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Ok looking jamacian hot chocolate hab plant?

JealousĀ in California. The JHC has been eluding me all season. The one plant I really wanted to grow. First order I made no seeds came. Second order to someone else I got the seeds but only one seed germinated. Took special care of that plant until it was 3 ft tall and then it was attacked by broad head mites just as it flowered. Now it is just a stick in a pot, but I refuse to pull it (wishful thinking I guess).
But today I justĀ receivedĀ 3 packets of JHC seed with my order from Semillas for next season. Figure I'll try to stack the odds a little more in my favor.
You did well.
SL3 said:
Took special care of that plant until it was 3 ft tall and then it was attacked by broad head mites just as it flowered. Now it is just a stick in a pot, but I refuse to pull it (wishful thinking I guess).
I wouldn't pull it unless the stem turns brown... a sign it's dead.Ā  So long as it is alive and you get control of the mite problem then it has a chance of producing peppers a lot sooner than newly sewn seed does.
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