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Not 7pot burgundy for sure, but what?

I'd be grateful if you could help identifying what these are (not 7pot burgundy as they were labelled :)):
They grow upright, 2-3 from the same spot, size of the pepper is ~4-5cm (1.5-2"). The skin is bright and glossy. Unfortunately no idea what color they will ripen to.
Thanks a lot in advance,


Just in case someone accidentally comes here; one ripened to orange.
Tried it, smells like a superhot. The 1st slice from the bottom showed fruity taste, then the capsaicin did just hit in. It's really a superhot, for me much stonger than a hab for example.
"Just in case someone accidentally comes here"
Just in case the OP wants to "accidentally" do a little more research on multiple fruit per node growing upright:
They are characterized by compact growth, and can make good container plants. The peppers tend to grow upright rather than pendant and are usually red, orange or yellow.
Other than that I can't imagine what you've got. Is it a secret or would you like to help us with "what" it is you grew? Is the plant "compact" or "gangling"?
Any other info you can think of that would help all the experts here narrow it down?
Yea, sorry for that, due to a page issue I assume. For 2 days I saw 0 views, now suddenly 155 out of the blue.
Anyways, thanks for the link it'sd very useful.
I'm not sure what you mean with "what", if you meant what it was supposed to be, it's 7pot burgundy like I wrote in the original post, but it's far from it as it looks to me. If you meant something else, please explain.
The plant is anything but compact; it's about 90 cm or so (36") and tree like.
Probably a hibrid I'd guess, I was just really surprised about it having such strenght while not the typical superhot skin, and hope(d) it might be familiar to some.
Yea I had the feeling that it's probably a cross, was hoping to get closer to what kind of cross it could be.
The seeds came off the european seed train last September, AaronTT