Has really washed out my peppers. Some look drearier than others, but many are ok. It's happened in the past during wet springs and most have recovered, but it's painful to look at the hard work of raising a seedling then watching her get poured on day after day after day.
One Pequillo is likely toast from too much water. Some beast (insect) is taking a liking to my corbacis; large holes in the middle of the leaves. But other than that, it's just peppers hanging on for dryer days - a bit limp, yellowed, but with new growth giving a go.
I hope everyone else in the northeast is faring well. I guess this is where planting several dozen peppers comes in handy
One Pequillo is likely toast from too much water. Some beast (insect) is taking a liking to my corbacis; large holes in the middle of the leaves. But other than that, it's just peppers hanging on for dryer days - a bit limp, yellowed, but with new growth giving a go.
I hope everyone else in the northeast is faring well. I guess this is where planting several dozen peppers comes in handy