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Number of petals = Type of pepper?

I have a few unknown pepper plants that are just starting to flower. I was wondering if there is any correlation between the number of petals and the type of peppers they are? Some of the pepper seeds were traded to me as 'Unknown' and as 'Mixed Peppers'. I was just trying to figure out what they might be instead of playing the waiting game with them
They have regular foliage, besides the holes from some unknown pest. But they seem different than my other plants in the way it is growing and it has purple stems and branches. It is also alot smaller than the others and started flowering very early. It just randomly sprouted out of another plants pot. Im pretty anxious to see what kind it might be. Im thinking its from my parrots bird food, because I have seen a few types of small dried peppers in his food.
pics would help a LOT!! I'm assuming you're asking if you can tell by the flowers and such?? Are the stems and branches full purple or just in the joins and spreading a bit??? More info is needed. The purple could just be from lighting too...
You have a plant that just randomly sprouted in a pot with a pepper plant? I'm thinking weed or like you said something from your bird's food.

The number of petals isn't going to help ID a pepper plant. There are thousands of species of peppers, how could they all have a different number of petals?
this is what I think they grew from



the flower

I just saw some baby peppers on there just now


Does anyone know any kinds of peppers that are short like that?