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Not hot

So after harvesting all my pepperinos from the garden, I de seeded them with gloves and everything, and wanted to make something out of the remaining flesh. Turns out not ONE of the peppers is hot. They were all mature when harvested and most are ornamental, still I don't get how they can be not even a bit hot (The indoor ones of the same variety are very hot btw). Why did this happen?
I just tried an unripe one of the same variety, its hot as hell so im guessing the ripeness had something to do, maybe they have been on the branch for too long (they have been there for quite a while now)
Same plant variety grown inside is hot.
Peppers from same plant are hot when young.
Peppers from that same plant that you de seeded are not hot.

I am going out on a limb here.  Maybe most of the heat in the variety you are discussing is in the placenta / area around the seeds that you cut out when you cut out the seeds.  Just a thought.
Ill give more detail so the pepper wizards can supply their knowledge
Plants of the same variety grown indoors are hot when young, not when mature (eaten whole)
Plants of the same variety grown outdoors are not hot when ripe (no info on young, haven't tried)
One other plant had the same problem ripe (outdoor plant)
ALL ripe pods stayed on plant for a month and a half
ALL affected plants have been overwatered in the riping period
Plants with unripe pods were moved across the town and they stayed there for a month
Indoor plants remained in the same place throughout
Affected plants are: Explosive ember, and some random no name
Erol, it is like a murder mystery.  Who killed the heat. This is going to be the coolest discussion if someone knows the answer.  Lots of talk of how to use nutrients and stress to convince peppers to grow hotter, but I dont remember any on how to grow them to tame them down.  Thank you for the topic.  Now we gotta find someone who knows the answer.

I think it was the Butler in the greenhouse with a spade. 
Ever heard of ripperino in pepperino? Basically its one word i use for describing chillies
Ever heard of ripperino in pepperino? Basically its one word i use for describing chillies
I think the Three Stooges used the word too.  Maybe feeding them to a horse or cow.  I forget.  I am ashamed.

BTW: There is another thread on this topic, so I know it happens to more than one person.  Still it is a mystery and seems very odd.
i'm going to go out on a limb and assume they was watered heavily recently. I find that my peppers are not as hot tasting after a rainstorm or watering (which I rarely do) 
as the saying goes, the solution to pollution is dilution. Though in this case it's water content diluting the cap. 
Ye but he is describing no heat.  Seems weird but then again I think on other things and have to wonder what is weird anymore.
No need to go out on a limb, they WERE overwatered, HEAVILY but while I do understand the concept of taking one drop of acid and diluting it in 200 drops of water, makes it a very weak acid, it still is an acid. These chillies were literally sweet  :confused: