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Oberto Habanero Jerky


Well, i saw this at the outlet store for less than 1/2 what it's supposed to sell for and figured why not.


I love habs, and I love jerky.

So, I bought the water-lacking meat bits home and tried some.

On opening the bag..well it smells like beef jerky...der.

It's got bits of what sems to be dried peppers and has seeds on it..seems good. Nice dark color.


Tastes like your average commercial jerky, does have a bit of kick, more so if ya hit a pocket of hidden pepper. No real burn.

I still prefer the sweet & hot version, it's hotter IMO.

Overall, Marketing wins over all else.

Not hot for a chilehead, and I seriously doubt that a habenaro ever touched this meat at all. But will make make gramma reach for your throat if she's a wussy.

Conclusion; Not hot, if there's hab in there, it's hiding damn well. Not for chileheads. Nice for snacks.

I seriously wonder if the focus groups in the Marketing Dept. have ever even tasted a real habanero in their lives. Oh wait, average americans are hooked on media spin, not reality. Tell 'em it's HOTTTT!!!, use neato words that sound dangerous...they think it is, and so can boast to the rest of the Dockers crew how kewl they are.

Real hot would cause a lawsuit, huh?

Please kill me now. Oh wait, I have beer left..nvm. :D

Dude! Thanks for the warning, but jerky is tres easy to make. I and others have posted recipes, and an oven on warmworks as well as a dehydrator.

i got hooked after my 1st batch of jerky, just a few days ago i made habanero BBQ pork jerky. turned out great and it had its heat to it :shocked:
The thing is... Oberto jerky is pretty good for a mass produced product. I get some when I do a road trip. Granted, not as good as home made, but.... I'm at a truck stop in the middle of nowhere, I'll get some Oberto.

Yes, the sweet/hot is good, but I'm disappointed with the so-so review. I actually thought it would be a little better.
Well, I realize that it's a 'for the masses' product, but since it was intended as a Habanero flavor I was a bit dissapointed that it's not even warm. It's a good jerky, but since there are habenaro peppers listed on the ingredients list..I thought it might reflect that a bit more.

IMO, the Pemmican Hot & Spicy is better. :)

yea, i saw this stuff on sale at the store in missouri while i was there.. wanted to try it, but realized it was probably too good to be true. i'm sure it tastes good though. like most mass produced products, they can't isolate the majority of their market. i could sure go for some beef jerkey right now though...even plain oberto would be nice.
Pepperfreak said:
Once you try making your own jerky...you'll be hooked. It is as addicting as Hot Peppers...And as much fun :)

It looks pretty fun making your own jerky, I think I'll try it when I finally get peppers off my plants :drooling: