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Odd pepper rot.. whats going on?

Cracking/split fruit - Fine cracks on the skin, russeting occurs when the relative humidity in the greenhouse rises above 85%. Fruit splitting can occur as a result of high root pressures when the night air temperatures are cool and root zone temperatures are high. It is also important not to water too late in the day.


This is especially true when they set fruit as they are putting their energy into ripening the fruit. I grow tomato plants for that fruit not to look at the pretty foliage. Tomatoes like CONSISTENT even watering especially as fruit is ripening. Too much water then is what causes splitting as the fruit sucks up more liquid than it’s skin can hold.



A couple of my butternut squashes have split. Can you tell me why this might be happening? Might they still mature and be edible?


Dear G.G.
Usually splits are a result of excess moisture early and then a dry spell. If the splits are small, some growth may continue, but once there is a split, the growth pattern is disturbed and the fruit itself becomes quite vulnerable to mold and insects.
They may continue to ripen in a window and at least be protected, but they probably will not get any larger.
Kind Regards,


Like I mentioned before, I have experienced this on my peppers as well. I wanted the habs to be hot and would stress them out. I would do this by not watering for long periods and let the soil dry way out. Once dry I would give them a good drink of water. The habs split on me and looked like the ones you have in the OP. I don't have the pictures handy right now, but the result was the same. The pod splits and forms a little translucent window into the pepper. I assume that this is part of the inner membrane. So essentially it could be one of two things: overwatering or inconsistent watering. I'm leaning towards the inconsistent watering because we tend to try and stress them out to make them hotter by letting the plant wilt then water.

In short, I wouldn't worry about it and would watch the watering regiment.