chinense Not bhut jolokia

I just found out that my bhut jolokia plant is not the realthing ..... It turned out to be numex big jim. I should have guess it by the small leaves, but since its my first year growing super hottes I had to wait for the pods to actualy get to full size. I couldnt wait any longer for the biggest pod to ripen so I took one and bit on it kinda hopeing it would still be hot........ Funny I had a galon of milk next to me befor I did , but to my surprise no heat at all ...... WTF ! But oh well thats how you learn.
What color was the pod when ripe? That's weird that it wouldn't have any heat at all, since Big Jims usually have a moderately low, but still there heat, usually around the same level as the Anaheim. I suppose that there are always anomalies in the low heat peppers.
It was still green , but yeah I was expecting at least some heat , darrnet can you picture me ....first time trying a super hot well what I tought was a super hot , I had it all milk, ice cream , yogert ! My dad couldnt stop making fun of me.
They came from me =/

Are you absolutely sure you planted seeds from the Bhut you got? They were grown next to a row containing NuMex Sunrise/Sunset/Twilight and Big Jim's so it's possible you just got a hybrid.....bad luck on that, sorry.

Here is yours

And my plants/Pods from last year. They are CPI Bhuts too.


The leaves on your plant show no sign of any Bhut feature to me. My seeds are growing true so far for me. Here's a Bhut baby from seeds from last years pods (dont mind the cat chewed leaves......bastards!)


If your brother visits before I FINALLY get mine planted out I'll send you a plant or two.

Also be patient and let the pods ripen no matter if hot ones or not. The green pods just aren't near the same.
Hey woody , Its cool dont worry budd .... It a long story but here it go's ... My brother send me the pods, so I gave them to my ex girl so she could make me some killer hot salsa. She dicided to dry the pods for seeds, so when the pofs were ready she just threw the seeds in a pot where an old pointsieta use to be. Next thing I now she showed me all the seedling were out...... And Iam not kidding when I counted like two hundred seedling in that pot , I thought it was weird that so many seed from two pods so I asked her if she was sure if the seed were from the pods my bro had send ...... Her reply was yes ! the plants were transplanted to 3gal pots and the resluts were the pics above...... So what do you think funny sh"t right . So like said its cool their still going on the grill thats for damn sure !
Lol that was your problem, letting a girl take care of it! (joking ladies)

Let them ripen. If its a Big Jim it ripens red, almost maroon. The Sunrise/Sunset/Twilight ripen yellow/orange/purple. Big Jim's are good eating, the others not so much..... Get the stuffed pepper recipe from your brother, it sounds delicious!
Your right budd ..... Sad part is shes no longer talking to me so guess I'll never know if she pulled a prank on me or not . I'll keep an eye on'em see what they turn out to be. Thank ya much for the imfo.
No problem. Post some pics of your plants. Won't be able to be 100% certain, but I can tell you what they should be by the leaves. I hear yours are a lot bigger than your bros =)
Sure thing , I dont have internet at home... All I got is my cel phone so just let me figure out how to from this aperatis and I will.
Have a smart phone of some sort? If so get an app like Photobucket (that's what I use) and upload your pics to there. Copy the IMG tag and paste it into your post.
Even a green hybrid of a Bhut Jolokia and anything is going to have some heat.

I disagree there, Patrick. I had some Naga Moriches last year that were pale green, and one had the 3-lobed tip like a Cubanelle, and a few of those I tried had no heat at all. Most did, however, so it's just an anomaly, but nonetheless it can happen even with superhots.
No problem armac , and truly thanks for the plants and seeds that was mighty kind of ya. You got my number anything you need just call or text me .