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Nutrient Deficiency?

Here's a link I found on slugs that offers many ways to dispose of them. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.weekendgardener.net%2Fhow-to%2Fsnails-slugs.htm&rct=j&q=how+to+kill+slugs&ei=_TYgTJH_MMH78AbXiaGcAQ&usg=AFQjCNFCW-B-MH21TkaozALOWHDK58Vgnw After reading through it I'm going to try the iron phosphate bait. For now I've put crushed egg shells and perlite around the base of the plants to try and keep the SOB's off of them. I'm going to head out a little later and see if I can catch one or two. I just need to see the bastards once.

Good luck guys.

Patrick, great web site, even though I did not see any slugs/snails last night I might get some of that FePO[sub]4[/sub] and give it a try. Let me know if you catch one, take a picture.
I went out last night but got skunked, didn't see anything. I ended up ordering a bottle of the Sluggo bait that uses the iron phosphate. Seems to me to be the best option.

When I do catch one of them I'm going to have it mounted and hung over my fireplace. This is getting personal. I'll be sure to post a pick for ya TMP. Good luck keeping them at bay.
I went out last night but got skunked, didn't see anything. I ended up ordering a bottle of the Sluggo bait that uses the iron phosphate. Seems to me to be the best option.

When I do catch one of them I'm going to have it mounted and hung over my fireplace. This is getting personal. I'll be sure to post a pick for ya TMP. Good luck keeping them at bay.
Mounted slug, that's a pic I want to see. Just side note, I got to reading my Marschner book (Plant Nutrition) and I found that you can get similar symptoms as from a Zinc (Zn) deficiency and he called it "little leaf" and that it is particularly common in calcareous (limed) soils. Zn being a metal is more soluble in acidic soils and less soluble in alkaline (limed) soils. This year, I dusted my soil with lime and am thinking that this might be at least part of the problem. As a test, I fertilized one of my container Bhuts with FeSO4 which is supposed to acidify the soil a bit (should have used ZnSO4 but I don't have any) thinking that this may "free up" some of the Zn...wait and see. Some of my plants appear to be getting better, I will hunt some slugs this evening just in case. That is the thing with these things (biotic and abiotic disorders), the symptoms seem to blur together making it difficult to be definitive.
Mounted slug, that's a pic I want to see. Just side note, I got to reading my Marschner book (Plant Nutrition) and I found that you can get similar symptoms as from a Zinc (Zn) deficiency and he called it "little leaf" and that it is particularly common in calcareous (limed) soils. Zn being a metal is more soluble in acidic soils and less soluble in alkaline (limed) soils. This year, I dusted my soil with lime and am thinking that this might be at least part of the problem. As a test, I fertilized one of my container Bhuts with FeSO4 which is supposed to acidify the soil a bit (should have used ZnSO4 but I don't have any) thinking that this may "free up" some of the Zn...wait and see. Some of my plants appear to be getting better, I will hunt some slugs this evening just in case. That is the thing with these things (biotic and abiotic disorders), the symptoms seem to blur together making it difficult to be definitive.

I added a bit of lime to my mix too. I don't think it was enough to turn my peat based mix alkaline though. I've done a couple of pH tests and both times it was in the 6-7 range. Have you tested your pH TMP?

Please let us know how the test goes. As always best of luck.
I added a bit of lime to my mix too. I don't think it was enough to turn my peat based mix alkaline though. I've done a couple of pH tests and both times it was in the 6-7 range. Have you tested your pH TMP?

Please let us know how the test goes. As always best of luck.
I have not tested the pH yet, the only way I have to measure pH is to use the tests strips I have for the pool. Patrick, how do you test the pH?
Update, what I originally thought was a nutrient deficiency is, in all likelihood, a herbicide issue. More than likely due to drift and from an auxinic type herbicide (2,4-D or dicamba, for instance). The majority of the plants are recovering nicely. I will post some pictures in a few days. Thanks for all your input.
I am not sure how big the area is that you all are growing in but a good solution to slugs is a pie pan (or in my case a take out container lid) full of beer. The slugs go in get drunk and drown.

Here is my slug grave yard