Odd Spikes and bumps on a few peppers (pic)

Starting to notice more and more peppers ripening with these stiff spikes/bumps/ridges. Seem to be coming from one side of the raised beds in particular.  Anybody have a clue as to what is causing this?  Thanks, Tom. 
Even my lemon drops sometimes throw out these kinds of pods that have spikes all over them. Possibly has something to do with weather conditions, but don't quote me on that.
All in all nothing to be concerned about, if anything, it kind of looks cool!
Have fun eating those!
Thanks guys!  ;)  I am not exactly raking in the peppers this season and this was a good pick so I feel VERY relieved that all is well. :dance:   Nice spot on them being MOA Scotch Bonnets... sure enough the peppers showing these bumps are the MOA yellow and reds. Sure been a tough grow year so I would not be surprised at all if conditional stress played a part.  I think a wood-fired jerk chicken celebration is now in order.  Again, thank you
awesome THP folks, I am always amazed at the pepper knowledge on this board.   :)           
CAPCOM said:
nothing to be concerned about. Happens all the time. Bacatuums and chinenses get that quite a bit.
Is this common at all with annuumms. Reason being, if not it would be another proof my cross from last year took. Jalapeno/Hab.