
Hunt  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Indiana Heirloom (tatiana's tomatoes)
Indian Dark Violet Beefsteak (delectationoftomatoes,etc) 
Indian Stripe (tomatogrowersupply)
Indian Stripe RL (Heritage Seeds)
Indigo Blue Beauty (territorialseedco)
Indische Fleisch (tatiana's tomatoes)
Ipanskiy Giant (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
 Iris' Red Russian (tatiana's tomatoes)
Istra (delectationoftomatoes,etc) 
Italo (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Japanese Black Triefel (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Japanese Oxheart (delectationoftomatoes,etc) 
Jeff Davis (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Jefferson Giant (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Jerusalem (Bill Best)
Joe's Pink Oxheart (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Judge Jack Miller Austrailian Oxheart (Bill Best)
Jugo (double helix farms)
Jung's Giant Oxheart (reimers)
Jurmala (Bunnyhopseeds)
Kamennyi Tsvetok (tatiana'stomatoes)
Kapis (double helix farms)
Karkiano (secret seed cartel)
KBX (Fiogga)
Kentucky Beefsteak (reimers)
Kentucky Pink Stamper (Amishlandseeds)
Kentucky Wonder (tatiana'stomatoes)
Kermit  (tatiana's tomatoes)
King Kong (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Klara (tatiana'stomatoes)
Kosovo (tatiana'stomatoes)
Krupnaya Grozd' (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Lambert's General Grant (tatiana's tomatoes)
Lara's Giant (tatiana's tomatoes)
Large Pink Bulgarian  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Lavender Lake (double helix farms)
La Vie en Rose (secret seed cartel)
Leadbeatter's Lunker (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Lilac Giant (tradwindsfruit)
Lil's Favorite (tatiana's tomatoes)
Lincoln Adams (tatiana'stomatoes)
Linheart's Giant (double helix farms)
Lithuanian Pink  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Livingston's Giant Oxheart (VictorySeeds)
Liz Birt (secret seed cartel)
Lucchese (tatiana'stomatoes)
Lumpy Red (tatiana'stomatoes)
Madison County (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Makedonski (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Mala Bishka (VictorySeeds)
Malakhitovaya Shkatulka (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Mamie Brown's Pink (Victoryseeds)
Marianna's Peace (tomatofest)
Marizol Purple (tatiana'stomatoes)
Marley (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Marlowe Charleston (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Marvel Striped (Fiogga)
Mary Ann  (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Mavritanskie (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Mcclintock Big Pink (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
McKinley (tatiana'stomatoes)
Medovyi (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Megamarv (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Mexico (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Michael's Portuguese Monster Bigzarro Strain (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Midnight in Moscow (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Mikado Red Regular Leaf (tatiana's tomatoes)
Mikado Rozovyi (tatiana's tomatoes)
Millionare  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Milka's Red Bulgarian (casey'sheirloomtomatoes)
Monomakh's Hat (renaissance farm)
Mont de Maratz (tatiana'stomatoes)
Moon Glow (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Mortgage Lifter (Bill Best)
Mortgage Lifter  (Estler's) (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Mortgage Lifter (Radiator Charley's) (territorial seed co)
Moya Juane (secretseedcartel)
Mr. Underwood's Pink German Giant (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Mrs. Benson (double helix farms)?
Mrs. Bot's Italian Giant (tatiana'stomatoes)
Mule Team  (white oak valley farms)
Mystery Purple 2015
Nagcarlang (double helix farms)
Napa Giant (wildboarfarms)
Neves Azorian Red (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
New Big Dwarf (totallytomatoes)
Nigella de Almoguera (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Noire Charbonneuse (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Not Purple Strawberry (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Novcerkasskij 416 (tatiana's tomatoes)
Old Brooks (reimers)
Old Fashioned Oxheart (delectationoftomatoes,etc) 
Old Fashioned Oxheart Striped (delectationoftomatoes,etc) 
Old German(tomatofest)
Oleyar's German (tatiana's tomatoes)
Omar's Lebanese (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Orange Minsk (Victoryseeds)
Oscar Gonthier's (tatiana'stomatoes)
Oud Holland (tatiana's tomatoes)
Owen's Purple (secret seed cartel)
Ozark Pink(tomatofest)
Palestinian  (tatiana's tomatoes)
Palmira's Northern Italian Beefsteak (tatiana's tomatoes)
Pamyati Korneeva (tatiana's tomatoes)
Paul Robeson (reimers) 
Peter Glazebrook  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Picardy (tatiana's tomatoes)
Pierce's Pride (HeritageSeeds)
Pineapple (reimers)
Pink Oxheart (renaissance farm)
Pink Russian 117 (tomatofest)
Pleine de Chair (tatiana's tomatoes)
Polish Giant Beefsteak (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Polish (VictorySeeds)
Ponderosa (VictorySeeds)
Pork Chop (rareseeds)
Portuguese (tatiana's tomatoes)
Potiron (tatiana's tomatoes)
Prudens Purple (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Pumpkin  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Purple Calabash (thesampleseedshop)
Purple Dog Creek (amishlandseeds)
Purple Potato Top (tatiana's tomatoes)
Rainey's Maltese (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Rasberry Supreme (double helix farms)
Reinhard Kraft Purple Heart (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Richardson (tomatofest)
Rebecca Sebastian's Bull Bag (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Rebel Yell (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Red Barn (secret seed cartel)
Rose (totallytomatoes)
Rose D'Eauze (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Rozovyi Gigant (VictorySeeds)
Rozovyi Kilogrammovyi (tatiana's tomatoes)
Royal Hillbilly  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Rutgers CS Space Select (territorial seed co)
Sekai Ichi (double helix farms)
Serdtse Ameriki (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Serdste Buivola (double helix farms)
Shapka Monomakha  (HeritageSeeds)
Sherry's Sweet Heart (wildboarfarms)
Shirley S  (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Shuntukski Velikan (tatiana's tomatoes)
Siberian Pink Honey (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Sibirskiy Velikan Rozovyi (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Silvery Fir Tree (seed saver exchange)
Slankard's (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Smith's Southern Giant (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Solar Flare (Fiogga)
Solar Flare XL (wildboarfarms)
Soldacki (seed saver exchange)
Spanish Giant (double helix farms)
Spudakee (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Spudatula Black (secret seed cartel)
Stuhmer (tatiana's tomatoes)
Stump of the World (tatiana'stomatoes)
Sugar Bison (double helix farms)
Sumo (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Super Choice (tomatofest)
Super Sioux (reimers)
Sweet Scarlet Dwarf  (tatiana's tomatoes)
Sylvan Gaume (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Sylvan Gaume  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Tappy's Finest (reimers)
Tarasenko 6 (tatiana'stomatoes)
Tennessee Britches  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Tennessee Heirloom (VictorySeeds)
Terhune (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Texwine  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Thunder Creek (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Tidwell German  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Tiffen Mennonite (reimers)
Todd County Amish (reimers)
Tollison's German (tatiana's tomatoes)
Truckers Favorite (totallytomatoes)
Tsar Kolokol (double helix farms)
Tsarskiy Lubimets (tatiana's tomatoes)
Tsesarevich (tatiana's tomatoes)
Tuxhorn's Red and Yellow (tatiana'stomatoes)
Uncle Mark Bagby (renaissance farm)
Usbekistan (tatiana's tomatoes)
Utrennyaya Rohsa  (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Valena Pink (VictorySeeds)
Vera's Seed (Fiogga)
Violet Noir (secret seed cartel
Vinson Watts (Bill Best)
Vinson Watts (Tatianastomatoes)
Volovsko Srce (renaissance farm)
Vorlon (rareseeds)
Watermelon Beefsteak  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Wes (tatiana'stomatoes)
West Virginia Sweet Meat (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Wild Bill's Old Timey  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Willamette (territorialseedco)
Willard Wynn (Bill Best)
Winsall Competition  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Woodland's Giant (tatiana's tomatoes)
Worley Red (Bill Best)
Yaponskiy Krab (tatiana's tomatoes)
Yasha Yugoslavian  (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Yellow Ruffled (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Yoder's Yellow German (tomatofest)
Yuvel Rozovyi (tatiana's tomatoes)
Yuvel' (tatiana's tomatoes)
Zamok Shartr (tatiana's tomatoes)
Zana (tatiana's tomatoes)
Zeke Dishman (Bill Best)
Zinulya (tatiana's tomatoes)
Black Vinnissage (rareseeds)
Brazillian Beauty (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Cascade Lava (wildboarfarms)
Cherry Roma (Johnny'sselectedseeds)
Cosmic Eclipse (rareseeds)
Damascus Steel (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Dancing with Smurfs (fiogga)
Dragon's Eye (wildboarfarms)
Green Doctor's Frosted (secretseedcartel)
Green Zebra (seed saver exchange)
Iditarod (herritageseeds)
Little Julia (tatiana'stomatoes)
Matt's Wild Cherry (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Purple Bumble Bee (Fiogga)
Van Wert Ohio (herritageseeds)
Velvet Red (seed saver exchange)
Veni Vidi Vici  (double helix farms)
Zarnitza (tomatofest)
Amish Paste (whiteoakvalleyfarms)
Bochata (doublehelixfarms)
Casady's Folly (Fiogga)
Comstock Sauce and Slice (totallytomatoes)
Grandma Mary (tomatofest)
Jersey Devil (rareseeds)
Opalka (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Polish Linguisa (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Prue (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Purple Russian (heritageseeds)
San Marzano (reimers)
Better Boy F1 (parkseed)
Better Bush F1 (parkseed)
BHN-624 F1 (Johnny'sselectedseeds)
Big Beef F1 (parkseed)
Big Brandy F1 (parkseeds)
Brandy Boy F1 (burpee)
Buck's County F1 (burpee)
Cherokee Carbon F1 (totallytomatoes)
Five Star Grape F1 (Johnny'sselectedseeds)
Grandma's Pick F1 (reimers)
Genuwine F1 (reimers)
Hoy x Deliscious F2 (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Jasper F1 (parkseed)
Marnero F1 (Johnny'sselectedseeds)
Michael's Portuguese Monster x Deliscious F2 (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Momotaro F1 (tomatogrowersupply)
Mountain Glory F1 (reimers)
Park's Whopper CR Improved F1 (parkseed)
Odoriko F1 (reimers)
Pink Girl F1 (reimers)
Sun Gold F1 (tatiana'stomatoes)
Sun Sugar F1 (totallytomatoes)
Melons:                      (to be sown May 10)
African Jelly Melon/Horned Cucumber:
Kiwano Rund
Musk Melons:
afghan honeydew
amarillo oro
ananas d'amerique a chair verte
bateekh samara
boule d or
canoe creek colossal
delice de la table
early frame prescott
early hanover
edisto 47
emerald gem
ginger's pride
golden honeydew
golden jenny
indian cream cobra
jenny lind
keli kheli
minnesota midget 
noir de carmes
oka, bizard island strain
old greek
old time tennessee
petit gris de rennes
piel de sapo
prescott fond blanc
pride of wisconsin
rich sweetness 132
swan lake
sweet passion
tendral verde
tip top
ali baba
blacktail mountain
carolina cross
charleston gray
clay county
cream of saskatchewan
dixie queen
florida giant
golden russian
hopi yellow
japanese cream fleshed suika
klondike blue ribbon striped
mississippi cobb gem
missouri heirloom yellow fleshed
moon and stars yellow
orange flesh tendersweet
siberian sweet
sugar baby
tom watson
white sugar lump
Indeed, we intend to be real farmers.  My family has a goal to start a tree nursery and more type deal.  My dad has been establishing a stock of trees he has cultivated from seed over the past several years and we are in serious stages of planning to launch the business.  I have my peppers, tomatoes, melons, irises, and (in the future roses <3) to contribute to the business.  My brother has an extensive collection of tropical plants, cacti, and euphorbias carried over from my dad's old collection (which my dad used to sell (we grew up in a greenhouse!)   In 2018 we are planning to build a new greenhouse!  That is when the farming will really begin as I will have room to grow out enough seeds to sell plants.  This season I am only going to be sowing one cell of each variety of pepper and tomato with two or three seeds---So that, while I am growing the highest number of individual varieties ever this next season, I will actually be growing fewer trays than I have in the past, which I am looking forward to.  Our farm (my grandparents' land) is 17 acres ;-)  However, my most well-amended garden plot where I plan to construct my fence this year is about 7500 square feet.  The fence will serve the dual purpose of keeping out a lot of the critters as well as providing support for my tomatoes.  I am going to grow my tomatoes along the fence row and trellis them using the woven wire, as I have very successfully accomplished at my mom's house. 
And GIP you contributed to this monstrosity of a grow list!!!!  :hell:
By the way, I have been using that smoked serrano powder on everything.... soooo good!
Lots of work there in the near future, I know, and I only grow 1/3 of the space you intend to use.
One thing I know best is tomatoes, and I wish I did peppers as well :shh: . Dirt day here is typically March 1st, I like them 15"s tall at that time. And I like to trim all the leaves except the crown and bury the stems at a 45° angle. I get killer results using this method. So I start the seeds indoors around January 10th or so. April seems a bit late. But, I'm here in hella heat come mid May. They need to grow fast and set fast (here). Early Girl has been the best producer for me over the last 35 years.
Killer list and a very ambitious grow scheduled. Good luck!
Yeah, this far north our dirt day is May 10.  I start my tomatoes later for space concerns.  When we get our greenhouse going I fully intend to start my tomatoes a lot earlier in order to take advantage of the cooler weather in the spring and early summer.  As I say, this season is kind of a preview of the genetics (I will only grow out one plant of each tomato variety.)  The real farming begins in the 2018 season!  
Holy cow, Noah, I tip my hat to you! Is this mostly by yourself? Are you growing just a few plants of many varieties?
I associate with a small farm (5 acre), but tomato and pepper varieties combined probably max out at 40 or so. We try to grow at least a whole row (75 feet) of one variety, or 10 pots minimum. I have a hard time keep track.
Yeah, just a few plants of each variety for now.  And yes, I do most of the work myself.  My dad has helped me to do some mulching occasionally.  And I will need help from my dad and brothers to build the fence.  The fence will be the greatest thing ever.  I have found the easiest way to trellis tomatoes is to plant them along the fence row.  Also... it will keep the deer out if we can make it tall enough.