nutrients Nute burn, or just deformed leaf?

Or maybe both? I added some miracle gro all purpose fertilizer to my carolina reaper on monday august 7th. Soil is miracle gro seed starting mix
First pic is tuesday august 8th, second and third pic are today

I've seen this on my plants as well.  I've read that the severely crinkled leaves could be cause my excessive nutes. I've also had deformed leaves where it look like something took a bite out of the side of the leaf. Since my grows have been indoors, and I couldn't find/identify and bugs on my plants, I have to conclude that it was either nutes, the oil from my fingers when I handled the plant when it was young, an E-cig smoke particle combining with a hyper charged space photon that impacted the edge of the leaf during early afternoon in Feb.... or aliens (wife included)!
In my case, none of the deformed leaves have cause any problems with the plant.  If it's green and growing, I'm good :)
Elscott... tell me that those plants are older than one year... please !  They are huge !
All of my new plants in the outdoor garden are not even half the size of yours... Awesome !  Just Awesome !!
l love to go out and look at them till the beer runs out. 
I started most by seed in mid December.  Last frost around here is feb 28th and I though I would be good to put them out then.  Well was not such a good idea most died or they lagged and dragged till May.  These are the ones that did the best fence is east west so they get full sun all day and with 2 months of 100 + weather they grew like rockets.  
They are in the ground.  I bought this house like 5 years ago and it had the worst toughest clay soil.  I paid some dude to put lawn in and I thought he was gona die the dirt was so hard.  I work bails of straw into the ground during the winter when its wet.  Well really the dogs do.  They make the garden area look like a scene from Saving Private Ryan in the winter but the straw put an end to that and you get crazy earth worms from it too. 
I use a 2/1/3 ratio osmocote fertilizer.  What ever is cheapest and in the biggest bag. I think last bag was citrus fertilizer.