noob pepper question

hey i have a noob question lol, this is my first year and my plants are flowering like mad, they each now have 1 pepper on them, yay 1 :dance:  lol.. i was wondering from the time you see the little pepper start how long does it take to fully grow? and how long after to ripen? just a rough estimate will help
Excellent! But prepare yourself to exercise more patience than you ever have..... could be a couple of months until it's ripe! Enjoy, and good luck!
Yea brother, Phil hit the nail on the head.  You are gonna get to stare at that fully grown, beautiful, GREEN pod.....WAITING for the color to 
As an example, I had a pod set about 3 and a half weeks ago and today I saw the first hint of red today.  And I will still probably have to wait 7-10 days for it to fully turn.
Balduvian said:
how long did it take from being tiny to full size?
They vary from species to species.... plus the other variables like climate, watering/feeding routine, etc..... like I said, be prepared to be patient! lol

Put it this way.... I've been watching some scotch bonnet pods growing for three weeks now.... still not full size or ripe.
Same here my first year and I have been waiting for my first pepper that appeared is finally ripening and by tomorrow it will be ripe that's 32 days
It is a ghost pepper
chicken_phat said:
Will hot sunny weather make pods grow faster and turn ripe faster? Or does weather not affect that?
When its hot and humid my plants usually grow like weeds! Some varieties like more shade than others but all my plants are shaded part of the day. The best looking one is a red moruga and it gets 50/50 sun and shade.
The more they grow the more pods you're gonna get. Once they start ripening your all set..
I planted my seeds last week of January.  First buds May 23.  First Pods June 13th.  Yesterday first sign of red on one of my bhuts.  Still plenty of green in the buckets, though.  I promise, if you check them a few times an hour, they'll ripen slower.  At least that's been my experience.
Pepperhead said:
I planted my seeds last week of January.  First buds May 23.  First Pods June 13th.  Yesterday first sign of red on one of my bhuts.  Still plenty of green in the buckets, though.  I promise, if you check them a few times an hour, they'll ripen slower.  At least that's been my experience.
lol so dont check them all day, gotcha