flavor Nova's Northern Naga Taste Test

Thanks for the tip PF. I'll probably have to wait until summer rolls around then. We're still dealing with snow and cold temps right now. I'll just have some fun with these ones for now then ;)

And yes, NJA, I'm going to keep nibbling at them until I can take it. Who knows, a nibble a day may allow me to actually taste the peppers flavor in two or three months :D
You are right about them being big producers Blister, i would have got AT LEAST 400 pods of my plant but one interesing thing is thst it didn't really stop dropping it's flowers until the weather cooled down towards the end of our grow season.
Holy cow! 400 pods!? Looking forward to them producing like that :D. Now I just have to come up with a hot sauce recipe for Naga's. I loves me some hot wings and these should really do the trick ;)
Naga 666
With my Dorset setting pods like a champ i had to come up with a recipe to use them, here it is.

70 grms Dorset Naga
25 grms Jalapeno (i used small red ones)
30 grms Goats Weed
15 grms Aji Lemon
15 grms Tabasco
5 grms Habernero powder (from THSC)

100 ml Apple cider vinegar
50 ml Lime juice
500 grms canned mango pieces (cats didn't have any fresh but would be better)
1/2 of one large Spanish onion
1 clove Garlic
2.5 grms fresh Ginger
3 Artichoke hearts (didn't expect to see that did ya!)

I blended the Dorsets and vinegar the night before and let sit (was too drunk to be in the kitchen).
Next day chop up your peppers and throw them in a pot, blend with the biggest outboard motor you can find and heat to boiling whilst stiring.
After around 20 minutes add the Artichoke hearts and blend them in (thickens it nice like). I wasn't even thinking about using these, didn't even know what they were, but they had "La Nova" as a brand name so i thought i would try them. They are not too bad on their own either

Makes approx 1 liter.

Blister, maybe you could make a variation of my Naga 666 recipe. Just replace the other peppers with MORE NAGAS!

Linky to thread- http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?11461-Naga-666
Hey thanks for the recipe Nova. I'd have to sub some of the peppers because I don't have access to goats weed or tabasco. Just wish I had an oven hood so I wouldn't get pepper sprayed while rendering the sauce down. That hurts almost as much as eating the peppers themselves.
Novacastrian said:
Naga 666
100 ml Apple cider vinegar


Apple cider vinegar??

By mistake I used it in my sauce last month (fortunately a very small batch)

I threw it in sink and flushed it off the next day.:(

I did not like the smell.:shocked:

Plain vinegar works best for me.

It does not alter Naga aroma at all.


Just my thoughts worth 2 cents because Apple cider Vinegar is used as deodoriser also. It has some property to attack smell of other aromas.
what say you other folks? Plus it has horrible taste and smell.....bah
Thanks for your opinion NJA, i actually like the flavour of apple cider vinegar but can understand why other people would not. I have been known for drinking it from the bottle, but i do that with all other types of vinegar too, it's especially usefull to rid oneself of hiccups!

I will try another type of vinegar for my other sauces this season but have not yet decided what it will be yet. :confused:
Yup, straight from the bottle! MMMmmm yummmmyyyyyy

My fav drink of days gone by was malt vinegar, lemon juice and salt. Try that mate if ya face don't get screwed up by it you can give up, it's lovely with celerly or carrots ;)
LordViykor said:
I use it in most of my sauces, I like the flavour and acidity level.

YAY i know that i am not crazy!! Woot!

I also like the fact that it comes from apples for some reason. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".
Novacastrian said:
YAY i know that i am not crazy!! Woot!

I also like the fact that it comes from apples for some reason. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".

You know you're not crazy? Here's a little test for ya. Every family has 'that guy', the guy that no-one really understands and can't seem to figure out. He's just a little off or ain't quite right :crazy:. However you want to phrase it. The question is do you know who 'that guy' is in your family? Because if you don't you're him! :lol:

Seriously though, I use all the vinegars in my Indian dishes. Malt, apple, pure white etc. I don't mind the flavor of them either.
Novacastrian said:
My fav drink of days gone by was malt vinegar, lemon juice and salt. Try that mate if ya face don't get screwed up by it you can give up, it's lovely with celerly or carrots ;)

Sounds like it could use some Clamato and vodka. :D
Blister said:
You know you're not crazy? Here's a little test for ya. Every family has 'that guy', the guy that no-one really understands and can't seem to figure out. He's just a little off or ain't quite right :crazy:. However you want to phrase it. The question is do you know who 'that guy' is in your family? Because if you don't you're him! :lol:

:shocked: Holy cow man, you gone figured me out!! :rofl: