pubescens Oh No.... Fruit Fly in my Rocotos.

I ordered Manzano red seeds. A Rocoto plant grew... and grew well. I was expection red chillis but they ripen yellow.

I figure it goes with all the other dodgy seeds i bought from a certain seed site that i wont visit again!

anyway.... yellow rocotos will be fine...... notto bothered...... but as they ripen they have developed rotting spots on the fruit. I thought ahhhh its just all the rain, the wet has rotted them.


I picked them and cut one in half to see what was hapening. I found rot but nothing else so i chucked it in the bin.


i was doing some thinking as i do (my brain never stops) and was wondering about these strange 1/4 size bee like insects that i had seen hovering around the plant a couple of weeks back.

It got me thinking these rotting spots wernt just from the wet.

i cut open the big one and found fruit fly wigglies messing up my prize chillis. I wont repeat what i said when i saw this.


I cut a section from the pod that was still fine and was ripe and had a taste. Its fantastic. mild heat that sticks aroud forever. it tingled my lips for 15 minuites and something else after i went to the loo.


Anyway.........does anyone have any idea how to stop these little beasts. I have about 100 of these chillis, still very small on the bush, and if i have to use spray, garlic, nets, depleted uranium warheads, i will.

any help apreciated.

pyrethium or neem my friend.
Yellow manzano... they look like manzano rather than rocoto (manzano means apple ie apple shape) but you can't always tell from pod shape.
That wasn't from chilli bird was it?
if so they seem to have dropped the ball.
you picked it mate

all my white bullet habs turned out to be PC-1
Manzano red was yeloow rocoto, and then the mystery chillis that grew that even they couldnt recognise ????????

i ordered red and choc habs abd they have grown to god knows what...... not sure what i have.

I wont use them again.

I emaile her and she offered me replacement seeds but i refused.... trust is lost.

i have seeds on order from the UK.... thank gos for the poms.... and im hoping they will be be more reliable.

Bih and Bhut Jolokia, fetalli, tabasco and tepin plus i will over winter anything worth keeping from this year, including the goatsweed, rocoto, and the habs if i can.

yeah exacly the word that I was searching hate cork ..this is really strange but I try it and it work ...LOL dont aske why :cool:
There is other products such as Garden Safe Garden Safe Fruit & Veg 24 Oz. This company also have Garden Safe Garden Safe 20 Oz. Insecticidal Soap Concentrate. I have used these above and this as well. It is fine. These will kill insect on contact.
rainforest2 said:
Bayer Advanced Garden 24 Oz. Rose and Flower Insect Spray. It will kill insect on contact and it will last to 30 days.

This is the same thing I recommended to someone else for aphids in another thread but then I read on the fold out instructions and in plain english it not use on vegetables or other edible plants (paraphrased) I withdrew my recommendation....
