Nutrient toxicity or disease?

I'm running an experiment with a nutrient mix in coco as described here:  It's a pretty standard recipe with the addition of extra Fe and Si.
All plants are doing quite well, apart from two Habanero Caribbean Red that have just started flowering. Some of the older leaves are getting brown spots and some are turning yellow from the edges, following the veins. Newer leaves are deformed and hard/brittle to the touch. I'm feeding at EC 1.4 at the moment. At first I thought it could be Mg deficiency so I've sprayed and flushed with EC 1.0 epsom salt. This didn't help, so yesterday I also tried flushing with CalMag dilluted at 1:1000. CalMag also includes iron, so if this is iron toxicity I guess it doesn't help at all.
The plants are in 2l pots, and they dry out enough to water every 2 days. I'm just about to make a new concentrate of my nutrients, and I would greatly appreciate any comments so I can take the advice into account.

Young leaves:

This is a leaf that fell off:

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I read your other post. Wow... that seams like a lot of work.  Personally I just buy my nutes. I'm kinda lazy !
With that said, if these current peppers don't work out, you could always use your home made nutes on a bunch of different types of peppers. Maybe you'll find some types peppers that LOVE the stuff you made :)
You have more patients than I do... that's for sure. Wishing you the best of luck friend !!
It's not that hard really. The software Hydrobuddy helps a lot. Now that I have the raw salts I can easily tweak the recipe. 
I have three older plants in coco that are fruiting right now. One of them is a multicolored jalapeno which is producing extremely well. The others are hard to compare since I moved them out of the grow lights.