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OK so.........who's growing pubes?

Yes yes waiting for all the clever ones in the class.

I've never had much success withhe pubescens species. And when I did get fruit I didn't no what to do with them. But I have finally come across a variety that works for me in my climate....well we will see how it takes summer lol.

Its a mystery but it seems very similiar to the hyper pube
cap 217.. below is a link to chileman pics
pic the pube?

Interestingly to not I got it from a plant that had excisted in Australia since the 60s same plant.... must have been a big plant eh?

here are some of my plants pods

and the flower


I use this pic as my avitar.

I'll try and get more pics as the pods have grown considerably much fatter now but still green.


Anyhow any pics of your Pubes?.....................
what you growin?
As I mentioned in another thread, it looks a lot like Rocoto Aji Largo. I might be wrong though, wouldn't want to decide until there are ripe pods.

My plants look just like yours, are more bushy though and loaded with pods.

I'm growing
Orange Rocoto
Rocoto Aji Largo
Rocoto wurzelförmig (= root shaped)
Turbo Pube

I wanna grow more varities next year.
As I said, I'm not sure. A lot of unripe pube pods look very alike. I have different looking flowers on one plant, even the number of leaves on each flower varies (5, 6 or 7). Might very well be some other Rocoto, but in this stage, it's hard to tell imo.
only plants I've seen with flowers that colour have their pods turn black when ripe so maybe let a pod or two go & see.

Can't wait to try one out with you :)
I got a heap of pods. on it with all the rain and spring temps.

the lrgest pod would be close to 15 cm long. Real heavy, thick flesh .
gives a new meaning to 1 pod a bottle lol............

I'm thinking about starting off 20 or so and using them as a vine plant on my back fence?

Mind you I don't even noif they are hot or not lol
lol - true dat. I have a great plant up near my letterbox - huge, puts out pods all winter looks everything like b jolokias. pods taste like 3 day old bread lol.
I grew a manzano this year and have information that is contrary to popular wisdom concerning pubescens.

I had a parent plant and a clone from it that I planted out this spring. The plants had been growing for a year inside in my greenhouse.

I planted the parent in partial shade and the clone in full sun. Tha parent is just now producing flowers and the clone (shown below) is on its second flush of fruit.


can the pubes stand temperatures above 104F (40C)? Seems I have read they grow better in a cooler climate...
I left mine in full sunlight all summer, but temps don't go up that high here. If it gets that hot it might be a good idea to move them into the shadow. I left my pubes uncovered for now, they don't seem to mind the cold.
AlabamaJack said:
can the pubes stand temperatures above 104F (40C)? Seems I have read they grow better in a cooler climate...

Yep they certainly can..Rocoto Canario,Orange,Turbo pube,Super Pube
growing in houston A.J no probs..Just need a little shade for first few months but brett says there doing great ;)
it gets in the high 30 here sometimes 40s but its the cobination of humidity and heat,I think will be the problem here.
they look pretty similiar Chilliac I'll get some pics taken tommorrow and have a visual comparison.
update of pods.
22. Sep




those pods have some serious weight to them.. me thinks a sauce could be on the cards if the flavour is there.
Rocotos should be used fresh, so a sauce is definitely a good idea. Don't dry them, they are best straight off the plant. I'll make sauce from mine (if they ever ripen! :)). They got a nice burn to them, I guess you'll like them.
Also, there aren't too many Rocoto sauces around anyway!