health ok ... found black spots on my seedling leaves. pic inside.

Ok ... now i'm concerned 
what the hell is this ? 
Not an expert but probably bacterial leaf spot (black spot) and could be very bad. Could be from overwatering, bad soil, bad seeds. Sometimes the plant bounces back. If it were me, I'd cut back on the watering, remove the effected leaves, and take a "wait and see" approach." I'm sure someone else will chime in on other possible treatments (anti-fungal/bacterial sprays, etc).
More info here:
I'm not dumping water on them from the top, im using a second cup with an inch of water and letting it soak through the bottom. Maybe i'm just over watering then. Can i remove the problem leaves ? and hope for the best ? 
I don't think it's from overwatering. Could be fungus, in which case using the diluted hydrogen peroxide - a bit on the leaves and also water the soil with it - should help. If it's BLS (bacterial leaf spot), with a plant so small you're better off just starting from scratch. Note that if the parent plant the seed came from was infected, the seed was infected, too. That plant is too young to just remove the leaves, and you see it's on the cotyledons, too. (In case you don't already know, cotyledons are the seed-leaves, not true leaves.) There's a chance it would survive if you pulled those off, but a slim one.
Alright thanks for the help everyone. We'll see what happens.
I just mixed a batch of baking soda spray that someone advised to use as well, if that doesn't work i'll try peroxide next.