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nutrients Nutrients ?

Hi All ,

I've started a few plants , guess I'm bored or want the practice. I've got the plants under those
125 watt compact fluorescent units.

What type nutrients should I be using in the first stage of growth. "Grow" like most plants or
do you do it differently with peppers?

P. Dreadie
Some will disagree with me, but I think you should use as little as possible. those nutrients affect not only the size and rate of growth, but also the health of the plant and fruits. big is not necessarily best. try using a more natural way of fertilizing, like some types of compost. when still fresh and green give 'em a mix rich in nitrogen, but not too much.
I use Botanicare products...the pure blend pro formulas, liquid karma, and the cal/mag when it is needed...

has worked well for me this year even though it is expensive stuff...

I used it from the first watering until plantout, then once a week for about a month after plantout...then switched to a balanced 10-10-10 vigaro liquid concentrate for the summer, then in september I poured the pure blend pro "bloom" series to them....

AJ ,

Those fellers are proud of their stuff. So I take it from you as of now I should use a grow formula . Until they're big enough to transplant into 1 gal pots. Next step should be 5 gal pots.

Maybe I should be more clear about what I'm doing at this time. I'm trying to learn a little. So I've started some plants. I know this is way early if my plans were to make starts to go outside only. I hope see if I can make cuttings, maybe get some peppers , and if the plants look good put them outside. But that's a long way off.

So that's an idea of what I'm trying to do.

P. Dreadie

PS ... Omri I saw your post also Thanks
yes, the grow formula is what you should use until they start flowering/fruiting....

I switched to the vigaro 10-10-10 a month after plantout because I simply did not want to spend 100 bucks a week on fertilize...(feeding 327 pepper plants)....then after the hot weather was over (early september), I switched to the pro bloom fert...

one thing to know about the pro grow forumla....it will make your plants tall in a hurry...and tall is not always a good thing...bushy is more better for production increase IMO...
AJ , thank you Sir. You hit the info I need for what I'm doing now. Pretty much like most plants.

It's a long ways off , but I plan on using containers or a more or less raised bed. Concrete walls with soil in the middle or those ( just guessing on size ) plastic containers that are about 3' long X 2 1/2' wide X 2 1/2' tall. In those I'm thinking a more compost , top soil , potting soil mix to start. Like you starting your raised beds just MUCH smaller.

Not to whine but I have big DAWGS and a mean wife, so I can't turn my back yard into a pepper garden ... the first year.....hehe

P. Dreadie
I generally stick with an all purpose fertilizer like 20-20-20(+micro) for most of the season but sometimes use a grow type formula(N) early in the spring and a bloom formula(P) in the fall and (k) late fall for overwintering plants.
I do not feed my plants any ferts in the first few weeks and then I start with a lower dose than the one I am using later, but I add some Root Juice to help them rooting.
I might add some information on the way I use the Botanicare products...I follow the prescribed "dosage" that is on the label and for seedlings, it is half strength and they recommend using it every watering...and I also use 1 Tbsp peroxide in all my water when they are seedlings...keeps root rot/fungus/mold at bay....

the biggest problem I have when growing indoors is aphids...I don't know where the heck they come from but if you grow indoors it is very likely you will eventually see them...neem oil seems to do the trick or if you have a "closed" area for them you can use lady bugs...if you use neem oil, don't put lady bugs on your plants 'cause it will kill them...I treated my seedlings with neem last year and the next day put 10K lady bugs on the plants and all but maybe 100 or so were dead the next day...
That's interesting, because Neem is supposed to be "ladybug-friendly", at least the stuff I'm getting over here. I haven't put this statement to the test yet, all I can say is that I haven't found any dead ladybugs near my plants yet.

Neem didn't help much once I got aphids, it worked great as a preventive measure, but once they invaded my grow shelf, it didn't help a bit.
it actually could have been a myriad of things that caused the lady bugs to die but I just attributed it to the fresh neem....
was using the pure neem oil that was diluted as recommended...
Botanicare makes some great nutrients but like you said AJ it's expensive. However it is the brand I'm going with in my hydro system (which should be completed today:onfire:). Peppers
If soil used chilli focus..Biobizz great but very expensive,trying some Plagron organic feed at the moment but like chiliac i don't give any nutes for first few weeks and when i do the minimum amount and over fertilize the soil,Trying coir at the moment for germination and in some of my larger plants ;)
talas said:
If soil used chilli focus..Biobizz great but very expensive,trying some Plagron organic feed at the moment but like chiliac i don't give any nutes for first few weeks and when i do the minimum amount and over fertilize the soil,Trying coir at the moment for germination and in some of my larger plants :lol:

Dude, coco coir is the shit. I absolutely love the stuff, I grew a tomato plant in it a few years ago using Hesi nutrients and it took over the entire balcony. Treated it like a hydro medium instead of like a soil-less potting mix, watered it with nutrients daily until water ran out the base of the pot, i was trying to create a "hand watered flood/drain system". Since of all the hydro mediums coir holds water the best, in a flood and drain system you may only have to flood once every day instead of 3-4 times with rockwool or perlite. Meh don't get me started on coir I'll go off all day. I have some pretty good guides for growing in coir bookmarked at the house, I'll pm you or post them when I get home.

Here you can see some of the tomato results:http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?t=2115


(this was in june, you should have seen it in august, 300+ cherry tomatoes every 3 days...like literally almost half a gallon a week)

and I used it for starting plants too, root growth is amazing, coir holds so much water & oxygen roots shit bricks and go crazy

oh, and sorry for hijacking this thread, but its his fault he said "coir"
Now you got my attention like the pic brother,Yep using coir in my autpot system next year..Love the info buddy P.M or whatever would be great :lol: