chinense Not Reaper X Brain Strain but unknown orange cross

I was sent these reaper X brain strain seeds from a guy up north here in Colorado.  If you guys remember he started a bunch of drama on here and got banned.  His handle was brainstrainpepperhead i believe.  Anyway the plant only put on a few pods, but for some reason the pods just turned orange.  I will report back tonight with a heat and flavor profile.  Do not ask me for seeds because the plant only put on 4 pods all summer.  I cannot explain why pods turn orange for me here in Colorado.  I get yellow variations of super hots that turn orange instead of yellow.
Nice looking pepper none the least, I was expecting a bigger pod, but that one is fairly large.  could be the weather and how much sun it got, I had a couple of Morugas that got too much shade this year and just set a few pods, while last year the plants put out over twenty pods each and they were much bigger than the year before that.
wildseed57 said:
Nice looking pepper none the least, I was expecting a bigger pod, but that one is fairly large.  could be the weather and how much sun it got, I had a couple of Morugas that got too much shade this year and just set a few pods, while last year the plants put out over twenty pods each and they were much bigger than the year before that.
i' can't explain it.  But i'm naming it the Cream sickle 7 Pot

Cream Sickle 7 Pot
Wait a minute let me get this straight, a guy that started a bunch of drama here got banned but he has seeds of a cross of Reaper x Brain Strain and these pods grew that look like Scotch Bonnets and we don't even know if this guy can grow a single pepper let alone have a successful breeding program.  These orange pods form and we name them wait for it....Dream Sickle 7 Pot.  I really like you Mikey and nothing personal but we need to keep the strains we already have true rather than give a new name to every cross that happens.  This is at best F1 and should not be give a name at all until you grow out 1,000's of said peppers, 4 pods just isn't good enough.  Rant over, carry on. 
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Wait a minute let me get this straight, a guy that started a bunch of drama here got banned but he has seeds of a cross of Reaper x Brain Strain and these pods grew that look like Scotch Bonnets and we don't even know if this guy can grow a single pepper let alone have a successful breeding program.  These orange pods form and we name them wait for it....Dream Sickle 7 Pot.  I really like you Mikey and nothing personal but we need to keep the strains we already have true rather than give a new name to every cross that happens.  This is at best F1 and should not be give a name at all until you grow out 1,000's of said peppers, 4 pods just isn't good enough.  Rant over, carry on. 
Does that mean I can't name my favorite Habanero George? I will hug him and kiss him and..... :violin:
Sorry, subtle sarcasm isn't my forte.
Hawaiianero said:
Does that mean I can't name my favorite Habanero George? I will hug him and kiss him and..... :violin:
Sorry, subtle sarcasm isn't my forte.
got some spare seeds?
This "George" chilli seems swell.
Hawaiianero said:
Does that mean I can't name my favorite Habanero George? I will hug him and kiss him and..... :violin:
Sorry, subtle sarcasm isn't my forte.
how about you try growing super hot peppers at 7,000 feet elevation with a short season then come talk shit.  
jedisushi06 said:
how about you try growing super hot peppers at 7,000 feet elevation with a short season then come talk shit.  
Whoah, easy jedi, for all I care you can call it Rocky Mountain High. Joke you if you can't take a  :censored:
Edit: Sorry, that is a beautiful pod though. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings :cry:
Nice pods Mikey!
Curious to hear about heat and flavor.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Wait a minute let me get this straight, a guy that started a bunch of drama here got banned but he has seeds of a cross of Reaper x Brain Strain and these pods grew that look like Scotch Bonnets and we don't even know if this guy can grow a single pepper let alone have a successful breeding program.  These orange pods form and we name them wait for it....Dream Sickle 7 Pot.  I really like you Mikey and nothing personal but we need to keep the strains we already have true rather than give a new name to every cross that happens.  This is at best F1 and should not be give a name at all until you grow out 1,000's of said peppers, 4 pods just isn't good enough.  Rant over, carry on. 
Good points Cappy, lately there is a bad trend so every year we see dozens of 'new' varieties popping (i believe you can easily fill your garden for a couple seasons with all the 7pots and bhuts variants alone LOL)
Nothing wrong about giving a fancy name for personal reference IMHO as long as you don't try to make money with totally unstable stuff...
Wise people will keep growing and preserving trusty varieties together with the novelties ;)
No way man.

My reaper cross bbg7 cross bhutlah that had the Douglah mother plant is and will always be called Candy Crush. Even if it is only in the pod, I know it will be what I want it to be.

It shall sweep across the planet like a tidal wave of cap oil (damn, I should call it capoil) and anyone within shouting distance shall know of its existence.

It will kill you its so hot. But its ok because when you die you become a martyr of Capoil.

72 glasses of milk await you my friend.
"he started a bunch of drama on here and got banned" - This part might give me pause about the veracity of any claim about the kind of seed you got, but I'd be curious how a taste test between that and Scotch Bonnett's faired.
Pr0digal_son said:
Call it "Scotch Bonnet". That is what it is.
are u sure?  Did you grow it or taste it?  


I really never claimed it to be a reaper x brain strain nor was i expecting anything cool do come from the seeds.  I never really do, i just enjoy growing peppers.  And i wasn't really sure why the guy sent me the seeds in the first place, i did not ask for them.  My guess is he was wanting me to send him a bunch of free seeds in return, since he was on here asking for handouts.  Anyway, when i cut open the pod it has a real strong 7 pot smell that was kind of sweet with pools of oil on the inside.  Flavor was really good, sweet and fruity like a scotch bonnet but with more heat.  Reminds me of a yellow brain on the back side of the flavor.  Anyway, since i have no idea who the parents are i decided to name it because the color and flavor remind of a creamsicle.  Plus chris phillips asked me for some of the seeds so i decided to give it a name.  As my good friend jack superhot says, it's really just a label for the seeds on a baggie.  I find it funny that some of you decided to get all butt hurt about giving it a name.  You sound like those kids in pre school who didn't get the crayola marker that you wanted and threw a fit over it.  Anyway, i'm going to keep growing peppers and living my life drama free.  Stay lifted.
jedisushi06 said:
are u sure?  Did you grow it or taste it?  
I really never claimed it to be a reaper x brain strain nor was i expecting anything cool do come from the seeds.  I never really do, i just enjoy growing peppers.  And i wasn't really sure why the guy sent me the seeds in the first place, i did not ask for them.  My guess is he was wanting me to send him a bunch of free seeds in return, since he was on here asking for handouts.  Anyway, when i cut open the pod it has a real strong 7 pot smell that was kind of sweet with pools of oil on the inside.  Flavor was really good, sweet and fruity like a scotch bonnet but with more heat.  Reminds me of a yellow brain on the back side of the flavor.  Anyway, since i have no idea who the parents are i decided to name it because the color and flavor remind of a creamsicle.  Plus chris phillips asked me for some of the seeds so i decided to give it a name.  As my good friend jack superhot says, it's really just a label for the seeds on a baggie.  I find it funny that some of you decided to get all butt hurt about giving it a name.  You sound like those kids in pre school who didn't get the crayola marker that you wanted and threw a fit over it.  Anyway, i'm going to keep growing peppers and living my life drama free.  Stay lifted.
I think you are the one that may be a bit butt hurt sir. Out of the aggressive and silly posts here,some mocking you,you decide to rant on about my straight forward opinion? Maybe you need too take a couple hits ? Maybe too many? Could explain why you would rename something sent to you by a jerkoff looking for free stuff that probably has never even grown a pepper.
Pr0digal_son said:
I think you are the one that may be a bit butt hurt sir. Out of the aggressive and silly posts here,some mocking you,you decide to rant on about my straight forward opinion? Maybe you need too take a couple hits ? Maybe too many? Could explain why you would rename something sent to you by a jerkoff looking for free stuff that probably has never even grown a pepper.
i forgot that you have a fancy camera and know EVERYTHING there is about peppers.  Carry on sir.  i could give a fuck less of what you think of me or anyone else.  Do you think i grow peppers just to please you and others?  I gave my honest opinion but for some people that's too much to handle.  I never stated that the seeds were what they were labeled.  Reason i try not to pass stuff on i have never grown.  Look at King Denniz,  the never grows anything but some how has every thing to pass on.  I find it funny that people are so quick to jump to negative outlooks on things. Carry on talking people down, hey if it helps you sleep better at night and feel better about yourself.
A big hug to everybody that is reading this thread!

Oh and I couldn't notice butt read the term butthurt in here somewhere.
If ya butt don't hurt you ain't doing it right!

Now anyone got a remedy for screaming children....