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Not a douglah... sad face

Hey all,

I labeled this a douglah... maybe I mis-labeld it... maybe amix up with the shipper... maybe sense this is the first pod it hasn't reached full form yet.... any ideas ?



Plant small leaves after large leaves dropped.... only small grew back...


Remaining larger leaves...




Word life.

-- Mega
Red savina? https://www.google.com/search?num=10&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1440&bih=809&q=red+savina&oq=red+savina&gs_l=img.3..0l3j0i24l7.1401.3686.0.3948. Nice pod! :)
Looks close doesn't it... sadly I have never had any red savina seeds... probably means I didn't get what I ordered...

Definetly already turing from green to orange to red... although its kinda strange as I noticed it was turning more burgandy before turning orange...
Could be a cross. Leaf shape and yellow flower are similar to douglah. The more burgundy before orange is why I am thinking it might be a cross. Typically pods that go from orange to red only go green-orange-red, without a burgundy stage.
Like Gemme Also Said It Can Be Cross Now & Days Mostly All Seeds Are Crossed Only Way Finding Is Wait to See At What Color It Stops Cutting Open After Ripe , & least Try It Yurself Take A Bite And See Whats The Heat Describe It Maybe Give Us An Idea..... :hot:

MegaSpokaneman Where You Get These Seeds From? Ebay?
From a reputable source, who is a member on here. I do not wish to name them as I am unsure if it was them or i who made the mistake. I will wait and see what the new pods form like. I also ordered 7 pod Jonahs from the same place... could this be a 7 pod Jonah ?

First pods can look nothing like the pepper you are growing. My Naga Morich formed small roundish pods the size of gumballs and then finally they started taking on the elongated bumpy textured pepper that should be growing. So you really have to wait and see. I also had a 7 pot Jonah that came out looking like some type of Scotch Bonnet but it too will start putting out normal pods. The only thing I can say is that it will not differ from the way it ripens...if it is supposed to ripen to a dark burgundy (like the douglah should) then it is not that variety of pepper. That's my experience anyway.

I'd wait until you start getting some hardy pods setting and see what they look like before you take a stab at what it is.