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OK, it's finally time for this

Time for me to order some more varieties of seeds. I'm going to be digging up more of my yard to turn into a pepper garden next spring, and I'm gonna finally order more varieties of seeds to plant, and I'm here to ask everyone's advice.

Now, the plants I have already that I'll be putting in again next year are as follows:

Orange hab
Hot hungarian wax
Thai dragon.

Here's where I need your help. I want to put in more stuff next year. The habs and tobascos are definites. I love the taste and the heat. What I'm looking for is both heat and flavor.

I'm leaning towards a naga for heat, and I miss having jalapenos. Red jalapeno flavor is too yummy to pass up.

My peppers are used for:
Hot sauce
Pickled peppers (hungarian wax and jals are a super tasty combination)

I'm looking for maybe two levels of heat, and one or two that are maybe not so hot but fruity and tasty.

One pepper I'm going to try to grow is the naga. I know it's got the heat, and hopefully a nice distinctive taste.

So I ask you, my friends, what would your recommendations be for my new garden?

Also, I'm going to try and order as much as I can from THSC since he's THE MAN, any other members here that sell seeds so I can keep my money in this community?
I have to recommend the 7pot over the naga.

Both are great, but one of my 7pot plants produced twice as much fruit as 3 nagas.

They are hotter than hell but with a flavor I now can't live without.

I will give you some.

Especially if you decide to order any heirloom bell varieties and wanted to send me a few seeds!

(NO I'm not kidding;))