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review Official Review: Heartbreaking Dawns Nuit en Enfer

Product Name: Heartbreaking Dawns Nuit en Enfer

Style: Additive

Manufacturer: Heartbreaking Dawns

Country of Origin: USA

Website: http://www.heartbreakingdawns.com/

Ingredients: Moruga & Scorpion Peppers, Ghost Peppers, Scotch Bonnet Peppers, Rice Vinegar, Apricot, Cardamom, Salt

Label/Packaging: The debut of the new "HBD" branding. This is a smaller 2 ounce bottle. Typical, cool, but out there label.

Appearance/Aroma: The appearance is what I would call menacing. It looks thick and chunky—full of pepper puree. What am I getting myself into? Open the bottle, yep it smells like a field of pain. I mean superhots. I do not smell much of the vinegar, and definitely do not smell apricots.
Heartbreaking Dawns goes extreme.  Will tasting this sauce leave me with a Nuit en Enfer (Night in Hell)???

Body of Review:
Okay here goes...
It starts a little salty, then you get a brief hint of sweetness, and I mean a hint.  The star of this show is the peppers.  Believe it or not the aftertaste does have the cardamon in it.  I think I tasted the moruga the most.  Very nice combination there.  I get the pungency of the scotch bonnet, the sweetness of the ghost, the sharpness of the scorpion.  Who am I kidding, I can't taste anything anymore.
The consistency is that of a puree, not a sauce.  It is peppers, and pulp, seeds and all.  Not very pourable.  Not to say that it is tough to get it out of the bottle, but it comes out in globs.  This I would say is more of an additive so it gets a pass on the consistency.
Heat.  Whoa man.  This is hot.  I ate a spoonful and it didn't really seem that hot.  I could taste everything pretty individually, then together, then the heat just kept coming and coming.  It hits every part of your mouth from the tip of the tongue to the sides, to the roof, to the throat.  Even my lips are burning from licking them.  It is not an extract sauce, this is natural heat, the way I like it.  I am sweating all over my head, under my eyes, my neck, hell... my hair is sweating... my nose is running.  The main punch of heat goes away fairly quickly, but the burn of the moruga and the ghost are long building and lasting.  I can talk, but my mouth and especially my lips are burning.  Yep this sauce delivers on the heat.

Heat Level: 10

Applications: I don't want to disillusion you. This is an additive. I think it would be fantastic added to a curry, to heat up a soup, or even in a wing sauce, but on its own, too hot for food... except maybe on a burger.

Appearance Score: 4.5
Aroma Score: 5
Taste Score: 4.5
Mouthfeel Score: 3.5
Heat Accuracy Score: 5

Overall Score: 4.5

Notes: My only negative about this would be the consistency. Otherwise, it delivers on taste and heat exactly as advertised. Now that I ate it all I really hope I am not in for a Nuit en Enfer, I can already feel my stomach rumbling.


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yup, nuit en enfer means Night in Hell and by reading it, it gave u a (brief moment) of a night in hell :P
Nice review, lot of info which is very much appreciated!! Very good description of how it tastes too!
Hey Dude....am I allowed to do an objective review here? I've noticed your average review gets between 0 and 3 comments. Seems like no one is paying attention to your reviews. That's a BIG YAWN. What do you do with the extra sauce that you review?? Is this a hustle to get free sauces?? I have 9 Hot Sauce products and Gourmet sauces. I absolutely REFUSE to send them in for reviews until I get an HONEST answer Dude.
pepperjoe said:
Hey Dude....am I allowed to do an objective review here? I've noticed your average review gets between 0 and 3 comments. Seems like no one is paying attention to your reviews. That's a BIG YAWN. What do you do with the extra sauce that you review?? Is this a hustle to get free sauces?? I have 9 Hot Sauce products and Gourmet sauces. I absolutely REFUSE to send them in for reviews until I get an HONEST answer Dude.
Stopping trolling our official reviewer.

You won't like the outcome if you keep that up. I heard you were trolling on YouTube and now we can see it's true. You don't like an opinion so you attack someone. You use their opinion of your business practice* as your defense, calling them the troll. But we can see what is going on here in this very post.
It ain't no chicken or egg scenario, you are the one doing it. At least here.
*Business practice is more than just transactions, it's how you represent yourself.
pepperjoe said:
Hey Dude....am I allowed to do an objective review here? I've noticed your average review gets between 0 and 3 comments. Seems like no one is paying attention to your reviews. That's a BIG YAWN. What do you do with the extra sauce that you review?? Is this a hustle to get free sauces?? I have 9 Hot Sauce products and Gourmet sauces. I absolutely REFUSE to send them in for reviews until I get an HONEST answer Dude.
"0 and 3 comments" wow. How many views does it have this week?

Just because people don't comment, doesn't mean they don't read it.

who are you to accuse THP of scamming sauces. no skin off your nose... dude.
Let's focus on the review and not the interruption.
Jay, which HBD extreme sauce did you like better, since both got a 4.5?
I honestly can't say.  I liked them both a lot.  They are very different in some ways and very different in others.I think the Mauvais Sang is a touch hotter.  They both have great flavors and both suffer a bit in the consistency department.  I just re-read both reviews because I didn't even know they scored the same.  I guess the scoring system works because I can't pick one ahead of the other.  I want to pick Mauvais Sang just because he used fataliis in it, but I like the apricot in the Nuit en Enfer.  Guess you will have to try them both.