labels-artwork Nope, not another label critique thread!

This time, I want you guys to glance over my new website.....
Notes before hand: The design aspect hasn't really bean yet....Background / color theme and all that stuff...Still going over that with my designer.....
Thinking more content wise, and stuff....What else should be included? More pages? less pages? condense pages?
I have bookmarked and have gone through 20-30 different hot sauce websites that I took bits and pieces and ideas from.
One thing I am not thrilled about is my store-front.....Right now, it lists each product via text....I am going ot need my designer to fix the code, so i can have a single picture of each sauce, that when people click on it, will them lead them to an option where they can buy 1,2, or 3 packs....etc...
I think i need to beef up the about us is in the works....
anything obvious though??
1. You main logo, at the bottom, could fade into the black more. The white worn look there has a green tint or something to it on my monitor.
2. You may want a more legible font for the products. Something sans-serif, the serif can be hard on the eyes. And maybe a size larger?
Looks great.
I will let other professionals to comment about the site, I just want to ask you who's that you named that sauce "mrtav" ?
I see there is the spelling too, a bit adapted to English language, but not quite exactly, the word is Serbian, and a guy from Serbia will "smell" you are not a Serbian if will spell like this. They have a specific way to pronounce the consonants with no vocals, they even have words with no vocals, like krv (blood). But, I repeat, you would not be able to pronounce it right way, so the spelling on the label is ok.
The Hot Pepper said:
1. You main logo, at the bottom, could fade into the black more. The white worn look there has a green tint or something to it on my monitor.
2. You may want a more legible font for the products. Something sans-serif, the serif can be hard on the eyes. And maybe a size larger?
Looks great.
The text, logo, etc. is all pretty noted and will be fixed in the next week or so...all duly noted :)

rghm1u20 said:
I will let other professionals to comment about the site, I just want to ask you who's that you named that sauce "mrtav" ?
I see there is the spelling too, a bit adapted to English language, but not quite exactly, the word is Serbian, and a guy from Serbia will "smell" you are not a Serbian if will spell like this. They have a specific way to pronounce the consonants with no vocals, they even have words with no vocals, like krv (blood). But, I repeat, you would not be able to pronounce it right way, so the spelling on the label is ok.
Mrtav is Croatian for the word 'Dead'.   
I also have a record label, and put out a band who named their record 'Mrtav'.  Tried to tie the two companies together and do a promotional sauce for them, but they weren't interested....they gave me the blessing though to name my sauce it though....
If anything, the name has piqued extreme interest in the sauce, and it is quickly becoming a big seller. people dig the label....
I like it at first glance. How do you like Shopify, I see you have a few gripes. Did you look at any other eCommerce platforms? Is your Blog going to be active, meaning you REALLY plan to contribute to it? If not or even if yes, maybe have a recipe tab. 
So there is not a canned option to nest product quantities into a single element? That seems like a very basic store request and I would be shocked if not canned. 
Most important, it is responsive :)
As you know, you are limited to the fonts you can use because browsers only recognize so many. But you can embed fonts into your website so the browser loads it. One cool way of doing this is using Google fonts. You may find a cool font here that works with your product. Then you just follow the instructions on how to embed it.
GeminiCrow said:
Mrtav is Croatian for the word 'Dead'.   
Well, you could say Croatian, in fact they all speak mostly the same language... In ex-Yugoslavia the official language was Serbian-Croatian. Now, each republic claimed independence (imagine,they are independent countries, but most of these countries have the population around 2mil., Montenegro is about 600.000 people...), and they say each have own language, but they can understand each other, in fact could say their languages are dialects of the same language.
Same word is used in Serbian too, and I bet not only.
Sorry for the off-topic....
rghm1u20 said:
Well, you could say Croatian, in fact they all speak mostly the same language... In ex-Yugoslavia the official language was Serbian-Croatian. Now, each republic claimed independence (imagine,they are independent countries, but most of these countries have the population around 2mil., Montenegro is about 600.000 people...), and they say each have own language, but they can understand each other, in fact could say their languages are dialects of the same language.
Same word is used in Serbian too, and I bet not only.
Sorry for the off-topic....
All good. Always like to learn something new
Haven't come across anyone yet who has challenged me on the use of the word. If I do, I'm sending em your way!!! :)
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I like it at first glance. How do you like Shopify, I see you have a few gripes. Did you look at any other eCommerce platforms? Is your Blog going to be active, meaning you REALLY plan to contribute to it? If not or even if yes, maybe have a recipe tab. 
So there is not a canned option to nest product quantities into a single element? That seems like a very basic store request and I would be shocked if not canned. 
Most important, it is responsive :)
I love shopify. The customer service / tech support has been unmatched so far. Unbelievably helpful to a newly like me before I even gave them credit card info and became a paying customer.

One qualm that I do have and hopefully won't have to deal with for a while is the pricing structure. I am on the 29 dollar a month plan which is perfect for the moment. It allows me 1 gig of content to my page which I am not past 2% as of yet. I am sure blog posts and pictures over time make me reach that limit. The next plan up is 79 a month which is a huge 50 dollar per month hike. I don't want to have to sacrifice new posts or delete super old posts to stay under that threshold, but there should be another tier in the middle.

This is not my full time gig at the moment, but I would like my customers to have a reason to visit the site outside of just making purchases. Hence the blog and the gallery....the blog will be for company news and announcing events, new sauces, etc.... The gallery is for pictures of events and over time, pictures submitted by users using the sauce and recipes.....
I see a lot of sites having recipe tabs, but I feel that can nest under the gallery. Too many blog type pages and it will get confusing. I want to stream line as much as possible..
Not my area but since I recently placed an order I will share my customer side of it....
I noticed when I ordered from you was when I clicked on the hot sauce I wanted to buy, then clicked on the add to cart button it immediatly took me to my cart which is ok but I think it would be nice if once in the cart you had a "continue shopping" button. Or add it to my cart but make me go to my cart when ready to check out.
Another thing I noticed was I wasnt sure what shipping was upfront. Which is fine alot of sites dont advertise, then its calculated in the shopping cart. I was shocked that you are able to send for that price. Now cruising through your site one more time i see that info in the "about us" you should really put that as a one liner on the shopping cart page IMO. If I'd have known I would have ordered 3 bottles instead of 2. Dont think this info belongs in the "about us" section.
I agree with you to get clickable pics on your store page. If it were me I would get rid of them on the home page. Keep your logo picture and maybe turn it into a slideshow with your sauces. Make me go to your store page to buy. Heres another one I messed up, dumb customer me, I saw pictures with price clicked on them to order, I didnt even go to your store. Then since there wasnt a "keep shopping" button i kept going back to the home screen. Only now I'm seeing that you have merchandise, limited edition sauces, and a whole crow package.
Reading the ingrediant list on the "Devil His Due".....
INGREDIENTS: Bhut Jolokia Ghost Peppers, Pears, Apples, Water, Cider Vinegar, Onions, Carrots, Lime Juice, Sugar, Sea Salt, Garlic, White Peppers
Is this a typo or is white peppers intentional/propritary?....What kind? or did you mean white pepper? does it matter?
Finally, please, please, please put heat levels on your product discription pages.
beerbreath81 said:
Not my area but since I recently placed an order I will share my customer side of it....
I noticed when I ordered from you was when I clicked on the hot sauce I wanted to buy, then clicked on the add to cart button it immediatly took me to my cart which is ok but I think it would be nice if once in the cart you had a "continue shopping" button. Or add it to my cart but make me go to my cart when ready to check out.
Another thing I noticed was I wasnt sure what shipping was upfront. Which is fine alot of sites dont advertise, then its calculated in the shopping cart. I was shocked that you are able to send for that price. Now cruising through your site one more time i see that info in the "about us" you should really put that as a one liner on the shopping cart page IMO. If I'd have known I would have ordered 3 bottles instead of 2. Dont think this info belongs in the "about us" section.
I agree with you to get clickable pics on your store page. If it were me I would get rid of them on the home page. Keep your logo picture and maybe turn it into a slideshow with your sauces. Make me go to your store page to buy. Heres another one I messed up, dumb customer me, I saw pictures with price clicked on them to order, I didnt even go to your store. Then since there wasnt a "keep shopping" button i kept going back to the home screen. Only now I'm seeing that you have merchandise, limited edition sauces, and a whole crow package.
The one issue I am confronted with is, when you choose your THEME, you are pretty much locked into the specs that the developer put into it. You can change them with the help of a web designer/programmer who can go into the back end and modify some stuff, but overall, for what I did on my own, that was my only option. I do agree. I am not nuts about having 'for sale' products on the front page as people won't always take the time to see that there is a 'store'.
Also in regards to the store, I haven't figured out how to add text and shipping info to that page, hence it being put onto the 'about us' page. I know, me personally, before i purchase something on any website, i check out the info page first...But thats just me, and can't expect everyone to experience the site the same way...
As for items going in the cart, this is pretty the upper right hand corner, it'll show the items in your cart. it is pretty 'common sense IMO' to simply click store again, and continue shopping if you wish...but i can see if my programmer can alter that.....
Reading the ingrediant list on the "Devil His Due".....
INGREDIENTS: Bhut Jolokia Ghost Peppers, Pears, Apples, Water, Cider Vinegar, Onions, Carrots, Lime Juice, Sugar, Sea Salt, Garlic, White Peppers
Is this a typo or is white peppers intentional/propritary?....What kind? or did you mean white pepper? does it matter?
Finally, please, please, please put heat levels on your product discription pages.
This is also a highly debated topic which i have seen on here many times. i choose not to do it.....It comes down to this...If I include lets say a heat level meter of 1-10, and i call my sauce a 7 or 8, that is simply my opinion.  I have done had enough people taste my sauces and have different reactions to the same sauces that will keep me from assigning anyting but a basic template to my sauce heat index......  What might be a 7 to me, might be a 10 to one person, and a 4 to another....It will never be accurate to the masses.....peoples pallets and tolerances are different.....I am standing by the idea that people who seek my sauces online are already chili heads to a degree, and understand that all the sauces are somewhat hot, and by reading the ingredient list, can get an idea of how extreme or not extreme the heat may be.
When I am at a market, I can converse with people who ask me about the heat level of my sauces....I can point them in the right direction with a little labels are broken into medium, hot and super hot....without tasting the sauces, to me, that is the most basic and fair way i can describe my's too soon to see if this is gonna bit me in the ass or far it has not....
I'm always learning and not at all adverse to change....if this proves to be an issue going forward, i will seek changes....
I will go into each product and put my heat meter in however.....
thanks for sharing your thoughts...thats why im doing this!! :)
Who did you buy your theme through? One thing I have learned is that it pays to go with awesome and flexible themes with great support.  
I understand the checkout but many offer a popup box that has the option to checkout or continue shopping when adding an item to the cart instead of launching the customer to checkout. Less click equals more product views :)
I am with you on rating as far as heat, so very subjective. I myself will try to better this year with that. To me a 1 might be a 5 to the normal person. 
Best of luck and the site will come together. Remember it is your vision and make it user friendly.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Who did you buy your theme through? One thing I have learned is that it pays to go with awesome and flexible themes with great support.  
I understand the checkout but many offer a popup box that has the option to checkout or continue shopping when adding an item to the cart instead of launching the customer to checkout. Less click equals more product views :)
I am with you on rating as far as heat, so very subjective. I myself will try to better this year with that. To me a 1 might be a 5 to the normal person. 
Best of luck and the site will come together. Remember it is your vision and make it user friendly.
It was one of the free themes offered through Shopify, and frankly the one i liked the best out of the free and paid ones. I'll inquire with the developer about the check out vs. stay in the store option.
I am all about user friendly...more important than anything!!!!!
FeistyParrot said:
Whilst heat is indeed subjective and heat scales are as such, people LOVE them, consumers LOVE them and customers ($$$) LOVE them. What if you are not there to describe your sauces? How would they have a base to start?
Agreed..but again, if i declare my sauce to be an 8 out of 10, and a person buys it based on that, and after tasting it , feels that it is no more than a 4-5 out of 10, then the customer will feel I mis-represented the sauce.
When I am shopping for sauce, and don't have the opportunity to try it out before hand, for me personally, a 1-10 rating isnt gonna make a difference. I will look at the ingredients and make my determination based on that. I know if I buy something with jalapeno or whatever, it will be on the milder side, and if i buy something that says ghost peppers or scorpion peppers , it will be on the hotter side..
I have to put my faith (not smart,I know) into the customer, that they if buying a hot sauce, are somewhat informed about what peppers are hotter than others and so forth.
I'd rather go buy a description on the label, then a number rating....
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Having been in IT for 20 years, free will never be the best. Even with the skills I tried to hack the free themes and in the end was much better to pay for a sub.
Check out - this is what I use for Joomla. So much flex it is unreal....
The free theme is the one i liked best as far as layout goes...plain and simple...i am sure all of them, free or paid, will have their plus or minuses.
I will ask a shopify tech support person if i can import a yootheme into shopify or not...
GeminiCrow said:
Agreed..but again, if i declare my sauce to be an 8 out of 10, and a person buys it based on that, and after tasting it , feels that it is no more than a 4-5 out of 10, then the customer will feel I mis-represented the sauce.
When I am shopping for sauce, and don't have the opportunity to try it out before hand, for me personally, a 1-10 rating isnt gonna make a difference. I will look at the ingredients and make my determination based on that. I know if I buy something with jalapeno or whatever, it will be on the milder side, and if i buy something that says ghost peppers or scorpion peppers , it will be on the hotter side..
I have to put my faith (not smart,I know) into the customer, that they if buying a hot sauce, are somewhat informed about what peppers are hotter than others and so forth.
I'd rather go buy a description on the label, then a number rating....

The free theme is the one i liked best as far as layout goes...plain and simple...i am sure all of them, free or paid, will have their plus or minuses.
I will ask a shopify tech support person if i can import a yootheme into shopify or not...
Just Google and see who does it the best. What is the foundation of your site? I could just review the code but I am having a lazy Friday :) 
GeminiCrow said:
Agreed..but again, if i declare my sauce to be an 8 out of 10, and a person buys it based on that, and after tasting it , feels that it is no more than a 4-5 out of 10, then the customer will feel I mis-represented the sauce.
When I am shopping for sauce, and don't have the opportunity to try it out before hand, for me personally, a 1-10 rating isnt gonna make a difference. I will look at the ingredients and make my determination based on that. I know if I buy something with jalapeno or whatever, it will be on the milder side, and if i buy something that says ghost peppers or scorpion peppers , it will be on the hotter side..
I have to put my faith (not smart,I know) into the customer, that they if buying a hot sauce, are somewhat informed about what peppers are hotter than others and so forth.
WRONG!  You wanna take a guess how many people at the hot sauce festivals don't know what capsaicin is, what's a chipotle, let alone what a bhut is or if it's hotter than a habanero! 
On your website you have the luxury of words and tabs.  If you must, add a tab labeled Heat Scale, where you can describe your scale rating. 
" Our heat scale is based for regular folks who think Tabasco and jalapenos are about a 4 out of 10 on the heat scale. Please adjust your heat rating according to your own heat tolerance."
I make a Tropical sauce with red savina habanero, bhuts and Korean red chiles....Sounds HOT, right????   It's not, it's a medium.  For most folks, it's about a 4, for chileheads, it's about a 2-3. 
Prolly can't use Tabasco due to copyrights or something...but that's just an example.