• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

OCD 2017!!!

Well it's 2017. Finally! Last year was a success, as far as the ground plants were concerned. Virgin, clay ground. My Chinese got smacked by hail twice! No room for error with those. Out of 12 plants I got ONE BBG. First and only. That variety is cursed. Tried for the past 3 years and some sort of calimity happens.

This year I decided to try 21+ different varieties of the BBG. I have 9 Reaper crosses. 21 and counting other varieties. I built a hoophouse and some COB led's. Planning on getting them outside in March sometime. That might be a delusion, beings I'm in Colorado. We shall see. There is only a few varieties that I've grown before. The rest are all new. I'm planning on isolating most of them.

Just started some Lemon Drops for Throwdown Growdown. I will wait a couple weeks before I start the others. Everything needs to be in order before I germinate. No turning back at that point. I want two plants from most varieties. Plants need to be woody by ground day. That's the only way I have a chance at success with late maturity varieties. If I have extras, I'll give away to my friends of THP.

My list is growing, but not much. Here is some of the varieties that made the cut.

Naga BBG (Red)
Chocolate BBG
Orange BBG (ISO)
Tobago Treasure x BBG
Red Gum Tiger Mamp
BBG Peach Ghost Jami
BBG Cluster
BBG Yellow (large)
BBG Scorpion
Aji Jobito x BBG
Red Gum Nagabrain Tiger Mamp
Peach Bhut BBG
BBG Apocalypse
Bhutla x BBG
Srtsl x BBG
7pot Lava Chocolate x BBG
Bleeding Borg9
Tommy Gum
Orange Naga BBG
Peach Naga BBG

Reaper x Red Mayan Habanero
Reaper x Yellow Scorpion
Reaper x Purple Bhut
Reaper x Pimenta
Reaper x Peach Bhut
Naga Reaper
Brainstrain x Reaper
Sepia Reaper x Neyde
ButchT x Reaper

Congo x ButchT
Peach Ghost Scorpion x Primo
Apocalypse Scorpion
Black Bhutlah Scorpion
Chocolate Primo
Baby Morich
Scorpion XXX (Holiday)
Fidalgo Roxa x Grao De Bode
BOC (Gary)
Andy's King BOC
Bhut Peach
Jigsaw x Habanero
Giant Trinidad Scorpion (Randy)
Taba Naga
Perfect red Bhut (Rick)
Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw (Jukka)
Scotch Brain (ISO)
Naga Brain Yellow
Rocato (Chinese) (Jukka)

3Way Caribbean Red
4Way Caribbean Red
Sicman's Mystery (Red, Purple Spots) (Jason)
SB7J (UFO) (Justin)
Venezuela Tiger x SRTSL
Mustard Moruga Brain
Black Panther
Aji Lemondrop
Aji Pineapple
Aji Amarillo
Goats Weed

Thanks for stopping by. Wish you all the best of luck in 2017.
ThatBlondGuy101 said:
Still can't get over how bloody good the greenhouse looks! The ladies will be nice and cosy for sure, snow, hail or shine!
Thanks TBG.

I didn't cut corners on the hoophouse.
No pun intended. LOL!

I've wanted one for so long. It took me awhile to find time and money to piece together. It was well worth it and a great project.
Devv said:
Wow Chuck!
You're off to a killer start for sure. Plants all look great and the Nikon shots really stand out.
Keep on kickin it bro!
Thanks Scott!

I braking more interst in using the Nikon every week. Need to dedicated some time to it. Just can't seem to fit it in the schedule. I finally got a old laptop to start working. Its Windows and drives me crazy sometimes. Couldn't get it to do anything for 3 days until my girlfriend got back from England. She installed photo shop and I'll try and use it more. I'm always afraid, I'm going to drop it.
PaulG said:
Hope you managed okay last night, brother.
Your greenhouse looks like it's more than
adequate for the task!  I talked to a friend in
Denver today and he said there is a prediction
for 4" of snow possible overnight. Plants in
there are looking great, BTW. 
Will be interesting to see the pod that comes
from the mutant candlelight.  
The plants did good. Two more days of weather and tomorrow night being the coldest. Its a good test for what to expect this Fall. I would like a little house like yours. Would be a lot cheaper to heat in the Spring. I would just put baking racks in it for flats of plants.

I hope Denver doesn't get hit hard. Jane is over there, and I believe she has plants in gardens already. They got hit with golf ball size hail a week ago.

The Mutant Candlelight is a different one. Here is a pic from chili riot and one from bluesman.

Im growing as a ornamental. I think it looks cool!


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Devv said:
I'm sorry about the weather Chuck.
But you're prepared; those babes will do just fine.
Keep it green Bro!
Thanks Scott. I'm lucky. I would not of thought another cold front. This is Colorado and I know better. Should be in the clear come June. Then its the battle of heat. My fan should be here tomorrow, thermostat/humidistat arrived today. More work in store for me. I'll be a electrician next week. LOL!
wiriwiri said:
Me too Chuck..so sorry..how is all goes away pronto.& blue skies & warm temps prevail..if only I could send you some of the 90* we are on tap for tomorrow...I surely would,but the thought is there,your  preparedness should ensure a good outcome..besides we are all pulling for you. :P
Thanks Sandy!

I appreciate the good vibes. Hope this weather stays far away from you. You need some good weather. Hope your plants are doing well.
OCD Chilehead said:
The plants did good. Two more days of weather and tomorrow night being the coldest. Its a good test for what to expect this Fall. I would like a little house like yours. Would be a lot cheaper to heat in the Spring. I would just put baking racks in it for flats of plants.

I hope Denver doesn't get hit hard. Jane is over there, and I believe she has plants in gardens already. They got hit with golf ball size hail a week ago.

Thanks for the well wishes, Chuck. The hail was horrible, and today's snow is unbelievable for May 18. I only planted seeds on May 15, and brought in all the plants last night. Whew. This storm came a day earlier than predicted. You did such a great job on your hoop house that your babies must be quite happy.
I'm guessing plant out date for me will now be June 1. I still love Colorado, hail and all!
You should put shelves in your hoop house for the babies. It'll be perfect for you.
I saw a weather clip on Denver today. Circle/slash on that nonsense!
A quick tip on resizing pics the easy way. You need Micro$oft Office as a prerequisite. Setup Outlook to do email. Then hook the USB to the camera, open the file management tool (if I know what windows you have I can name it better). Find the camera and copy the photos to a folder. I create one like 2017, in it I make sub folders for the dates like 5-18 for today. I copy the pics there. Example path of folder C:\2017\5-18\
I then highlight the keepers (all at once) and right click, I choose send to-mail recipient. Choose a size. I use 1024 x 768. Click attach and it will put them all in an email. Send them to yourself. Delete the original from the hard drive (not the camera). Click send and receive and then save all the pics back to the same folder. Upload and share ;)
It took me longer to typo this than it takes to do it...and it works great. No need for photoshop.
Devv said:
I saw a weather clip on Denver today. Circle/slash on that nonsense!
A quick tip on resizing pics the easy way. You need Micro$oft Office as a prerequisite. Setup Outlook to do email. Then hook the USB to the camera, open the file management tool (if I know what windows you have I can name it better). Find the camera and copy the photos to a folder. I create one like 2017, in it I make sub folders for the dates like 5-18 for today. I copy the pics there. Example path of folder C:\2017\5-18\
I then highlight the keepers (all at once) and right click, I choose send to-mail recipient. Choose a size. I use 1024 x 768. Click attach and it will put them all in an email. Send them to yourself. Delete the original from the hard drive (not the camera). Click send and receive and then save all the pics back to the same folder. Upload and share ;)
It took me longer to typo this than it takes to do it...and it works great. No need for photoshop.
If you're posting from a PC you can also just upload them to a private folder on imgur.com and simply choose which size you want next to the image (I usually use "Large Thumbnail") then copy the "BBCode/Message Forums" link after choosing the size and paste it into your post, it will already have the [ IMG ] and [/IMG] added to it.

So in summary, upload to imgur, select size, copy/paste into post... done.

Or, if on a smartphone, just use the tapatalk app and just click the gallery icon and choose the pic you want. That's the simplest and fastest, and it resizes them automatically to BBCode.

But I don't type quiet as fast on mobile as I do on PC, so long posts on mobile using the app are kind of a PITA.

95% of my posts are all from tapatalk, including this one but I removed the "sent from my blah blah using tapatalk" signature part. No one's the wiser.

Tapatalk instructions...

Step one, click the button circled in red to switch to the old style, now called Advanced Editor" mode. This is only needed since a recent update to the app and only if you want to see the raw link to be able to put text in between each image. Otherwise the app will just add all images in a row with no space to text in between them like I'm doing in this post. It says can not be undone, but it's only for that one post, so no worries, you have to click it again for each time you post if you want to be able to move images around inside your post.


Step 2, click ok...


Step 3, choose your pics one by one...


See here how it looks with raw links and how I'm able to space down and add text between images...


I thought there was already a guide on uploading pics, but if not, I'll make one for both styles with step by step pictures.
I do want to point out my directions are for a digital camera, as Chuck was talking Nikon. I don't think they can connect to a phone, I could be wrong ;)
But it's the method I use, and much easier than using photoshop to resize images one at a time. I then upload to my FTP server.
Devv said:
I do want to point out my directions are for a digital camera, as Chuck was talking Nikon. I don't think they can connect to a phone, I could be wrong ;)
But it's the method I use, and much easier than using photoshop to resize images one at a time. I then upload to my FTP server.
Yeah, my first set of instructions would be for a digital camera also, just have to download the pics to your PC from your digital camera like you normally do, or from your phone (if you don't like tapatalk) , then upload to imgur, then copy paste the link into your THP post. No need for MS office or to email them to yourself and redownload again. So it saves a few steps.
Ozzy2001 said:
Nice work on the hoop house Chuck. Best of luck this season. Hope everything works out as the cold weather passes.
Thanks Scott. I've still got a lot to learn.
dennish said:
Greenhouse looks great Chuck, hoping the weather plays ball for you!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank you Sir. Not as nice as yours, but still enjoyable. I'm planning on building a nice one like yours. I could start plants and keep some OverWinters in it. My cacti wouldn't mind it as well.

Weather has passed. My low in the hoophouse was 37f/1c and high of 105f/40c. Plants seem to be ok.
catherinew said:
Thanks for the well wishes, Chuck. The hail was horrible, and today's snow is unbelievable for May 18. I only planted seeds on May 15, and brought in all the plants last night. Whew. This storm came a day earlier than predicted. You did such a great job on your hoop house that your babies must be quite happy.
I'm guessing plant out date for me will now be June 1. I still love Colorado, hail and all!
You should put shelves in your hoop house for the babies. It'll be perfect for you.
Thanks you, Jane. You are to kind. This storm was quick. I was caught off guard. I don't have cables television. No news. Have to look on my phone for anything.

I really would like to put some sort of shelving in. I was thinking maybe some stand up wire shelves on both sides of the door. I may redesign next year and cut back on plants. I need to come up with a magic number of plants, and stick to it.

You just planted seeds this last week?

If you would like me to send you some plants, let me know.
Devv said:
I saw a weather clip on Denver today. Circle/slash on that nonsense!
A quick tip on resizing pics the easy way. You need Micro$oft Office as a prerequisite. Setup Outlook to do email. Then hook the USB to the camera, open the file management tool (if I know what windows you have I can name it better). Find the camera and copy the photos to a folder. I create one like 2017, in it I make sub folders for the dates like 5-18 for today. I copy the pics there. Example path of folder C:\2017\5-18\
I then highlight the keepers (all at once) and right click, I choose send to-mail recipient. Choose a size. I use 1024 x 768. Click attach and it will put them all in an email. Send them to yourself. Delete the original from the hard drive (not the camera). Click send and receive and then save all the pics back to the same folder. Upload and share ;)
It took me longer to typo this than it takes to do it...and it works great. No need for photoshop.
U)<now said:
If you're posting from a PC you can also just upload them to a private folder on imgur.com and simply choose which size you want next to the image (I usually use "Large Thumbnail") then copy the "BBCode/Message Forums" link after choosing the size and paste it into your post, it will already have the [ IMG ] and [/IMG] added to it.

So in summary, upload to imgur, select size, copy/paste into post... done.

Or, if on a smartphone, just use the tapatalk app and just click the gallery icon and choose the pic you want. That's the simplest and fastest, and it resizes them automatically to BBCode.

But I don't type quiet as fast on mobile as I do on PC, so long posts on mobile using the app are kind of a PITA.

95% of my posts are all from tapatalk, including this one but I removed the "sent from my blah blah using tapatalk" signature part. No one's the wiser.

Tapatalk instructions...

Step one, click the button circled in red to switch to the old style, now called Advanced Editor" mode. This is only needed since a recent update to the app and only if you want to see the raw link to be able to put text in between each image. Otherwise the app will just add all images in a row with no space to text in between them like I'm doing in this post. It says can not be undone, but it's only for that one post, so no worries, you have to click it again for each time you post if you want to be able to move images around inside your post.


Step 2, click ok...


Step 3, choose your pics one by one...


See here how it looks with raw links and how I'm able to space down and add text between images...


I thought there was already a guide on uploading pics, but if not, I'll make one for both styles with step by step pictures.
Devv said:
I do want to point out my directions are for a digital camera, as Chuck was talking Nikon. I don't think they can connect to a phone, I could be wrong ;)
But it's the method I use, and much easier than using photoshop to resize images one at a time. I then upload to my FTP server.
U)<now said:
Yeah, my first set of instructions would be for a digital camera also, just have to download the pics to your PC from your digital camera like you normally do, or from your phone (if you don't like tapatalk) , then upload to imgur, then copy paste the link into your THP post. No need for MS office or to email them to yourself and redownload again. So it saves a few steps.
Thanks Scott! Thanks Troy!

I think, I'm starting to comprehend. I'll have to get some worthy pics and practice.

I've had bad habits relying on my IPhone. Apple is a bit different with their phones.

I buy the extreme membership every year. It helps with uploading. I'll have to see if it works with the Nikon. The pics I posted with the Nikon, my girlfriend sent them back to me. I used my phone to post.

My girlfriend uses nothing but Apple. We have 5 iPads, 2 iPhones and 3 MacBook pros.

I have a old toshiba laptop for the camera.
OCD Chilehead said:
I received some pieces for the Hoop House. Fan and thermostat/humidistat.
This is getting out of control. LOL!
 "And So It Begins"As we all overlook our small piece of dirt and make mental notes of things we need to improve on our last addition.Full automation is our final goal. :dance:  The end fan I consider a necessity Chuck.Some things that will be used as much as your mini-greenhouse would not be a place to install a box fan from the "Dollar Store" Nice addition buddy.
randyp said:
 "And So It Begins"As we all overlook our small piece of dirt and make mental notes of things we need to improve on our last addition.Full automation is our final goal. :dance:  The end fan I consider a necessity Chuck.Some things that will be used as much as your mini-greenhouse would not be a place to install a box fan from the "Dollar Store" Nice addition buddy.
I couldn't agree with you more. Last year was the first time growing in dirt. I'm a container gardener. I always hand watered. Then I moved to SIP buckets that I made myself. Only had to fill the reservoir once a week. Then I went to drip system. Was the best thing ever.

Now with the hoophouse. It was suppose to by a temporary structure. Was just going to throw plastic over it for the spring and fall and shade cloth for the Summer. That changed as I built it and seen the magic it could produce. It is a piece of equipment for sure. As soon as I get the dripline in and this fan, it will be fully automated. What a fantastic feeling that will be.

Box fan wouldn't work. Found a site that had a Area,
Fan, and Heater calculator. http://www.littlegreenhouse.com/
Bought my fan through Northern Tools.