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review Official Review: Davez Foodz Sweet Spicy Girl

Product Name: Davez Foodz Sweet Spicy Girl

Style: Sweet red pepper sauce

Manufacturer: Davez Foodz

Country of Origin: USA

Website: http://davezfoodz.com/

Ingredients: Red Chili Peppers (I asked Dave and he said these are serrano and cherry peppers), Water, Vinegar, Onion, Garlic, Brown Sugar, Lime Juice, Spices.

Label/Packaging: The label is mostly black and white with two dancing chili peppers. The name is prominent and everything is easy to read. Pretty straight forward label. I actually like this style of label. Lets you know right away what the sauce is about; sweet, spicy, medium hot sauce.

Appearance/Aroma: The appearance of this sauce is wonderful. Upon shaking the bottle up and turning it upside down and then right side up, the sauce appears to have lacing like a fine craft beer. That is to say that the sauce and bits of pepper cling to the sides of the bottle. There are lots of flecks of skins and spices can be seen. The color is a deep reddish orange. This is one good looking sauce.

Body of Review:
I was quite happy when DuvallDaves asked me to review his sauce. I have not yet reviewed a medium hot sauce from a member. This one looks good, now for the smell test. Upon opening the bottle, you are greeted by a very complex aroma. I would not say sweet, but rather peppery, garlicy, and vinegary. It almost reminds me of the smell of bruschetta. The taste then follows suit. I am not saying there is not some sweetness there, but it surely is not prominent. I taste the peppers and vinegar first, then the onion and garlic. There is a very very small amount of heat, probably enough for someone who likes supermarket hot sauce, but not even a bead of sweat for a chilehead. This sauce has some intense flavor. I just cannot get the idea of Italian out of my head. Are you sure there aren't some tomatoes in here? I guess it must be from the onion and garlic. The consistency is right on, very pourable and a good mouthfeel. Let's see how it does with food...
Heat Level: 2

Applications: This sauce says Italian flavors to me so I have decided to make some cheesesteaks and marinated pork chops with it. The bottle suggests that you could use it with cream cheese in a dip, as a glaze for meats, and by adding some brown sugar to it to use on wings. May have to try that last one next. I liked it a lot with the cheesesteak and it was a good marinade for pork loin chops. I poured more on top when I ate the pork. It is a pretty versatile sauce that you can definitely find a use for.

Appearance Score: 5
Aroma Score: 4
Taste Score: 4
Mouthfeel Score: 4
Heat Accuracy Score: 4

Overall Score: 4.2

Notes: The first thing that jumps out at me with this sauce is that it's not sweet. I mean maybe like carrot sweet, but not sugar sweet. I was expecting more sweetness given the name. I do like the appearance, the aroma, and the taste. The heat is probably accurate as medium to Joe Public, but to a chilehead it is barely a blip on the heat radar. This sauce is definitely good and if you are looking for a mild/medium sauce with a lot of versatility give it a try.


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i think that the sweet spicy girl is one of the finest sauces that i've ever had. while it's not extreme nor even hot for chile heads, the flavor is pure and the taste is outstanding. for anyone that has a family that doesn't necessarily want a lot of heat - this is the sauce for them. it not only has an excellent flavor by itself, it is really good when mixed with something a bit more spicy.
We've enjoyed several...(okay... maybe 10!!) bottles of DuvallDave's Sweet Spicy Girl since the NW chilehead get-together in September 2010. Even at the picnic, Salsakid was tugging at my arm, eating the Sweet Spicy Girl sauce. The 'kid (age 11 at the time) requested that we get some of DD's sauce to bring home. David graciously share some bottles with all of us and we are so happy he did!

For the JoeBlow consumer, it's a medium heat; for chileheads, it's a mild. BUT~~~ those in the industry working with the general public for any length of time know that "JoeBlow"'s are "Mediums" despite their claims to the otherwise. :lol:

Sweet Spicy Girl on the sammie at work, breakfast burritos or scrambles...OH YEAH!!! ..... I ate a whole avocado yesterday with SSG. YUM!

SSG is a GO-TO bottle when we're chillin', watching TV with the Kid, eating crackers and sauces...


We think DuvallDave has a super sauce that will appeal to the gentler tastes of the masses that make up the hot sauce markets. Home Run!

I'm not sure where David is at with the marketing right now, but for every one of you severe chileheads out there that may have a significant other that just can't take the heat like you do, perhaps give Sweet Spicy Girl a try for the "other half".

During the charity auctions for our Aussie friends a couple weeks ago, every time I put one of the Sweet Spicy Girl bottles into the AU charity auction packages, I gave a heavy sigh... knowing WE wouldn't be able to enjoy it, and yet, happy knowing others would.

I know it's less heat than the biggies (sriracha/tabasco/etc) but it does taste GOOD! and it can be a great "intro hot sauce" for the other(less hot)half.

We're ready to crack open another bottle.
Anyone try it as ketchup? Just wondering. Sounds like a good burger/fry sauce.

Click the flames if you've tried it.
Thanks THP for reminding about the flames.

I hope some others who have tried DD's sauces will comment. It's a great sauce what will appeal to a wide market. We've also tried some of Sweet Spicy Girls's "Naughty Sister" sauces that will prickle your... perspective.....

Thank you Jay for such a great review of my Sweet Spicy Girl sauce! I am humbled with all the wonderful comments from everyone!
I have gone through several bottles of Dave's Spicy Girl and love it. The taste is great and it is very easy to bump up the heat if necessary. Don't shy away from this sauce because of the lack of intense heat. Dave puts alot of care and thought into his sauces, and it shows.
I just got my package of Sweet Spicy Girl and Love It! Was doing a veggie thing for lunch today with a Wild Rice Mushroom Risotto and added some SSG to it and that was just the little bit a BAM it needed to go from good to OH Yeahhhhh.

Thanks Dave, great sauce!
