• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ocho Cinco's Second Season 2014

Well, let me start by saying "Thank You!" to many of the great members here on THP. I have gotten a lot of good advice and seeds from quite a few of y'all. 
Here is my overwinter plant. It is a Carolina Reaper that I started in 2013. I gave it a serious pruning when I first brought it in. It was basically a few stems and no leaves at all. I placed it in front of a south facing window and it quickly began to produce new growth.  It grew about 2 feet taller then it began putting out tons of blooms. I was concerned about it getting too big. I moved it next to the window instead of directly in front of it so it would get a little less sun. I also have not watered it at all since mid-October. The new growth came to a stop and all of the blooms have fallen off. It isn't dropping any leaves and it still looks very healthy. I believe that it just went dormant. 

I also have some seedlings that I have started. I started my "Volcano in a Box" seeds on January 2nd. To see how that is going just follow this link.
Right now I currently have a few seedling going that are not part of the ViaB. These seeds were planted on January 8th and they include:
Chocolate, yellow, peach and orange Bhut's from Semillas La Palma
Brain Strain from David Cappiello and Baker's Peppers
Bih Jolokia and Bhut Indian Carbon from Pepperlover
Carolina Reaper from my own saved seeds
Butch T Trinidad Scorpion MS Strain from Butch T

I have some lights to grow them under but they are at a different location. With the record cold temperatures that we are having right now, I don't want to take a chance moving them.

I also have some other seeds planted but I'll get to that later. Right now I am hungry.
  I really suck at staying current on blogs n' glogs n' such. Work and kids and gardening and a vacation to Niagara Falls thrown in the mix has kinda kept me busy. I lurk on the site pretty often but I just don't ever get around to updating my glog. I gotta work on that. Anyway...........
  It's been a month of victories and heartbreak. Everything in my gardens is growing like crazy. Peppers and tomatoes of course and beans, watermelons, potatoes (blue and sweet), luffa, flowers, a couple of different basil plants, strawberries and some other stuff that I just don't recall at the moment. I don't really have a big space but I do have several places in my neighborhood where I grow. The heartbreak is that one of my gardens wasn't maintained when I was on vacation. It was all pepper plants in 5 and 6 gallon buckets that didn't get watered for a week. I had about an 80% fatality rate. But, life goes on.
Here is one of the good things. My overwintered Carolina Reaper plant. Pepper Joe seeds. I took this pic about a week and a half ago. She has gotten bigger since then. I have some white clover planted with her (it's not in the pic because it's in the back), petunias, marigolds and basil. There are several dozen pods on her at the moment and many. many flowers.

This is one of my favorites. A Butch T Trinidad Scorpion MS Strain. Seeds from Butch T

Here is one of my Red Bhut plants. This has been topped and stripped. Seeds from Ghost Pepper Farms.

An Orange Bhut from Semillas La Palma
Hey sucks that you lost a few but everything else is looking great! I hear you on the GLOG updates, I'm the same way. Niagara is pretty awesome, I'm only a car-ride away. Did you guys check out the Canadian side?
Unfortunately we don't have passports so we had to stay on the American side. Still a very awesome experience though.
We have a friend that lives very near Niagara Falls on Grand Island. We stay at his place whenever we visit.
Here is one of my gardens. From left to right;
A hybrid tomato from Burpee. I can't remember the name right now. 
The big leaves on the vine is a luffa. It's actually planted in the ground. The pot was just to protect it from the lawn mower.
My overwintered Reaper with some flowers and herbs growing with it. The white bucket just to the right of it is a plant is an offspring of the overwintered plant. 
The mulch pile to the right of that is another tomato plant. It's hard to see but I have it tied to the fence.
The next bucket is another Carolina Reaper grown from my saved seeds. It is being grown in a different soil mix. It's a little experiment that I have going on.
The last bucket is a couple of Purple Podded Pole Bean plants. The vines are about 8 feet long. (About 2.5 meters for the rest of y'all in the world)

Intertwined in the fence between the tomato tied to the fence and the last Reaper you can see the remains of an old wild grape vine. It still grows. I keep it pruned and under control but I let it grow because for some reason the aphids and ants prefer to live on it rather than my garden plants. I use this same method in some of my other gardens but I use sunflowers instead of an old grape vine.
This is a fantastic film. I have been doing something like this in a few small areas for three years now and I gotta say that it is really starting to work! It's working so well that this method will most likely be the way that I garden for the rest of my life. 
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     Good job on that Reaper. I OWed one this year, too. I know exactly what you're talking about with the number of flowers on it. The stems on my plant actually looked hairy when they were still buds. Now that they've turned into pods, I can't even count how many are on the plant! Keep up the good work.
Ocho Cinco said:

     I agree with your use of quotation marks around "red bhut". The more I see of that thing, the more convinced I am that it is something else. Really thick flesh - thicker than any bhut I've seen. Does it smell like a bhut? 