• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

NZChili and the Volunteer Gardens

Hi there, been awhile since I posted..but I have been continuing to grow peppers every year.
The last couple of years I have had some pretty solid hauls..I have been encouraging Volunteers and want peppers to just grow themselves..so at the end of the season I throw all the old pods around the grow beds and just let them all sprout themselves next year. I selectively weed out the weeds and leave all the pepper sprouts to battle it out. Survival of the fittest.
Pretty much the plants in pots i purposely grew from seed, and the ones in the garden are all volunteers. The Volunteer's all originate from a gnarly brown bhutler pheno which I have continued growing for the last few years..
in no particular order..here are some images of how things are shaping up.


I picked a few rocotos to give to some of the guys at work.


I also removed/ threw away this many that had been eaten by something

I have a pretty big bush of Aji Verde.

here are some of the bhutlah pheno that iv been growing for years



random photos from garden


here is what I believe to be the cross between the bhutlah and the wild bird pepper 
That bhutlah x possible thai cross looks prolific, will be interesting to see if it produces super hot pods.
How do you keep growing the same pheno? overwintering or cuttings?
fairyfoam48 said:
That bhutlah x possible thai cross looks prolific, will be interesting to see if it produces super hot pods.
How do you keep growing the same pheno? overwintering or cuttings?
Neither. I dont intentionally overwinter anything that isnt in a pot. I only discard/bury pods from the correct pheno into the growing beds.
I end up with a few crosses and other random plants but a good proportion come out true and I only discard those/bury those ones .
If a particularly interesting comes along Id grow it out in pots. Might grow this cross out . We will see
I'd give my left nutcracker to have
a climate like yours, Jacques! Being
able to naturalize peppers is just
"I also removed/ threw away this many
that had been eaten by something"
If you have to have rodents, ChiliHead
Rats are the best kind  :rofl: