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pests Nuke Em insecticide by Flying Skull...Kills Aphids/Eggs, Mites...OMRI

I was at the local hydro shop today, and was introduced to an insecticide that purportedly kills a myriad of bugs/eggs, including aphids, which seem to receive a lot of attention on THP. I can't provide a link from this phone I'm on, but a Google search will take you to the Flying Skull site where you can read about it. I'm wondering if anyone here has used Nuke Em, or has any opinion on it.
citric acid is the only active ingredient.... 
you can buy it buy in bulk for cheaper lol..
also combine with neem oil and or insecticidal soap and seems like you got a pretty good solution thats all organic.
Eh, another pricey grow store product. 10$ a gallon mixed solution hehe. Had a friend burn their plants on the second application, though I never did get a handle on the why of it. Standard insecticides have proven results, list their ingredients and don't make wild claims. You can spot the snake oil products like this by their claim to "work wonders" against broad mites, root aphids, etc.