seeds-germination Oh dear. I just counted my seedlings..

I bought a lot of seeds.. and didn't realise how quickly the plant-count had grown. In total right now I have 49 plants :shocked: with about 20 more still expected to germinate. (still no fatallli love.. hopefully they'll pop up soon!) Here's a breakdown of what I have on the go:

Bih jolokia: 2
Naga Morich: 4
Dorset Naga: 7 (woah)

Red Savina: 2

Orange Habanero: 5
Paper Lantern Hab: 1
Habanero Limon: 4
Red Habanero: 3
Chocolate Hab: 3

Numex Twilight: 5
Black Pearl: 5
Black Cuban: 2
Hot Banana: 1
Long Red Cayenne: 1

Still haven't had any luck getting the Peruvian White habs to germinate, and i'm still waiting for my first Fatalli sprouts too... Will give them a few more weeks before giving up.

I feel I'm going to have to give some plants away or get myself a bigger yard! :onfire:
I know how you feel dude, I still have about 20 plants under a CFL that Im waiting to get get big enough to either plant in a final pot or give away.

Took me about 1.5 - 2 hours to water everything this morning with the weekly nutrients, so I cant see me being able to get anymore plants. Just have to hope we dont get forced into Stage 4 water restrictions, because supposedly you cant water anything in your garden when that occurs, at least now I can water twice a week between 6 am and 8 am
Mate, I have the same problem every time I put a new crop in. I'm forever giving away seedlings to friends and family (whether they want them or not). It's an addiction.
The addiction is new to me. The thing is, you know you cant handle the number of plants you've sprouted, but you know if you give them away, they wont receive the level of care you'd give them if they stayed in your own backyard (or frontyard in my case).

I'm starting to think I love my chilli plants more than my missus..... :lol:
The plants look nice and healthy, the seedlings look a bit leggy though.

I know your problem too well, I always end up with more plants than I planned!!! :) That's the downside of addiction! :)
yAH a lot of my seedlings are a lil leggy because theres not much light on my germination station, i generally pop them in my grow box with flouros as soon as the cotlydons separate, then they tend to grow out instead of up.. once they're ready for larger pots I also plant 'bury' the stem a little so they aren't too top-heavy. Has worked well so far.
I know your dilemma all to well. I bought one of those mini greenhouses last year. I think it was for 36 seedlings...

I ended up with (2) 72, (1) 64, (1) 36 (1) 18, and 20 extra pellets...

It all happened so fast. The funny thing is my garden is kinda small.

Looks good though! Good Luck.
Dave, how long have you fatalli seeds been in the soil??

I only ask cause you said you are going to give them a few more weeks, and i was under the impression that if after a few weeks (say 2) the plant hasn't sprouted (allowing that you have the right heat and moisture on it the whole time) then the seed is most likely not going to do anything?

Am i wrong in this assumption?

If so how long is it before you should give up hope?